The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 892: ?0 City Joint Conference

The task now is to give them a common goal and let them work together to achieve the goal of exerting their greatest strength.

   After having a new direction, Sean was immediately motivated.

   Sean was not blind, and when he saw an elf, dwarf or sea clan, he talked to them wildly.

   Still the same sentence, efficiency issues.

   There is nothing wrong with doing this until there is no way to improve efficiency.

   If there is a tricky method, if you still use this method, then you will not use your brain and know how to work.

   After understanding their current situation, the main task of Sean and Queen Sylvia became to draw a complete dream scene map. Through these maps, they can collect information corresponding to each city so that they can make a general strategic plan.

   This work is vast.

   It took Sean and Sylvia a full week to collect 70% to 80% of the dream scene.

   There are more than five thousand dream scenes like this.

   This means that at its peak, the Abigail World Tree once supported more than 5,000 cities. Even if each city is counted as a first-class city, it has a population of more than 500 million.

It's just that there are more than 3,200 dream scenes, which have become a world of distorted nightmares, and only 1,800 cities are still struggling. Many of the conditions are very bad and crumbling. Maybe sometime, they will be distorted. The nightmares fall.

   Sean and Sylvia are busy in the mother tree dream.

   The ant-man army remaining outside did not slack in the slightest, loyally carrying out Sean's orders, and the mage tower was completed as planned.

   "The time is up, I will send the Dragon and the Lord out first." Xiao En cut a crack and returned directly to the dream map where they were originally.

   "Your Emissary will not go out with me?" Sylvia asked questioningly.

"As long as you go out, activate the mage tower as planned, and establish your own dreams, you can try to connect your dreams with the mother tree dreams, and I can freely enter and leave through your dreams." Sean obviously has already formulated a complete one. The plan is, "This kind of magic circle that forces the soul into the dreamland has great reference value. Before I can understand it, it is better not to destroy it."

   Queen Sylvia smiled and said, "Your Excellency, consider it as thorough as ever. In that case, wait for my good news."


   There was a roar of Ruoyoruowu, and the entire dream map was like a wave, with subtle ripples and tremors.

   That is the sound of the light mantis destroying the temple of the dwarves.

   The closeness of the connection between the dwarf temple and the mother tree’s dream is far higher than Sean imagined.


   Sean shouted in a deep voice, waved the scepter of life again, and slashed heavily.

   A spatial crack appeared in front of one person and one dragon.

   This space crack seems to be not much different from the one they have traveled tens of thousands of times before, but if you look closely, there is a fundamental difference.

   Not only the periphery of this space crack is golden, it is burning with the power of law.

   It is also because the opponent of the space crack is not another dream scene, but directly leads to the dwarf temple. Through the crack, you can see the body of Sylvia and Sean's law.

   Sylvia's dragon queen and Sean are very skillful.

   Sean had just opened the space crack in front of him, and in the next second, Sylvia's dragon turned into a silver light and drilled out of it.

   In the next second, the Queen Sylvia in the Dwarf Temple opened his eyes, and without hesitation, he jumped out of the Dwarf Temple and went straight to the just completed Mage Tower.

   This mage tower is tailor-made for Sylvia's dragon queen, leaving a space like a dragon's nest below, enough to accommodate her body.

   Along with the roar of the mage tower, it enters the state of operation, and the bright silver light spreads around it.

   The same mage tower, with different people sitting on the ground, produces different powers, and it is not a problem of doubling or doubling, after all, it involves a basic multiple.

   Ten thousand times a hundred and ten thousand times a thousand are two concepts.

The Queen Sylvia is one of the most powerful creatures on the plane of Abigail. It is also biased towards the law system. It is only about the strength of the dragon soul. I am afraid that the dragon king Alvin Bod will be more powerful. It can be imagined how horrible and how powerful the dreams constructed by it are.

   Sean can clearly feel the sturdiness of Sylvia's silver dragon dream even in the mother tree dream. A silver ball of light is permeating at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wherever    passes, the shadow energy vaporizes and transforms into nutrients for its expansion.

