The Pirate Garen

Chapter 435 Establishment of the Alliance

"League of Legends?"

There was a bit of anticipation in Drago's eyes, and he signaled Galen to continue talking.

And Galen directly called Sabo, Ivankov, the commander of the Fourth Army and other senior leaders of the revolutionary army over, and began to talk about his ideas:

"Since the Celestial Dragons usurped the power of the world eight hundred years ago, the people of the disaster-stricken world have made long-term and multifaceted efforts for freedom and equality, but these heroic struggles have achieved little and failed repeatedly."

"The fundamental reason is that there is no organization that is guided by advanced scientific theories, can represent the interests of the people and closely connects with the masses, and has a strong system as a leadership core that gathers power from all over the world."

"So, League of Legends is"

After Galen's explanation, Dorag, Sabo and other senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army still don't quite understand the concept of League of Legends.

However, at this moment, one of the simplest and most intuitive meanings of League of Legends is there:

Debang and the Revolutionary Army joined together to overthrow the world government.

"Even if we don't merge now, we will definitely have to merge into a new world government after the world government is overthrown."

"Otherwise, will there still be two governments in the sea, Germany and the Revolutionary Army?"

"Since we have to do this sooner or later, it's better to gather the strength of our two families together before the war!"

After Sabo thought for a moment, he immediately agreed with Galen's idea from a simple and clear point of view.

"makes sense."

"Now we call the Revolutionary Army on the one hand and Debon on the other. It is really inconvenient to fight against the World Government."

Other high-ranking members of the Revolutionary Army also agreed.

The merger of two behemoths will inevitably involve some power and interest entanglements.

However, most of the top leaders of the Revolutionary Army are idealists who don’t care much about their personal interests and only want to create a free new world. Otherwise, they can’t get power and benefits wherever they go, so why risk their heads and confront the world government head-on .

Moreover, even if some people have opinions in their hearts, it is useless

The truth that whoever has the biggest fist has weight in his words has become more real and powerful in this world where the strong can break mountains and break seas.

The few leading brothers who could fight an army by themselves agreed, and the rest of them could only silently withdraw their hands that set the abacus even if they had some small calculations in their hearts.


On a floating ship high above a certain sea area in the New World, the first general meeting of the League of Legends was held.

The central topic of the meeting was the official establishment of the League of Legends.

After consultations and discussions among Galen, Zefa, Dorag, Sabo, Betty, Morrie, Lindbergh, Crow and many other representatives present at the meeting, the meeting determined the name of the organization as "League of Legends" and determined the goal of the organization to be Violent means overthrow the world government ruled by the feudal aristocracy and establish a new world of freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law.

The meeting elected Galen as the general speaker of the alliance, and Dorag as the deputy speaker of the alliance. At the same time, it confirmed the leadership of the Demacia justice line represented by Galen in the alliance.

Galen was originally the strongest in the League, and his "Deli" has long been a must-read for the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army, so he naturally became the number one leader of the League of Legends.

And the senior leaders of the Revolutionary Army also held important positions in the nascent alliance.

Galen knew that he grew up too fast and his roots were not deep, and he knew the virtues of his subordinates who were beaten by fists.

Even Zefa, who has the highest quality and the cleanest background, has a dark history of going crazy and engaging in terrorist attacks, not to mention a large group of other cadres who have just transferred from pirates.

These guys are basically forced by themselves to be good people. No one can tell when they will completely change their mentality, maybe never.

Compared with them, Galen is more willing to have more purely decent people like the Revolutionary Army in this alliance.

Therefore, when the top leaders of the League of Legends are selected, they will basically be the former top leaders of the Revolutionary Army, and the cadres of the Revolutionary Army are quite satisfied with this.

In addition, according to the actual situation of extraordinary power in this world, using the materialist dialectics of concrete analysis of specific issues, the representative conference also established a hero association outside the League of Legends to encourage the masses to spontaneously participate in righteous activities:

The Heroes Association is led by the League of Legends and is composed of unorganized righteous people, various civil organizations, and heroes from all walks of life. It is an organization of the United Front of Justice in Demacia.

The association classifies heroes according to the four rating standards of S, A, B, and C, and then dynamically ranks heroes according to their personal strength and personal deeds.

At the same time, the association will distribute different levels of benefits according to the different levels and rankings of heroes, so as to encourage people with lofty ideals who are willing to uphold justice to contribute to the cause of fighting crime and maintaining peace.

This rating system will replace the bounty system that makes pirates flock to it, and encourage young people who love to be competitive to develop towards heroes instead of scrambling to become big pirates.

At this point, the League of Legends was officially established.

The news of the establishment of the League of Legends shocked the world.

Outsiders may not understand the specific organization of the League of Legends, but they can still intuitively see a lot of explosive information:

Kaido is completely finished, the four emperors have become history, Germany and the Revolutionary Army have merged into a huge organization second only to the World Government, and the World Government has encountered the biggest challenge since the founding of the country 800 years ago.

