The Original Seeker

Chapter 174: drifting bottle

   "Who?!" In the forest deep in Siberia, an expressionless man suddenly opened his eyes and felt the huge pressure from the south thousands of kilometers away.

   "It's a pity, it just falls short at this time." He resisted his anger and looked at the two men in front of him who were eighth similar to him, "It will take another year or two."

After the sudden change, Bai Mo looked around and found that everyone around him had fainted, except for himself, and he realized that the other party was coming for him, but he thought for a long time, but he still didn't want to understand what he had to worry about. Hanging.

   "Hello, if you can hear this, it means that my experiment is successful, and the parallel world really exists!" Guangren pointed at Bai Mo, and generated such information in his mind.

   "First of all, I will introduce myself. I am a white ink from a parallel world. Or, to be precise, this is a time drift bottle I made. It contains a letter I wrote to you."

"The way to open this letter is to match the core way of thinking, with an accuracy of 99.99%, because I can't guarantee that the me at the last moment is exactly the same as the me at this moment. If someone else can really open this letter, It doesn't matter anymore, the way of thinking has overlapped with me to such an extent, it is no different from me in the parallel world."

   "The arrival time set by this letter is the day when the spiritual wave erupts in the world. There may be some errors. After all, this is the first time to do this kind of experiment."

"Many years ago, maybe it was only ten years ago for you. I remember that the teacher who taught Chinese in junior high school once asked us to write an essay and asked us to write a letter to our past self. One day out."

"I thought for a long time, what exactly should I write, with my current power, in the time of thinking about this letter, I can eat ten suns, which is very close to the vision that I intended to become the sky when I looked at the stars. "

"From the autumn of the Linghe River to the time I dropped this drifting bottle, one thousand three hundred years have passed. In these thousand years, the last thing I regretted was the difference in thought. I killed it. Ninety-nine percent of humans, and the remaining 6 million people escaped the solar system through spacecraft."

   "I didn't continue chasing at the time, but chose to do space drifting in the opposite direction they left, because I already regretted it a little at that time."

"Or you will be curious about how your future self will do this. At least at this point in time, there are still some people at the same level of combat power as you. The entire human society has all kinds of geniuses, how could it be Annihilate the clan alone."

"I don’t want to say about this. You will understand in the future. I just hope that you will not repeat my mistakes. Although there are too many garbage and useless things in human beings, it is always a wasteful act to kill them. There should be a better purpose, even if it is a biochemical reactor, it is better than turning into a corpse."

After all,    is just the same individual in a parallel world. Although the values ​​of the two are weird, they are definitely highly unified. Guangren does not worry that Bai Mo will not accept his own ideas.

   "Forty years ago, a guy named Chen Diao suddenly appeared in front of me, claiming to be a time traveler, who can travel to different planes, and his goal is to constantly search for knowledge."

"Although his attitude is quite arrogant, and the high-dimensional creatures look down on our'indigenous' appearance of'backward thinking', but I have been lonely for many years and still want to find someone to chat with. No reason, it's just because I'm killing. I have not heard the opinions that do not belong to me for a long, long time after I have been all human beings. The universe is too big, and I have never found other intelligent creatures."

"We just floated in the boundless space and talked for several days. Basically, he said that I listened. After listening to his story, it was summed up in three words as'doing things', and going to every plane to make big news. But it’s okay, if I can wear it everywhere, I’m probably doing the same."

   "According to his statement, originally I wanted to play the earth as a cradle plane and study the so-called law changes. As a result, people were killed by me, the earth was eaten by me, and I couldn't do things if I wanted to."

   "One of us does not treat humans as humans, and the other does not treat NPCs as humans. Originally, the three views should fit together. Unfortunately, he thinks I am also an NPC. After a few days of chatting, he still wants to slice me."

"So I asked him a question. I asked him if he had thought about the reason for being able to traverse in the first place, and then he was stunned. It seemed to me that it was a matter of course to figure out, he never seemed to think about it, or say , Subconsciously ignored."

   "He seems to be trying desperately to recall, trying to answer his own question. The power of thinking alone is enough to distort the nearby gravity, but he still hasn't figured out a reason to convince himself."

   "Then I told him five words-Truman's world. As a person who has traveled through many worlds, he immediately understood what I meant."

"I think his expression is very contradictory. On the one hand, I don’t want to admit that everything I’ve experienced was probably arranged by another existence, but on the other hand I can’t find evidence to refute it. At his level, it’s instantly I can recall everything from my birth to the present, but I just didn’t find the answer I wanted."

"'The fate of all planes should be arranged by me. They are my fate can't be arranged!' After struggling for a while, he opened it. When the door of time and space was about to leave, he said such a sentence, and there seemed to be a little trembling in the words."

   "In the moment before he completely disappeared, he asked me why he didn't think he was also living in Truman's world."

"'I am a person who has no gold fingers, is not a rebirth, or who is drifting lonely and constantly in space, may be the protagonist?' After getting my answer, he left speechlessly. I don't know what he was after. What do you want to do, or change your fate against the sky?"

"Since Dior left, I began to study the issue of parallel time and space. It took more than 30 years to get such a drifting bottle. During the research process, I have always regretted why I killed everyone in the first place. , And a group of explorers of similar level will study with me, maybe there is no need to waste so much time."

"This letter is written just to do an experiment. In the final analysis, you are you and I am me. Although the thinking patterns are very similar, we are two individuals with independent thinking. To me, you are just a person who can fully understand me. No matter how much your destiny changes, it’s just that you benefit from the parallel world, and it has nothing to do with me."

"I will not leave you with any inheritance. That kind of thing is meaningless to me other than creating another'me' that is more like me. The most important thing is that it will deprive you of the exploration process itself. pleasure."

"The excitement of solving a problem independently is completely different from reading the answer once. I know you can understand what I said, so I hope you can go out of your own way and enjoy the fun of finding yourself, rather than traveling through those planes. Like the protagonist of the novel, he becomes a predator of pure knowledge on all planes."

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