   The Queen Sylvia sits in the Mage Tower personally, and there is another unexpected benefit.

   She has enough power of law in her body.

  The power of these laws is usually difficult for the Queen Sylvia to control like Sean, and can even be used as a consumable.

   But when her dragon body becomes a part of the mage tower, the power of these laws will naturally become a part of the mage tower, and the automatic purification will naturally begin.

   The power of the law is obtained in a typical snowball mode.

   The starting state is the most difficult, and the easier it is the later.

  Sylvia's dragon queen, the snowball is big enough, and it rolls naturally amazing.

   She only needs to sit in the Mage Tower, and the power of the law originally accumulated will bring her a lot of money every moment.

There is no need for Sean to take action. The Queen Sylvia quickly completed the connection between the dream of the silver dragon and the dream of the mother tree on her own. The silver doors opened wide, and a tall and strong half-dragon, half-man, full of silver The soldier of light rushed out from it, roaring towards the nightmare tree man.

   Sean gave a thumbs up to the silver-clad human-shaped Sylvia Dragon Queen and said: "Your Excellency Dragon Queen, the ability to adapt to changes is admirable. I didn't expect to master the essence of dreams so quickly."

   These half-dragon soldiers were naturally not born out of thin air, but the dream soldiers spawned by the Queen Sylvia in her own dream, using the power of the law and the life force absorbed by the mage tower.

  This kind of soldier, in Sean, there is also a special name for NPC soldiers.

   The resilience and growth of these dream soldiers are naturally inferior to those of intelligent life.

   But they have one of the greatest advantages, they belong to the manifestation of the power of the Queen Sylvia.

   How many law powers the Queen Sylvia has, can create as many dream soldiers out.

   Even if these dream soldiers are killed in battle, at most they will consume a little energy. The power of the law will be recovered by the dream of the Queen Sylvia, and it will be reshaped into new dream soldiers in a short time.

   may not be able to deal with those twisted nightmares, but it is really appropriate to deal with these nightmare soldiers in the mother tree dream.

"This is also thanks to your messenger, who has been imparting unreservedly recently. If you don't have your rune arcane as a foundation, even if you are sitting on a powerful force, I don't know how to use it." Sylvia Dragon There is a bit of pride and joy on the back of the face, and more praises for Sean.

   The exchanges in the past period of time were not unilateral.

   Shaun asked Sylvia Dragon Queen for advice on domain spells, while completing his domain spell system.

   Sylvia also benefited a lot from this kind of communication, especially the use of rune arcane, the construction of the second world, and all kinds of jumping whims.

   All these opened new doors for her, making her use of strength more flexible and changeable.

   Dream Soldier is just one of them.

"There is no need for the two of us to tout each other here." Xiao En said with a smile, "Your Excellency Dragon Queen has exerted greater power than we originally expected. This is a good thing and will help us to carry out our follow-up plans. , Let’s hold the joint meeting of the tribes here. I am responsible for bringing people over, and I also ask the Queen of Dragon to help us."

   "Wait a minute!" Sylvia blocked.

   "Is there any problem with the Queen of Dragon?"

   "We can't always entertain the mayors and leaders of various cities on the battlefield, right? Give me some time and I will prepare." Queen Sylvia said in an angry voice.

   Xiao En patted his forehead and said, "I'm sorry, it's because I didn't think about it well, then I will trouble the Queen of Dragon."

   Sylvia dragon queen concentrated, accompanied by the surging roar of Ruoruuowu energy, a magnificent building formed in front of them at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   This building is shaped like a round arena, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people at the same time, and the color is silver as always.

   Seeing that the shaping of the convention hall is drawing to a close, Sean also started to move, waving the life staff again and again, and a famous figure, under the guidance of a powerful force, crossed the limits of the dream map and appeared in the silver dragon dream.

   "Where is this?"

   "What happened?"

   "Why am I here?"

