The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 881: ?Lun in despair

Since Alvin Bod is unwilling to cooperate, he erases its soul consciousness, extracts the corresponding knowledge, digests and organizes it, and then reorganizes it in its dragon soul through the way of soul runes, using magic The way is forcibly stuffed back.

The disadvantages of this are obvious.

The ancient shadow dragon will lose the ability of self-growth in terms of spells, and will completely become a tool. The spells possessed will be very fixed and cannot adapt to changes.

But there are unexpected benefits.

Sean's knowledge of domain magic will soar to a whole new level.

Shaun will do everything from the ancient shadow dragon society.

Although the ancient shadow dragon has lost self-growth, it will grow more passively.

This passive growth will be limited by Sean.

The higher Shaun's mastery of domain spells, the more domain spells the ancient shadow dragon will use in the future.

Overall, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Compared with a growth, but cynical and inconsistent with one's own ideas, at critical moments, it is possible to give oneself a sense of independence.

Sean prefers a machine where everything is under his control.

What's more, Shaun doesn't think that his creative learning ability is worse than that of the ancient shadow dragon.

With its domain magic as the foundation, it is not impossible to get closer to one level.

In fact, at the beginning, Sean’s attention was still on the upgrade and transformation of the ancient shadow dragon, but with the use of domain spells absorbed from it, as well as its cognition and research on the laws of planes for so many years, pay attention The transfer took place full of strength.

Sean found that the most valuable thing for himself was not the finished spells of the ancient shadow dragon, but its knowledge and perception of the laws of the plane over the years.

Compared with the ancient shadow dragon, Sean's research on the laws of the plane took a huge shortcut.

When Shaun didn't even know what the law of the plane was, he started with the soul law rune.

Let him go directly from a blind person to a normal person.

This huge shortcut made Sean lose the research phase of the blind man and the elephant.

However, this research stage is the key stage to lay the foundation.

Without this solid foundation stage, Sean is empty guarding the huge treasure of the soul law rune, and does not know how to use it effectively.

Even now, it's just a mistake and brute force.

Not to mention the power to teach others how to use the law—just like a normal person can’t teach a blind man to see things, Sean himself hasn’t fully understood it yet.

The ancient shadow dragon is different.

It is a step-by-step process, starting from the blind state, until you have the ability to see the world with your eyes open.

In this process, the ancient shadow dragon did not know how many attempts it made and how many detours it took.

For Sean, even these failed detours are very useful for reference.

It is impossible for everyone like Sean to directly master the law runes. If this happens, the world will be messed up.

Even if there is no peep of the shadow creatures like the Shadow Mother, the entire plane will be unbalanced by them, and there may be a large-scale collapse at any time.

However, it is possible to make the two parties enter the same wave band by simulating a certain rule of the law of the plane, awaken and affect them, so as to make changes and form magic effects.

This is the basic principle followed by the ancient shadow dragon domain spells.

The same power, in a plane that is on the verge of collapse and an extremely stable plane, the power of the domain magic is different.

Before Abigail's plane collapsed, the ancient shadow dragon cast domain spells, which was not as simple as drinking cold water as before.

After the mystery of the ancient shadow dragon cast domain spells was solved by Sean.

That would not be something as simple as Sean alone.

Don't forget his masterpiece-soul combat skills shaping.

As long as he has a matching soul, Sean will be able to launch a large wholesale of domain spells and install them in the shortest time. This is an excellent way to make up for their shortcomings.

Bright Golden Crane needs a one-hit, high-burst domain spell.

The Mantis of Light needs to limit the speed of the enemy, so that he has the opportunity to output domain spells.

Domain spells suitable for Ant-Man sacrifice...

Domain spells suitable for life sacrifice...

One by one, wonderful domain spells were formed in Sean's hands, waiting to be put into practical experimentation.

It took Xiao En a whole week to complete the upgrade and transformation of the ancient shadow dragon and the entire ant-man army, bringing their strength to a new level.

After that, Xiao En ordered an army of 200,000 ants, and slew the tenth-level tree city, Lun En Imperial Capital.


Lun's imperial capital.

It is the capital of the Osmond Empire, the most powerful of the three kingdoms of the Abigail Elves.

Before the cataclysm, the capital of Lunen was known as a city that never fell, known as the brightest pearl of Abigail, and the city where Abigail elves most yearned to live, with a population of 3.5 million at its peak.

But in the face of the cataclysm of the collapse of the earth, Emperor Lun's capital also seemed so fragile and vulnerable.

Compared with the first-class small city like Emerald City, Royal Capital still enjoys special treatment. It is not only located at the end of the main pole, close to the main body of the Abigail World Tree, but also the intersection of the two main poles.

This kind of special treatment allows it to obtain more power of the Abigail World Tree under the same circumstances, and the thickness of the city's protective cover is far from that of the tree city that Sean has contacted before.

In contrast, their special treatment makes them more vulnerable to prying eyes and attacks.

But compared to ordinary tree cities, Emperor Lun's defense is not blindly relying on the city shield, they have a certain counterattack power.

The Osmond Empire also has a well-known nickname, the Silver Dragon Empire.

The Lun Empire is also known as the Silver Dragon Lair.

The founding emperor of the Osmond Empire was an out-and-out half-dragon, with half of the silver dragon blood flowing in his body, signing an offensive and defensive alliance with the silver dragons of the dragon clan, naturally.

When the cataclysm came, the Yinlong clan did not find another lair, but under the leadership of the Yinlong Dragon Empress, the clan migrated to the capital of Lun'en, uniting the two into one, and jointly fighting the unprecedented catastrophe.


The sky above the Imperial Capital of Lun'en resounded through the heavenly dragons.

