The Pirate Family

Chapter 245 Zhuan Yuan's Mission

In the port of Adela, a huge ship made purely of gold is docked in the port, and countless workers are carrying boxes and containers ashore.

"Really not waiting for a while? Didn't the craftsman leader say that there has been a breakthrough in the construction of the Proverbs?" A beauty frowned at the port and said softly, wearing a light blue dress. The perfect figure is shown to the fullest, wearing a crown on the head, showing the queen's temperament.

"According to him, it will be built in a few days."

"I want to wait, but the wave of the times will not wait for anyone." Lorne held a suitcase in one hand, which contained weapons tailored for him by the Weapons Department, and held Xiao An Qian in the other.Said lightly.

"Pirates are nothing but pirates after all. They will abandon their alliance for the slightest profit." What Lorne said was the three emperors in the new world. They seemed to have joined forces to smash the navy A wave, but turned to face each other because of a little profit.

From Lorne's point of view, this was an extremely stupid behavior. He joined forces to eliminate the Navy Headquarters, and the world would have no power to stop them.This cake is much bigger than a little new world.

"The three emperors of the new world are now in war because of their small territory."

"At this time, it is our opportunity."

"Besides, that old guy's words don't have the slightest credibility." After slowing down, Lorne said pointlessly.

Agatha understood what Lorne was referring to, so she didn't bother with this issue anymore.Lorne's dissatisfaction with the old craftsman is known to the whole family, and that fool of the old craftsman thinks he is irreplaceable.

"Is it too dangerous? Are you sure you don't take me?" Agatha said with some worry.Because Lorne planned the first batch of cadres to enter the new world without her.The new world is the world of madmen and strong men. This is the consensus of people who have grown up in this era.Even though Lorne is now the top group of pirates in this sea, Agatha is still worried about him.

"I am very good now, and I will never hold you back."

Agatha did not lie, she hated her incompetent self in the past.So in the two years since she gained the ability, she worked hard to train herself. Some time ago, she alone solved a bounty of 50,000 (50 million) Bailey who invaded Adela.

Although not comparable to monsters like Lorne and Anilu, they are definitely not a drag fish in the new world.

"Sister Agatha, don't you understand?" At this time, a bald head standing behind Lorne laughed heartily.Jody touched his bright bald head and laughed.

"Adela is our base camp, our foundation! The boss keeps you in Adela because of his trust in you! This is a treatment that none of us have."

After Jody finished speaking, the family cadres standing on the golden ship all smiled and looked at Agatha. Agatha wanted to say something, but met Lorne's kind eyes, and finally nodded. , Did not speak any more.

At the end of the spring of 1508 in the Haiyuan calendar, Wienhill Lorne set off from the port of Adela on the Golden Proverbs, and the family cadres he brought together.

Ainilu, the helmsman alone,

Combatants, Warrior Fat Tiger, Warrior Carlos Jodi, swordsman Morman, boxer Alding four.

Navigator, doctor, Ansie little angel.The mascot the little knight Luna.

Temporary chef Garrett.

And the war fortress that followed Lorne at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Damocles.

On the endless sea, a ship made of gold is floating on the sea.

"What does the new world look like?" Jody asked. Before he could enter the new world, he was caught by the navy in Propulsion City, so he was still a little curious about the final sea.When Jodi finished the question, even the ever-indifferent swordsman Moorman held the sword, snuggled beside him, and slightly pricked his ears.

He also fell at the entrance to the new world, Chambord.

"Chaos, disorder." As a native of the New World, only Garrett is the most qualified to answer this question among the entire ship.But after thinking for a long time, she suffocated two words.Perhaps it was because everyone didn't understand, Garrett added another sentence.

"The paradise is the paradise of the pirates, but the new world is the paradise of the strong." This is her mother, one of the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling's evaluation of the new world.

"It's also the paradise of Wienhill." Lorne said with a smile, holding a wine glass, lying on the railing of the splint.Then raised the wine glass slightly and said to the gentleman in front.

"You said I was right? Miss Zhuanyuan?"

A navy ship did not know when it sailed in front of the Golden Proverbs.On the splint of the warship, a woman wearing the uniform of a lieutenant admiral and a saber hanging from her waist looked at Lorne coldly.She wore a pink shirt to show off her proud figure, and a pair of shorts, and her long white and toned legs were particularly charming.

Lieutenant General Taotu Zhuanyuan!The family cadres immediately became vigilant after seeing this woman, this woman shined in the execution war, alone can be with one of Kaido's monsters, the woman who cannot be separated from the drought Jack.

And the point is, she has had all minor frictions with Lorne.Nearly caught Lorne.

"Don't be nervous, I'm the Seventh Martial Sea of ​​the King now. With the authority of Miss Zhuanyuan, I'm afraid I can't be helped." Lorne's lazy voice sounded in everyone's ears, which relieved them a lot.

The two boats approached slowly, and after receiving the boat, Taotu Zhuanyuan came over with a frosty face.

"Don't be too smug! Pirate!" She squeezed her fan fist and said angrily. Just after the two ships were so far away, but she could clearly hear Ron's words and combine his Ability can almost be determined.

This bastard let himself hear it on purpose!

He is humiliating the Navy!

"Pay attention to your wording, Miss Lieutenant General." Lorne said with a smile, "My current identity is one of the seven martial arts under the king, and also your ally."

"If you use this attitude to talk to me, I might think that you deliberately provoke the relationship between Qiwuhai and the navy."

"You!" Taotu Zhuanyuan's chest was ups and downs, speechless.

"Or, at this time, the navy has decided to go to war with us?" Lorne stood up slightly, walked to the front of Zhuan Yuan, and the two looked at each other.

Lorne is still underage, and his height of less than 1.8 meters is not particularly tall in the world of monsters rampant in Pirate World.And Zhuan Yuan is the kind of heroic swordsman.She was a little taller than Lorne.

But the two stood together, and the momentum was difficult to distinguish.

"I apologize." After a while, Zhuan Yuan seemed to have accepted his fate, and then said softly.

"I came to you, but I actually have a mission."

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