The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 980: ? Panic

In his life, Earl Nicholas had never seen an army that cooperated so skillfully and killed so efficiently.

Those enemies in black armor are like ghosts emerging from the darkness.

The footsteps are as light and silent as a cat.

The speed is as agile as an antelope.

A strange blue light flashed in his eyes, and the night seemed to have no effect on them.

Even if the soldiers got into the dark corners, they would be pierced by their narrow and sharp sabers.

They are not only a group of efficient hunters, soldiers of Huayu plateau, like a group of cattle and sheep running around, even if they have more than the other party, they can't make an effective counterattack.

Among the soldiers on the Huayu Plateau, not all are wine bags and rice bags. There are also some brave men, especially among the knight vassals of the local nobles. Many of them have received formal and strict knight training from childhood. They are the backbone of the local nobles to maintain their own rule. power.

Never giving up is their fine virtue.

They are chanting their identities, trying to gather the broken soldiers to their side and reorganize their defenses.

But the enemy would never give them such an opportunity. The personnel on their side just got together and formed a certain scale.

There was a crackling sound like a firecracker, and the group of Huayu plateau soldiers who had just gathered together were like autumn wheat, covered in blood, falling down in pieces.

"Ghost!" The soldiers who hadn't fallen, also completely shattered, shouted loudly, and ran away from the opponent.

Count Nicholas certainly knew what was going on.

That is another new weapon led by Yongye Army-the musket, which uses the kinetic energy formed by the explosion of black powder to launch a famous arrow, forming several times or even dozens of times more deadly than a bow and arrow.

He has a genuine product flowing out of the black market in his hand.

But the ordinary soldiers didn't know this matter. They only heard the sound, and then saw the comrades around them, blood splattered, and naturally they would attribute everything to the ghosts and gods.

Then they entered a new cycle. Behind their ass, there was a group of hunters who were slaughtering them in an orderly manner.

Those hunters are obviously in control of the rhythm, and the main thing to clean up is those who try to hide in place or resist. For those who have completely broken their courage and run around, they did not try their best to catch up.

Instead, they follow behind them unhurriedly, just like chasing the sheep, driving them to other camps, letting them inspire more people, fleeing with them, and even directly dispersing the counterattack they finally organized. front.

This is the most typical sheep-driving tactic, once it takes shape, it will be difficult to crack.

To appease a group of chaotic crowds in the camp, and a group of defeated soldiers is not a concept.

Those brave soldiers, in order to escape, are likely to use any means to raise their sabers to their colleagues. Different belongings make it easier for them to do this.

"My lord, retreat. We have already missed the opportunity to stabilize our position. The big rout has taken shape, and we are already powerless. If we go further, we will only get the Lord Earl in." Count Nicholas was near. Chief Wei whispered to remind the desperate master.

"Ah? What? Retreat? Where to retreat?" Count Nicholas looked as though he had not yet woken up from his dream.

He really hoped that everything he saw before him was just his own nightmare.

"At this moment, from the Helian Pass, into the fault mountain range, using the complex terrain to delay the opponent, there may be a glimmer of life." It is obviously not a vulgar person to become the leader of the guards next to Earl Nicholas. In the critical situation, he found out where his life was.

"No, it's too threatening." Before Count Nicholas could speak, other local nobles gathered around Count Nicholas retorted: "The army led by the Eternal Night Army unknowingly touched behind us. I’m gone, I’m afraid that the fault mountain range would have fallen into the opponent’s hands long ago. Now that we get in, we just throw ourselves into the trap. I think the safer way is to rush back from both sides. There are other troops behind that we haven’t assembled. , We are truly safe when we join them."

"Let’s not talk about whether we can rush through the blockade of the Yongye Army leader. Even if we rush over, how can you be sure that the other party didn’t intentionally let us pass? By then, we will be a group of flocks driven out by others. Those who attack their own positions are likely to repeat the current old track, which will make us lose faster." The guard chief insisted on his own opinion.

"Although I don't know what method Yongye used to get around behind us, one thing is certain. They will definitely not be too many. It is just a small group of troops who infiltrated us and beat us by surprise." The local nobleman also Truthfully, "In order to win the Helian Mountain Pass and make it easier for their army to enter, maybe their army has been secretly dormant in the fault mountain range. We are rushing in now, don't we throw ourselves into the net?"

"How are you sure that the leader of the Eternal Night Army that goes around behind us is their small unit?"

"It must be a small unit, otherwise, we can't be unaware of it."

"All your judgments are based on your past experience. The current situation is obviously not applicable. All our outposts have been thrown into the fault mountains before, let alone a large number of troops, even a small group of troops infiltrated from here. , We can't be unaware of it.

Even if it is our sentinel, when they infiltrated, they were cleared up before they had time to deliver the message, and there would be signs that the large number of sentinels lost contact, which itself is abnormal information.

But before that, we didn't even receive half of this abnormal information.

At least before the riot broke out, we have not received half an unusual message.

What does this show?

This shows that the fault mountain range is temporarily safe, unless the Eternal Night Army leader can use a short period of midnight to uproot all our spy sentries.

Not to mention the black lights, even in broad daylight, in the rugged and difficult mountain roads, it is not an easy task to do this.

I believe that Yongye army leader does not have this ability, and hope they do not have this ability.

If the other party really has this ability, they will not drag it to the present and go around behind us to launch a night attack. "Although the head of the guards did not hold important positions in the army, he has an advantage that no one else has. As the head of the guards at the Earl of Nicholas, he has more high-level information contact.

