The Origin of Species

< -- Large emissions -->

Sins are silent. I'm just staring at the battle that's happening right in front of me. People didn't look like this in the first place.

Some say they're innocent, some say they're rebellious.

But the Origin rendered everyone incapacitated in just a minute. If I did anything stupid or saw anything unusual, my head exploded.

More than 10 people have already died like that.

Bonaparte's cheeks tremble. I shake my head slightly, making eye contact. Just hang in there, okay? I checked with the rest of the clan, just in case.

The sailors are keeping their eyes sharp. Surin, on the other hand, stares at nothing but air. Lindsey held the corner of her clothes next to me, and her brother pressed his hat deeply.

What about Fei?

He still hasn't taken his eyes off Julie. No, how much do they look like him?

I don't think we need to worry about the clans anyway. Bonapas are a little worried, but he won't do anything stupid.

In fact, Bonaparte recently disliked this kind of coercive atmosphere. Maybe he wants to get away from the Origin influence in proportion to his strength?

Besides, so am I. This attitude of Origin is quite intimidating.


I don't want to be in that organization. But shouldn't we at least get a way to keep the head from exploding? I'm guessing it's sex with origin.

The problem is there's no way. How?

The notebook is talking about rape, but how is that possible?

If we can stop time completely. Otherwise, my head will explode before I put it in.

When I think about it, I hear a noise coming from the front.


Looks like the diploma on the top floor used his power again. People are rolling their eyes, neither like this nor like that.

How long have you been standing there? ’

As time went by, my legs and back became tight. On the contrary, people's tensions are becoming less and less intense. Some people even whispered in my ear.

“Did you just stand in line for control? ”

“I think so, right? ”

“Looks like your duck is in battle. ”

“Yes! Imagine when we first came here. Origin doesn't kill Sin lightly! ”

Ask questions and get answers from each other. Someone smiled a little. This is weird. It's like looking at the faces of a bunch of prisoners who went from death row to weapons prison. Then Lindsey grabbed the corner of her clothes.

She points to something with her jaw.

"Crystal clan?"

They're way ahead of us. Seeing them standing quietly, they seem to have a notion of what's going on. Is that why? I don't know what it feels like, but I can feel the tension coming from the back of the Crystal Clan members.

As people whispered louder and louder, Lindsey whispered in my ear.

“Sir, what are you going to do? I'm ready.”


“Didn't Julie just say that? Palawan or something. I heard that, too.”

Lindsey was always by my side, and I thought I heard Julie's voice. She squirms and opens her mind.

“No matter how strong Palawan is, won't the reverse exchange work? ”

Reverse exchange meant Lindsey's recent skills. Transferring your wounds to others. But there is a doubt.

“Will it work on monsters who aren't people? ”

Lindsey hesitates.

“Well, maybe it'll work. ”

“Maybe. ”

Literally, it may or may not work. But even if her skills work, the next one is the problem.

“What if it comes out again? ”

Silence flows. Lindsey's reverse exchange was extremely effective and risky. Even if it can be used once a day, slowing down recovery during the day can be fatal to combat.

“sneakers, reverse exchange is the real last resort, and we have to think of another way. ”

“What · · ·? ”

“Well, do you have an acarina egg? ”

“That's right! There it was!! There should still be some left in your bladder. ”

You nod. The Akarina egg is the way I thought after the inverse exchange. However, there was no guarantee that this would work for Palawan.

What if it worked? That's not how the attack was written in the notebook.

So who the hell is this bitch that figured out a new tactic? When I read the notebook, it said that he choked Palawan by choking him.

“Sir, it's night. ”

“I see.”

Like Lindsey said, my surroundings turned dark. Then the ducks lift up the big fangboards in the air. At the same time, you hear Surin's annoying voice.

“Sam, it's so damn bright. ”

“Are you done worrying? ”

“No, I think I got something. ”

Surin shakes his head as if his focus had been cut off by a photovoltaic. Surin seemed to be the girl in the notebook. It was a pity. Well, you've been enlightened on the ninth floor of that year's paper.

It may be too early for Surin.

“Sir, the order of the monsters is a bit messy, right? ”

“I don't think it's a complete mess. Right now, it's pouring out three layers of monsters. Occasionally, there's a problem with the monster upstairs. ”

“Phew. I'm sorry. I thought I had a chance to do something. ”

Surin bites his lip, what a shame. Ignore Lindsey and hold Surin's hand tightly. Shinwoo's brother who saw him lifted his hat and said to me.

“Clan, do you have a plan? ”


“Somehow. ”

Anyway, you look amazing. In fact, there was only one thing I believed in. It is the size of Palawan written in the notebook.

It says 3m tall.

The monsters so far have mostly been represented in height and length, but some superficial monsters, including Palawan, are represented as kidneys. What does this mean? I am a doctor in a notebook. There must be a reason why he wrote the word kidney.

Like a human being?

At that moment, the continuous ringing stopped. People stared at the tower and murmured. Fei gives you the wrong idea about what he's been thinking.

“Hyung, I think the big launch is over. Monsters aren't coming out. Now!!"

“Have you ever thought about starting now? ”


Some people also cheered. Will foolishness not go away after 100 years, or 200 years? People who have lived long enough do not know the atmosphere. The origins don't seem unusual to me right now.

They are bitten further back by the words of the gumbo. Now it's a considerable distance from us. Those who felt the atmosphere long ago tried to slip back, but were stopped by the ducks watching us.

Kumbo, who was on the platform, cried out.

“Get in line!! ”

“Wait!! ”

Their voices seem to be tearing air. Even the cheerful ones have enough time to feel the seriousness of their work. At the same time, an order is dropped from the monolith.

“300 Forward!! ”

300? Maybe those 300 mean the Sins. It's in the notebook, isn't it? If you eat more than 300 people, you will have weaknesses. As expected, the Origin pushed us out in front of the tower.

