Naturally, Nuwa and the others had no objections to Ancestor Hongjun. They had obtained treasures and holy titles from Ancestor Hongjun, but they did not have any objections to the Three Pure Ones. In particular, Sanqing likes to use Panwang Zhengzong's identity to put them on the high ground of light and justice, which makes Nuwa and others complain.

The examples of Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao are not accidental events, but inevitable events.

Friendship from the same family and deep brotherhood will definitely deteriorate in the face of huge interests. What's more, there is no sympathy among the six great masters of Xuanmen. Before Patriarch Hongjun accepted them as his disciples, there were still some minor conflicts between them.

In this case, it is absolutely impossible for Nuwa Empress and the Western duo to treat Sanqing as their senior brothers wholeheartedly.

Although they won't target Jiang Ziya like Shen Gongbao did, they still like to see it when Sanqing is in trouble.

Gloating over misfortunes is a matter of gloating, and the three of them can still distinguish the serious from the serious. On the surface, the three of them all show nervous expressions, their faces are full of concern, and their eyes are flowing between the three.

"What did Master Xuanqing do?"

At the same time, their inner doubts deepened.

Judging from the performance of the three Qing Dynasties, Taoist Xuanqing, the fourth Qing Dynasty in Pangu, probably did something unfavorable to Pangu Zhengzong, which caused the other three Pangu Zhengsong to lose their status.

The coercion was overwhelming. Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master exploded their energy at the same time. The heaven, earth and sky were trembling. The void could not withstand the impact of the breath of the two quasi-sages. The layers were shattered and annihilated piece by piece. If it were not for the concern that Laojunshan is Laozi The Taoist temple will experience a mass extinction of life.


An extremely cold, emotionless voice sounded in the hall, like a basin of ice water poured down on the heads of Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master.

The anger, resentment, evil spirit, and evil spirit of the two people were instantly eliminated and disappeared completely. It was impossible to tell that the two of them had ever been angry.

After being stopped by Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master regained their clarity of mind, leaving only fear.

Sending a Pangu Zhengzong into the land of eternal calamity, even if both of them are Pangu Zhengzong, the consequences cannot be easily endured, and besides, they are unknown!

The Immortal Way is the righteous way, not the evil heretic. If you rush to attack other Immortal Powers without a suitable name, it will definitely arouse the resentment of other Immortal Powers. They are already in a situation of isolation and rejection. If they are accused of attacking their comrades for no reason, the situation will be even more difficult.


Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master sat down again, but their moods still did not calm down. Xuan Qing's behavior made them very angry.

In a word, Pangu Zhengzong became Panwang Zhengzong!

If we talk about the prehistoric world, the Zuzhou world, and the Shenzhou world, which person has practiced Panwang Immortal Dao the most profoundly, it must be Taoist Xuanqing.

Although Ao Yi's Three Dragons, the Great Powers of the Divine State Alliance, and the creatures of the Divine World have all received the inheritance of King Pan's Taoism, they either only received a scaled claw, which is not comprehensive, or they have their own inheritance, and what they have learned is not comprehensive.

There is only Taoist Xuanqing, who is the Pangu authentic sect created by King Pan with all his efforts.

In order to make Taoist Xuanqing look more like an innate saint, and to prevent him from being accepted as a disciple by other great masters, King Pan left the essence of the Tao he had learned throughout his life in the origin of Taoist Xuanqing's soul in the form of innate inheritance.

Even Taoist Xuanqing himself didn't know this.

Because he was born with it, Taoist Xuanqing really regarded the inheritance left to him by King Pan as an innate and sacred inheritance. Then, he taught Taoism in Fangzhu Mountain and spread "his" Taoism.

Taoist Xuanqing was in the dark under the lamp and couldn't figure out the situation. He could distinguish the three clear things clearly!

The moment Taoist Xuanqing preached and revealed all the mysteries of his great Tao in front of many listeners in Fang Zhushan, the pure and impeccably pure Panwang Immortal Tao aura in him was revealed.

Sanqing was so angry that he wanted to explode!

They indeed did not regard Taoist Xuanqing as the Fourth Qing Dynasty of Pangu, but they could not deny Taoist Xuanqing's identity as Pangu's authentic sect. Heaven has approved it, what else can the three of them do?

Taoist Xuanqing, the fourth Qing Dynasty in Pangu, was promoting the teachings of Panwang Immortal Way.

The dignified Pangu sect does not practice the Hongjun Immortal Way or enter the Xuanmen authentic sect, but instead learns heretical ways. How can it be tolerated by the Three Pure Ones?

However, despite being furious, the answer they had been searching for all along came to fruition: Behind Taoist Xuanqing is King Pan!

Chapter 240: Start preaching

In broad daylight, the sky is clear, and the three quasi-sages shuddered.

King Pan's method of turning his hands into clouds and rain made them frightened and frightened!

That Taoist Xuanqing was clearly an innate divine being. He used the innate divine being as a chess piece and turned it into the Pangu sect. What King Pan did was completely beyond the understanding of the three brothers.

Moreover, Panwang has the ability to create an authentic Pangu sect. This means that as long as King Pan is willing, he himself can become Pangu Zongzong.

Unusually, Pan Wang did not do that.

"Pan Wang doesn't even bother to become Pangu Zongzong!"

Sanqing coincided with this and thought of this.