The anger, helplessness, and sorrow flowing inside can be clearly distinguished even by the person who heard it for the first time.

Not to mention those Lun people who have merged with the Silver Dragon clan.

Citizens who are assisting in the transfer of supplies.

Soldiers repairing the cannon of faith.

The sacrifice of life is saving the wounded.

They couldn't help but temporarily put down their work, and solemnly expressed their most sad condolences to the guards who died.

Whenever this kind of dragon chant sounded over Emperor Lun'en, it meant that a silver dragon had fallen in the war with the nightmare, and Emperor Lun'n's strength against the nightmare was weaker.

"I can't go on like this anymore." An ancient silver dragon with twin pupils like mercury **** was roaring with a look different from usual grace, "Sylvia, open your eyes to see, open your eyes to see those who follow When your clan migrated to Lunen, how many clan members did we have? Fifty-three, all of them silver dragon fighters.

Look at now, eighteen, only eighteen are left.

In a short period of 20 years, 35 members of our tribe have stayed here forever.

They all believed in you incomparably, and believed in your predictions, and they died fighting to protect Lun En.

You are telling me, where is the turning point you predicted?

Will our people have a chance to wait before they all die? "

Another ancient silver dragon, one size smaller than a silver cast statue, glared at the questioning ancient silver dragon, "Elder Lance, what do you mean? Are you questioning the reliability of the Queen's prediction? Or is she right? The feelings of our people? Those silver dragon warriors who died in battle, which one did not grow up when the Queen of the Dragon watched them personally, do you think that you alone feel distressed?

The dragon queen's heart also bleeds, you don't need to insert another knife.

It was the joint decision of all elders, including you and me, to come to Lun.

Now you are actually pushing all the responsibilities to the dragon queen? "

"I have never denied my responsibility." Ancient Silver Dragon Elder Lance said solemnly, "but it seems that I am the only one who is facing this mistake and trying to reverse this mistake."

"We do have the ability to escape here. What about the millions of soldiers and civilians of Lun En? They regard us as relatives and guardians. Once we are all gone, we can't survive for a week only with the shield of divine power. Do you have the heart to watch them and become a member of the nightmare?" Elder Mavis asked again.

"According to the current situation, the fall of Lun City is just a matter of time. Even if we continue to stay here, when all our people, including you and me, are killed here, they can't escape the fall. The doom of death.

On the contrary, we still have a chance.

There is also a chance to save our people, so that the blood of our silver dragon clan has a chance to continue.

I believe that even if we make such a decision, the citizens of Lenn City can understand it.

We have sacrificed enough for them, and we have done our best. "

Elder Lance's tone was sensible and almost cruel.

"Leaving Lun, where can we go?" It was not Elder Mavis who spoke this time, but the ancient silver dragon at the top of the tree branch and exuding soft silver light. Its voice was not high. But it has invisible majesty, far more shocking than Elder Lance's roar.

She is the Silver Dragon Queen Sylvia, who is known as the guardian of Lun. Under her rule, the Silver Dragon clan has not only become the most powerful one among the dragons, because of her gentle attitude towards other intelligent creatures. Greatly eased, the sharp racial conflict between the dragon and other races.

For this reason, the Dragon Council was established to deal with conflicts between intelligent creatures and giant dragons. There is even a special dragon guard to hunt down evil dragons that do evil.

Because of this, the name of this dragon queen is not limited to the Silver Dragon tribe, and it has extraordinary prestige whether it is among the dragons and human-like wisdom races.

It's just this kind of prestige that shows extreme polarization, especially among giant dragons.

The guardian and kind-hearted dragons are extremely supportive of her, regard her as an idol, and follow her very firmly.

The evil and chaotic dragons hated her and hated her to the extreme. They thought she was a traitor to the dragon clan. The Abigail elves in the dragon’s skin turned to those two-legged lambs instead of They are dragons.

This kind of prestige has reached a peak in the Royal Capital of Lunen.

The supreme ruling power of the Royal Capital of Lun is still in the royal family in name. In fact, everyone knows that she is the real ruler.

"Where can't you go?" Elder Lance grinned his neck and replied, "As long as you leave Lun, as long as you leave this tragic battlefield, with the abilities of our people, we can survive well. "

"You will run away and call for survival? You will linger for life?" Dragon Queen Sylvia's voice is still not high or low, but the meaning of questioning inside flows out, "You are abandoning faith, when Are we still us when we discard what we have been holding on? Others don't understand the outside situation, don't Elder Lance still understand?

Where is there a piece of pure land in this world that can allow us to rest and survive?

Elder Lance believes that Lenn dragged us down and caused us to suffer heavy casualties.

But how can the elders be sure that it is not because we are here that Lun will be treated specifically by those nightmares, and that we have been dragging Lun?

Without Lun, we are afraid that we will no longer want to find a place for a short rest. "

"Your Majesty means that those nightmares are not directed at Lun, but at us?" Elder Mavis had an uncontrollable surprise on his face, even as the confidant of the dragon queen, this She also heard the argument for the first time.

"Those nightmares are aimed at the entire plane, especially the resistance within it, and we are the greatest resistance. Among those nightmares that attacked Renn, some of them did come because of Renn, and some were directed at us. Yes, if it wasn't because we were here, maybe Lun wouldn't have to bear such a lot of pressure."

Queen Sylvia said ambiguously, "When we decided to come to Runn, our destiny was already tied together. Elder Lance abandoned Runn and the whole family would withdraw. I'm afraid there is some wishful thinking, let alone. It’s because I can’t pass here, and most of the fighters will not agree to leave. They have already established a deep relationship with the people here. Many fighters regard this as their second home. How can they abandon their home and their loved ones to escape? What?"

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