“Fuck!! ”

“Bastards hanging from a head tree!! ”

“We were wrong!! Help me!!"

It seemed to be Abigail, but as some people's heads burst, it quieted down quickly. Bonaparte kicked his tongue.

“Tsk, this is worse than livestock. It's not food for monsters. ”

Shinwoo's brother clenches his fist.

“There may be a way for the clan leader, but I'm not sure. So let's do our best. Wouldn't it be unfair for a dog to die here? It feels different from the second floor. This place is a dead dog. ”

On the second floor, surrounded by monsters?

I think it's the same dog death now and then. There is no noble death in death. The death that everyone looks up to?

Any death is a pain and regret to someone.

Kumbo gestures, and the fangs light up the entrance to the tower. It's been a minute. A figure walks out of the tower. Pei is appalled at him.

“Eeeek!! ”

“Fey, don't talk nonsense. Suck on your nerves. ”

It's overwhelming.

His footsteps are relaxed. Is that how confident you are?

The atmosphere is different from the monsters I've seen so far.

Bipedal. Two arms. Sometimes the fluttering wings behind your back appear to be playing with your food in front of you.

Most of all, it looks really solid. The light reflected on his skin shimmers. As the people in front stepped back, everyone stepped back.


“Fuck, don't push me back!! If you go back, your head will explode!! ”

That's a bummer.

The monster in front and the origin in back. Which one do you think it's gonna be? As expected, people chose monsters.

“Just a monster!! We can work together!! ”

“Attack them all!! ”

“I don't know!! ”

All sorts of distant powers came.

Guava Guava!!!

As there are many elemental families, strange chemical reactions take place near monsters. There is a series of explosions as the fire strikes and the water strikes. There's even poison gas in the air. However, the smoke subsided and the people remained silent.

“... ”

It's overwhelming.

His footsteps are still relaxed. There's no white in his eyes. There was only black masturbation. Someone shouted again.

“Attack, ball!!! ”

At that moment, Palawan quickly cling to him. He turned into a bear and twisted his front foot, but he had no choice.

“Rrrrgh!!! Help!!! Bridge, leg!! ”

Wood Duck.

“Hnng!! ”

He chews the living out of blood. Surin steps back and says,

“Big mouth!! ”

“Hiic! I'm eating my whole leg. ”

“Sam, what do you think? Attack?”

While we were talking, Palawan ate people's heads off. The vivid blood that flows through his mouth awakens his sense of reality.

“Prosecutor Kim, wait a minute. Lindsey, give me that. ”

Lindsey handed me an egg or bladder sac from Akarina. I looked around. People didn't know what to do. The ducks burst the heads of the runners. Send in the standby at the same time.

“Fuck, don't run away!! We're all gonna die!! ”

A man who has barely escaped from 300 shouts as he goes in. But will those words work in this situation? Palawan, who saw the taste of human blood, moved differently than before. Bonaparte says, striking the wall of fire.

“Leader! That son of a bitch eats whatever he wants. ”

“I know.”

At the same time, it hurts the inside of your mouth. The red aura is overwhelming. The look on the faces of the runaways and the pain of the people being eaten seemed like a photograph.


I struck him with the sword of pasta.


Iron screech? He didn't even defend himself. The moment my black eyes turned towards me, I twisted my back to the left.


His fist twitches his hair. At the same time, I scratched his face with a scalpel.


You mean a lump of metal on his face?

I'm fine. I'm faster.

His fist swings. You can see the number of thorns on the end of your fist clearly. You bend at your waist and stab him in the back of his knee.


Joints are not weaknesses!

Suddenly, his wings come at your face and stab you in the back. I got down on the ground and swung a scalpel at the genitals.


Shit. Is the real weakness the only quickest way? You rise from the ground, avoiding his kick. At the same time, he holds the egg or bladder in his hand.

‘Yeah, let's see who wins. ’

You dodged a fist. At the same time, you pull the acarinal out of your bladder.

“Kieeek!! ”

The egg remains lodged in the screaming esophagus. Your esophagus must have swallowed it properly. However, no special changes are expected.

It was then.

“Waaaahhhh!!! MT! MT! ”

People shouted. The more I do, the more annoyed I am. All eyes of Sin and Origin were drawn to this place.

You can't do this.

I turn away from the screams of the people and fall behind. Palawan either got nervous or ate people as soon as he shut up. Then someone shouts desperately.

“The MT Clan is here!! ”

“Please step forward!! ”

What? I saved you once and you're treating us like bells. There's no need to be shaken by their voices. All we have to do is prepare for a good fight and win.

Bang!! Then someone attacks Palawan. What about them?

"It's the Crystal Clan."

Surin looks at them. People's gaze was also on them. That clan will definitely help.

However, the Crystal Clan continued to struggle differently. Is there really no attack? It's more about defense than his aggressiveness. People clench their fists in a tight battle style.

If you run back, you will surely die by the ducks, but if you defeat the monsters, you may live. Maybe that's why, again, people are getting active.

“Oh!! Let's attack too!! Just kill him and we'll live! ”

Kuaguaguava!! An attack has broken out on Palawan.

In the meantime, I've given orders to the clans.

“Shinwoo, I have to hide Bonaparte's vision. ”


“Yes. I don't want my powers exposed to the originals. ”

They nod. Surin has one more favor to ask of you.

“Prosecutor Kim, can you put powder in his airway with the wind? ”

“Flour? What powder? I don't think that's possible. ”

“Let's do it, then. ”

“Sam, you should know what powder it is! ”

I cut an artery and said,

"Powder. Or should I say iron powder?"

A crack in the Pasta's blade begins to appear.

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I'm sorry, Mr. Fedo.

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