   "Your Excellency, it's Your Excellency. I didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

   "Could it be the fact that your envoy said earlier that the Thousand Cities Joint Conference to discuss the future of all intelligent races is about to be held?"

   "That is Her Majesty Queen Nancy of the Osmond Empire, who has seen her Majesty."

   "The three major councillors of the Feirui City Federation are also here."

   "Your Excellency the President of the Quinta Alliance is here."

   "Ellis, King of the Golden Dwarves."

   "The Silver Dwarf King Morey."

   "Dwarf King Mario of the Dark Iron Clan."

   "There are three dwarf kings from the four dwarf races."

   "Walter, Hailing, Moore... the five sea kings have reached three."

"Your Excellency is worthy of the Mother Tree's messenger. In such a short period of time, the leading figures of all races have been gathered. This is difficult to achieve when the Mother Tree's dream remains normal, let alone the current dream. When monsters are rampant."

   "Where did those half-dragons come from? Did the Queen of Dragon meet a half-dragon race? Don't remember such a huge half-dragon race."

   "It shouldn't be a normal half-dragon. Although most half-dragon's brains are not very bright, they are not rigid. I feel that they are more like those dream nightmares."

   "I know this. It is a dream soldier created by Queen Sylvia with her own ability. We are now in the dream of Queen Sylvia."

   "The Queen Sylvia is so powerful that she can not only build her own dream, but can also create so many dream soldiers?"

"This is not simply the power of the Dragon Queen. The Dragon Queen must now be located in the Mage Tower. It has borrowed part of the mother tree's power. Not only is the Dragon Queen able to create her own dreams, but our city also has her own dreams. This is Xiao The credit of your Envoy."

"The purification plan formulated by your special envoy Shawn is to enable all cities to open their own dreams, to fully mobilize people of all races, to help the mother tree, so as to achieve the goal of self-saving. This should be the main topic of our parliament today. "

   "This is a great thing for all intelligent lives to seek the future, and we should strongly support it."

   "To help the mother tree is to help ourselves. This should be the consensus of all intelligent lives."

   As the soul consciousness drawn by Sean keeps increasing, the silver grand council chamber becomes more and more lively.

   This kind of traction of Sean, of course, is not a random traction, whether it is the order or the person who hauls over.

   No matter how strong Sean's strength is, no matter how enchanting the life staff is, there is no way to draw in unknown souls that Sean has never touched.

The souls of all the people who are now brought in are all that Sean had previously contacted with the Sylvia Dragon Empress in the process of frantically scanning the dream map and left souls on the Staff of Life Imprinted person.

   Including the Queen of Nancy, the Lord of Locksani, and the High Priest of Devitt.

   In fact, since all the city mage towers that Sean has personally handled, when the citizens enter the city dream through the mage tower, they will leave a soul mark on the life staff.

   I did this out of care and preparation.

Once his purification plan fails, the situation on the Abigail plane completely collapses, and Sean must at least ensure that he has the ability to perform basic tasks-using the life staff to take away a part of Abigail's wisdom life soul.

   It’s just that the plan hasn’t changed quickly, and now it has become a teleport express that leads them directly to the dream of the Silver Dragon Queen.

   The ones that Sean gave priority to lead were the city lord and queens of Locksani, the High Priest of Devitt, and Queen Nancy, who had more contact with him and had a high degree of support for him.

   Talk to them for a while, and they will immediately become half masters, helping Sean and Sylvia to receive the following city lord leaders.

   Xiao En’s traction lasted two days, with as many as 3,284 people, including most of the leaders or top powerhouses in the surviving cities.

   By the time Sean completed the traction, the Silver Dragon Assembly Hall had already been full of voices, divided into four distinct camps, discussing disputes.

   The first camp is the Elf camp, which is mainly the city lord of the Elf city headed by the three major councillors of the Ferry City Federation and the President of the Quinta Alliance. The second camp is the dwarf camp, which is mainly composed of three dwarf kings headed by gold, silver, and black iron.

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