But the more this happens, the more frightened they become.

All living beings in the ancient world regard Pangu as the supreme god, and Pangu's authentic identity is also respected by all living beings in the ancient world.

But King Pan, when he had the ability to become Pangu Zhengzong, used the opportunity to use a chess piece.

Does this mean that in King Pan's eyes, Pangu Zhengzong can only be reduced to a pawn?

An indescribable sadness and resentment welled up in Sanqing's heart. They wanted to speak, they wanted to open their mouths, but when their words reached their lips, they turned into helpless bitter smiles.

Nuwa, Empress, and the other three were keenly aware of Sanqing's emotional changes and watched rationally without asking any questions.

They could see that in just a few moments, Sanqing's state of mind experienced great ups and downs. They didn't want to be Sanqing's punching bag when he was emotionally disturbed.

In fact, they think too much.

Sanqing can stand out from countless powerful people and become the best among the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace. Their state of mind is extraordinary.

Don't think Sanqing is mediocre because of their irrational treatment of Taoist Xuanqing. That's because Taoist Xuanqing, or King Pan, has behaved against them.

Dragons have reverse scales, which will make them angry if they touch them. Zhengzong's name is the reverse scale that Sanqing can't touch the most.

The three of them were transformed by the great god Pangu. Patriarch Tiandao and Hongjun also had a close eye on the three of them because of this identity, which made them extremely obsessed with Pangu's authentic sect.

More importantly, they need this identity to justify their holy status.

In the Zixiao Palace, when Patriarch Hongjun distributed the holy titles, he made it clear and clear that Heaven only granted the three of them the holy titles because they were Pangu orthodox sects.

But this alone is not very convincing. Didn't Zhu Rong attack Ancestor Hongjun at the beginning?

Therefore, they have to add a layer of packaging to themselves: Xuanmen authentic.

Xuanmen was founded by Ancestor Hongjun, and Ancestor Hongjun was the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao. The authentic Xuanmen sect is, at a certain level, the authentic sect of Heavenly Dao!

There are two authentic body protectors, and their status in the ancient world can no longer be shaken.

Unexpectedly, an alien like King Pan appeared in the prehistoric world, creating the chess piece of Taoist Xuanqing and infecting the two orthodox sects.

Their gaffe is understandable.


The leader of the Tongtian Sect opened his mouth and wanted to tell Taoist Xuanqing about it, but was interrupted by a chuckle from Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Second brother, why?"

The three pure souls are connected, the Tongtian Cult Master thinks together, and the thoughts in his heart are transmitted to the heart of Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Third brother, do you want the whole world to know that Pangu Zhengzong can be created using the divine passage method?"

Yuanshi Tianzun's tone was stern and full of warning.

The leader of Tongtian Cult was shocked, and a feeling of emptiness and powerlessness swept through his body, dimming the divine light on the surface of his body.

What Yuanshi Tianzun said is true!

Perhaps, other great powers will criticize King Pan because he blasphemed the great god Pangu. However, it is also possible that other great powers will have the idea that "Pangu Zongzong would rather have a kind".

Once the great masters in the ancient times knew that Taoist Xuanqing was Pangu Zhengzong created by King Pan, then Pangu Zhengzong would lose its meaning and no one would respect Pangu Zhengzong anymore.

In short, Taoist Xuanqing's affairs should not be known to outsiders.

"Elder brother, what happened?"

Taoist Zhunti looked at his words and expressions, and when he saw that Sanqing's anger had subsided, he asked with a worried look on his face.

I took a deep look at Taoist Zhunti, and with a flick of his finger, a hazy light curtain appeared in the hall.

Above the light curtain, the first thing that appeared was a ray of auspicious light and an infinite cloud of fairy light. Then, a tall and sturdy Kongwu Taoist was sitting in the middle of the mountains, speaking the truth of the Taoism. Below Taoist Kong Wu, there are thousands of living beings, intoxicated by the great path he narrates.

"Is he Taoist Fellow Xuanqing?"

Taoist Zhunti's surprise flashed away and he recognized Taoist Xuanqing.

In front of the Sanqing, he couldn't call Pangu the Fourth Qing his little friend, so he could only call him a Taoist friend.

Empress Nuwa and Taoist Jie Yin noticed more things than Taoist Zhunti. The Taoist teachings taught by Taoist Xuanqing made them extremely familiar.

"Pan Wang Xiandao?"

Empress Nuwa had a strange expression. She looked at Taoist Xuanqing in the light curtain, and then at Taoist Xuanqing's three brothers in Laojun Hall.

She thought to herself: "This is interesting! Pangu, the Fourth Qing Dynasty, has entered the Panwang Immortal Way. No wonder the three senior brothers are so angry."

The Taoist Taoist is so blessed that he can see through everything.

Taoist Zhunti reacted a moment too late and continued: "Fellow Taoist Xuanqing is the Pangu sect, and is destined to Xuanmen and Master Hongjun, so he should join me."

As he spoke, his voice was as thin as a gnat.

He is also a powerful person in the Quasi-Saint Stage. From the sermons of Taoist Xuanqing, he heard traces of Panwang's Immortal Way.

Bang bang bang!

If it were another powerful person, he might be so embarrassed that he would want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in. But this problem is not a problem for our Zhunti Taoists.

He coughed lightly and stopped the topic to reduce his presence.

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