"You mean that the Yongye army leader didn't infiltrate from the fault mountain range. Then tell me, how did they come here? Is it possible to plug in their wings and fly from the sky? Or dig like a mouse. Through the entire fault mountain range, drilled here? Haha..." At the end, the local nobleman was amused by his guess.

Because either way, it sounds so ridiculous.

"It's not impossible." Not only did the guard leader not laugh, but solemnly said, "The possibility of flying in the sky is unlikely. Although the Yongye Army leader has giant eagles capable of camel people, there are not many, and they are also weighed. It is not as high as imagined. It is said that the knights riding them are specially selected. Most of them are women with light posture, and they usually perform reconnaissance tasks.

And their goals in the air are not small. If it is to transport the army on a large scale, there is no way to avoid our eyes and ears.

The most likely is underground.

The other party dug an underground tunnel directly behind us, allowing their army to embed behind us without knowing it. "

"When you say this, don’t you think it’s ridiculous? What a huge project to dig an underground tunnel hundreds of kilometers long, especially if one hundred thousand troops are allowed to pass through it, or in the fault mountain range. Most of the mountains here are made of hard rock layers. It is more than ten times more difficult to build a mountain road than ordinary mountains, let alone digging underground tunnels. Are you a little too overestimated Strength?"

"It may be difficult to do this with manpower alone, but if you add a spell? I have heard before that the leader of the Eternal Night Army built one that can directly penetrate between Breisan and the northern fortress. They only need a few days to deploy the troops in the underground tunnels between the two, and the convenience is even more efficient than the plains of Yimapingchuan.

In the past, it was only a rumor. Now it seems that we must re-examine this rumor.

At least the Yongye army leader has a construction ability beyond our imagination, and the speed at which their army leader builds a new city is incredible to us.

Their idea of ​​hitting the plateau is not one day or two days. As early as ten years ago, they were already preparing today's plan, maybe.

If we follow our normal thinking again, we will definitely fall into their other traps until the disaster is over. "

This five-big and three-thick guard leader, at this moment, his eyes are shining with the brilliance of a wise man. Although there is suspicion of hindsight, he can at least justify himself and connect many things in series.

In such a chaotic situation, being able to think calmly is a very rare thing in itself.

Count Nicholas just kept him by his side before, and when he was a guard leader, he was a bit violent.

Even the previous local nobleman was speechless and shaken by his refutation.

Once what the other party said is correct, what is behind them now is not as simple as a small group of riots leading the army, but the opponent's one hundred thousand army.

If this is the case, the other party is afraid that they have already opened a huge pocket there, waiting for them to drill into it.

But the bizarre assumptions made by the guard leaders were wrong, if they chose to escape into the fault mountain range.

Even if it is safe for the time being.

The opponent only needs to block the Helian Pass and press the army upwards.

They will also become turtles in the urn, and ultimately they will be a dead end.

"Master General, what do you think we should do now?"

"Which way to choose, this matter has to be decided by Lord Earl."

At this time, everyone's eyes turned to Count Nicholas, after all, he is the coach, and at the critical moment, it depends on his attitude.

Count Nicholas's face was gloomy and watery, and he had recovered somewhat from the previous shock, but his heart was still like a mess and hesitated.

The current situation is very unclear.

Whether it is the chief of the guards or the local nobles who have just argued with them, the opinions held by them are all speculative.

Once this part is wrong, the final conclusion will present two extremes.

"This is the convening post of the third team. Big fish was found in front, brothers, come with me."

"People from the third team, assemble with me in the direction of the convening post."

"Kill, don't let the big fish run away!"

Following the rhythmic series of sharp whistles, some of the ghost-like night stalkers adjusted their direction and rushed towards the direction where Count Nicholas was.

As the part upstream, Earl Nicholas themselves are very eye-catching.

Not to mention that they have far more sophisticated equipment than other soldiers, and it is difficult to not be noticed.

Especially in the initial fight, those hunters in the dark, after discovering that they have good combat effectiveness, they did not hesitate to issue an order to summon the hunt.

With the sound of the whistle, the combat strategy of the stalkers in the dark changed significantly, from chasing away to brutal shock and killing.

"Ice spike!"


"Flame Slash!"

The dazzling magical rays of light became even more dazzling against the backdrop of the night.

Behind the dazzling, there is a deadly murderous opportunity.

When they begin to bloom, it often means the death of a life.

Just a contact, the elite guards beside Count Nicholas fell down a whole row.

"Combat skill! It is the unique magical combat skill of Yongye Army Leader!"

"It's really the main battle legion led by the Yongye Army who has circled behind us."

"How did they do it?"

"Unstoppable, unstoppable, withdraw!"

"It cannot be withdrawn, absolutely cannot be withdrawn. The earl is behind us. If there is something wrong with the earl, it will be a small loss of our lives, and our family will be implicated, and withstand it. ."

"Master leave here quickly. The soldiers in front of you will soon be unable to stand it. If you don't leave, we will all stay here!"

When the magic light began to bloom, everyone officially confirmed the identity of these hunters in the dark night.

Magic warfare, just like the Holy Light Divine Art is a unique product of the Holy See of the Holy Ether, it has already become one of the symbols of the eternal night army.

Although there are warlocks, based on the magic combat skills of Yongyejun, they have reversed their true secrets and even created their own magic combat skills.

However, most of them are in their infancy, and are far away from the complete system, let alone universalization.

"Get out of the mountain pass, take a detour through the intestines, and turn back to the plateau." Earl Nicholas had no time to think about it in detail and could only make a decision according to his own feelings.

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