When Lorne left from Summer Island, it was already darkening.He declined Doflamingo's invitation to dinner, and returned to his boat with Garrett and Ansie.

At this time, Lorne didn't know that he had been missed by the big men in the navy headquarters.

Although, with Lorne's character, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care.

"I don't like that guy."

As soon as he got on the boat, Garrett spoke out his inner thoughts.

Doflamingo's behavior and character made Garrett feel very uncomfortable.

An Qian raised her head blankly and looked at her brother and sister.At a loss.

Is the adult world so complicated?

Lorne did not speak, but sat beside the boat.Looking at the sea level in the distance.

His feet were immersed in the sea water, making Lorne feel weak.

After a long time, he said slowly.

"We go home."

"What?" Garrett didn't react, and asked suspiciously.

"This sea is too boring, let's go back to the great route."

Lorne said, he suddenly understood why after Roger said that, it seemed like a powder keg was lit.Detonate this world completely.

Let people flock to the great route like crazy.

Roger doesn't know where the treasure is buried?The status and glory of One Piece?

These are just gimmicks!

When Lorne came to Beihai from the great route, the biggest feeling was that it was so boring.

Yes, boring, even if Lorne is not the top few people in this sea, even the first echelon is reluctant.

However, without the checks and balances of the world government, it would not be difficult for Lorne to single-handedly conquer the North Sea.

No sense of accomplishment at all!

Perhaps the pirates have seen this through.Will choose to challenge the great route.

Garrett had never seen such a lonely Lorne, she never knew what Lorne wanted.

But watching the moonlight shine on Lorne, his back.Garrett felt an inexplicable distress.

She didn't know what to say, so she had to hold Lorne from behind, her head against Lorne's back.

An Qian sat aside, staring at her brothers and sisters blankly.

Moonlight falls on the boat, and the person wearing it does not speak, just like a painting.


North Sea, Frevans.

A boy with black hair is running around on the battlefield.He was one of the two children of the doctor who had been rescued by the nun before.

At this time, he was wearing the robe of the apprentice priest, bandaging the wound of a Frevans fighter.The skill is like a doctor who has been working for many years.

"It hurts, please be careful!" said the little doctor.

After the bandage was finished and the careful examination was done, he left with peace of mind, carrying his little medical box, and walking towards the next injured person.

Although the knights of the Holy Truth sect arrived soon, they stopped the war in Frefans in time.But the losses caused by the war cannot be compensated.

"This thing contaminated with the blood of the Frevans! Stay away from me!"

The little doctor was scolded before he even reached the second wounded person.

He could only helplessly shook his head, and walked towards the next injured person.

The hatred of neighboring countries and the Frevans has almost reached the point of unforgettable.In their opinion, as long as they touched Frefans' things, they would get the strange disease of Frefans.

The hair and skin will gradually turn white, and the disease that finally dies in pain is the disease.

Fearing that the disease would spread to one's own country, neighboring countries launched a war without hesitation.

"Are they still refusing to receive treatment?"

A resolute man with a spear on his back came over, patted the little doctor on the shoulder and asked.

Seeing this resolute man, the little doctor was delighted at first, but after hearing the man's words, his eyes dimmed.

"They think that everything in Frevans is dirty, and they would rather endure the pain than receive the doctor's treatment."

"Do we really deserve to die?"

"You have done a good job, little guy." The resolute man patted the little doctor on the shoulder and said softly.

"In this world, no one has the right to deprive others of their lives."

"Isn't the Holy Truth and God OK?"

The little doctor asked rhetorically, after being rescued by the nun, he converted to the Holy Truth.

Shouldn't you dedicate everything you have to the Holy Truth God?

The resolute man with a gun was speechless for a while, but said quickly.

"The Holy Truth God is a truly merciful God, and he never deprives others of their lives."

"But His will will be misunderstood and distorted. So we must have our own opinions."

While speaking, the resolute man thought of the old man bathed in blood.Under his leadership, the Holy Truth has unknowingly gone astray.

"If you want to truly understand your own mind, you can meet the pope now."

"She is the messenger of God."

The man with the gun whispered softly, and in his mind, a figure that was as holy as an angel appeared, which was simply the messenger of the Holy Truth God sent to the world.

If it weren't for Mr. Arelli who turned out!I am afraid that the current Holy Truth has long been filthy.

She is the true selfless saint.

"My Pope," the little doctor murmured to himself.Then he asked the man with the gun anxiously.

"Can the Pope save my sister?" The little doctor's sister, who also suffered from the lead disease, suffered terribly in the hospital bed, but the little doctor could not do anything.

"I don't know." The man with the gun was taken aback, and after thinking about it, he shook his head.

The knight's creed could not help him lying.

After hearing the man's words, the young doctor's eyes dimmed with anticipation.

"But you can try." The man's next sentence gave the little doctor hope again.

As they walked, they soon came to a tent.

"The person who led the team here is the Pope's sister, the rose knight Larsya." said the man with the gun.

"If you want to see Pope Areli, you can try her."

Inside the tent, a female knight in armor sits at the head of the table.Sitting on each side of her was a king wearing a crown and luxurious clothes.

"If you want to mediate, I advise you to start to die."

A black-haired king said coldly.

"Frevans is a cursed place. For the safety of my people, I must destroy this country!"

"Humph!" On the other side, a white-haired king snorted coldly.

"You are for your own selfish desires!"

"Shoot my citizens at will! This is defiance of the majesty of Frevans!"

The female knight sitting in the main position looked at the two people who were arguing with a terrible headache.

For Ping Conscience, these two people are good kings, and they do everything for their own people.


"Stop it all."

The female knight finally spoke, and then took out a document.Handed it to the two kings.

"This is an investigation and study on Perch lead disease."

The two kings stared at the document, the first sentence on it was.

Perch lead disease is not infectious.


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