A week later, San Marie Gioia.

In this week, Wu Laoxing has been bombarded by the series of bad news and almost didn't have a heart attack.

And the bad news is like the tide on the embankment, which seems to never stop, hitting their already overwhelmed hearts over and over again.

"Galen has completely taken over Wano Country, and the resources mastered by the Beast Pirates have been fully integrated into the so-called League of Legends."

One of the five old stars held the information he had just obtained from Wano Country, and said to the other four five old stars with a solemn expression:

"The supply of Hailou Stone has been completely cut off."

Since Vegapunk invented the sea stone warship, the world government's demand for sea stones has increased a hundredfold, and the sea stone resources that were originally circulated on the market are no longer enough for them to use.

The only source of Hailou Stone is in Wano Country, which has been controlled by the Hundred Beasts Pirates.

Kaido is a businessman, and he has been selling Hailou Stone as a commodity, and the price is reasonable, which does not touch the bottom line that the world government can bear.

Therefore, for so many years, the World Government has maintained a secret transaction relationship with Kaido.

Now that Galen has annexed Kaido's territory, Hailoushi's business can't continue.

After losing this important strategic resource, the Hailoushi warships on the World Government's side will be damaged one by one, and eventually lose the mobility to shuttle freely in the windless zone.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this worsening situation, one of the Five Elders couldn't help cursing in a low voice with resentment:

"That ineffective guy, Kaido, was defeated so easily!"

"The entire Four Emperor Pirates didn't even consume a single soldier under Galen, so the entire army was wiped out?"


Another five old star sighed deeply:

"I can't blame Kaido for this battle."

It has been a week since the great war, and they also know more or less the details of that war:

There are two allies around Kaido, one is CP0 and the other is the Golden Lion.

There is a deep hatred between the Golden Lion and Galen. At the beginning, he put on an appearance of being at odds with Galen, which made Kaido and the World Government have no doubts.

And no one thought of it.

This notorious big pirate turned into Galen's revolutionary comrade and the backbone of the League of Legends in just one week. He is also ranked third in the list of S-level heroes in the League of Legends, second only to the first in terms of strength Galen of the first and Dorag of the second.

He was even honored as "the man who symbolizes freedom" because of his glorious deeds of liberating slaves and killing Tianlong people, and he has become a respected pioneer of justice.

As for CP0

Thinking of CP0, Wulaoxing itch with hatred.

Although they refuse to believe it anyway, the facts are there:

Stracey, who was deeply trusted by them in CP0, was easily persuaded by Galen and became a traitor to the world government overnight.

And the aid sent by the world government has long been betrayed by this traitor.

With these two "allies" by Kaido's side, it's hard not to lose.

And the hurricane that almost wiped out Kaido's entire army reminded many uninformed people of the decisive battle between One Piece and the Golden Lion, and couldn't help but regard Galen as the Son of Destiny.


The five old stars sighed for a while, and their expressions returned to dignified:

"Galen's power has become unstoppable, and the League of Legends has clearly played the banner of overthrowing the world government."

"We cannot repeat the mistakes of last time. We must use all our strength to extinguish them quickly in order to calm this reactionary wave."

A five old star summed it up like this, and immediately won the approval of several other five old stars.

"Speaking of this."

At the beginning, the five old stars who shared the information with everyone suddenly said:

"We are in Wano Country, and we have obtained an interesting piece of information——"

"It turns out that Galen is not invincible."

"After he killed Kaido, the fugitive evil king of Push City used a green stone called 'kryptonite' and nearly killed Garen."


The five old stars frowned one after another, their eyes full of suspicion.

This kind of stone was unheard of before.

Even Wu Laoxing directly questioned the source of this information:

"Is this information credible?"

"You know, our intelligence department in the New World has already"

The high-ranking Stracey was easily abducted by Galen, and 30 senior agents in charge of intelligence work around the New World also defected. CP0's intelligence department in the New World can be said to exist in name only.

Moreover, because of what Stracey learned from the past, Wu Laoxing also had great doubts about the loyalty of CP0 agents, especially CP0 beauty agents.

"There should be no problem."

"It is said that thousands of people witnessed the assassination of Galen by the evil king."

"Galen issued a strict gag order to his subordinates afterwards, but he failed to seal it up only because he saw too many people."

"Moreover, the first thing Galen did after taking over the Wano country was to completely block the sea stone mine that dug out kryptonite."

"He even blew up the mine permanently at the expense of resources, obviously out of fear."


Hearing these news, the five old stars couldn't help but began to believe in the existence of this kryptonite.

In addition, Galen is really not as strong as a normal devil fruit ability user, if there is really nothing that can restrain him, this is too contrary to common sense.

And hearing this, the kryptonite was still dug out from the Hailou Stone Mine

It is estimated that like Galen, an enhanced version of the ability user, kryptonite is likely to be an enhanced version of Hailou Stone.

The five old stars immediately made a decision:

"This kind of stone must be in our hands!"

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