The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 879: ?Everything is ready

Help them get rid of the disease, build mage towers, restart their dreams, and let those desperate citizens who are like trapped beasts who cannot see the future, divert their attention, and release stress and dissatisfaction by killing dream monsters in real dreams.

No matter how tricky and unreasonable the ruler, he couldn't refuse Sean's proposal.

Because everything Shaun did was absolutely beneficial to their stable rule.

If they were idiots, the entire tree city would have long been a mess.

For those who are very chaotic and clever in the tree city, Xiao En chooses a force that is kind to him and the leader is relatively wise, uses thunder means to suppress all opposition voices, and then repeats the above methods.

Because Shaun has a more ambitious goal, he is not interested in ruling one city or one place.

The forces that have been fostered are usually more pious and loyal to Sean, believing that he is the envoy sent by the mother tree to save them.

Wait until their internal problems are solved and the mage tower is built.

Sean's ant-man army basically swept the main nightmare nests around the city.

Then came Sean's favorite harvest moment.

The Mage Tower turns on the dimensional sound waves, attracting all the scattered and twisted nightmares around, and fight a defensive counterattack.

This defensive counterattack was a multitude of things.

Needless to say to strengthen the safety factor of this tree city.

This is also the best way for Sean to recover the previously invested costs. Only in this way can he use the fastest way to invest in the development and construction of the next city.

As for how much this cost can be recovered, it is really hard to say, this depends on the number of twisted nightmares wandering around.

In the worst case, only 85% of the total investment was recovered, and a loss of 25,000 points of power was lost.

This is just a calculation, using the twisted nightmare guided by the wizard tower to take the initiative to attack the city, intercepting the law of Shaun here.

Not to mention the power of the law harvested by those cities, the ant-man army swept the nightmare nests around the city.

Just talk about the part that Sean's Ant-Man army reaped, and they will only make no losses.

Not to mention, if enough twisted nightmares are induced, Sean will make a fortune.

The most frequent one is in White Rock City.

Baishicheng itself is only a first-class city, but its location is extremely special. It is at the intersection of the roots of the tree, and it covers one hundred and fifty kilometers. It is not only on the plane, but also three-dimensional.

Even if Sean had cleared the surrounding nightmare lair, he still attracted a continuous attack of no less than 500,000 nightmare troops.

It’s also a loss that when they took the initiative, they attracted these nightmares instead of the other party’s rushing out. This is the case, it still brings a lot of pressure to Sean, which is lost in the battle. Thousands of ant soldiers.

However, the gain is also huge, allowing Sean to gain an additional 100,000 points of power, one step closer to transforming the ancient shadow dragon Alvin Bod.

After finding a stable and quick way to accumulate the power of the law, Sean has made up his mind to transform this strong man.

Because as the number of contact with the nightmare keeps increasing, Sean feels more and more precious.

So far, the Shadow Mastermind has encountered 25 of them, killed 18 of them, and collected six of them. The last one is the ancient shadow dragon that was imprisoned in the original lair.

The eighteen killed were all invaders of the Shadow Plane, and they looked very uniform, just like a large jellyfish. As long as they hit Sean's hands, there is basically no chance of being spared, and they will be transformed into the law. Force becomes their only function.

The six included, in the same situation as the Death Shadow Dragon, were all transformed by native creatures, and had not completely abandoned their bodies.

Regardless of what kind of birds their bodies were originally, they will all turn into bright golden cranes after adjusting and adapting the runes of the law of life.

At present, there are as many as twenty-five Bright Golden Cranes in Shaun's hand, and there are more Bright Mantises, a total of 42.

Although Shaun now has the big goal of transforming the ancient shadow dragon.

But it will not blindly save.

Such as transforming the light golden crane and light mantis, this belongs to the same as the construction of the mage tower, it is a strategic investment.

If the ant soldier is compared to an infantry, the Guangming Golden Crane is a light tank that is good at advancing and pursuing, and the Guangming Mantis is a heavy tank that is good at attacking and defending positions.

Now he plays a pivotal role in Sean’s ant army.

It is precisely because of their existence that the number of casualties in the Ant-Man Army and the Twisting Nightmare War can be controlled within a controllable range. The greater their proportion in the military, the fewer casualties.

It is not only the power of law that restricts their growth, but also because the transformation material is rare. It is not what Sean wants to get, and he can get it.

Compared to the light mantis, the shadow giant bird that transforms into the light golden crane is even more rare.

However, from the food chain level, it can also make sense.

Before transforming into a mantis of light, the queen of locusts is a vegetarian. In those city ruins, whether or not they are entangled by the shadow masters, they will be transformed into a nightmare nest, and there will inevitably be the figure of the queen of locusts.

The giant shadow birds are out-and-out carnivores, feeding on twisted nightmares and migratory locusts, and a limited number is normal.

If Sean has sufficient law and power to transform all the locust queens in the nightmare lair that he has swept away, the number of light mantises can be doubled.

The reason Sean didn't do this was because of the limited power of the laws in his hands.

On the other hand, they use automatic food production lines. The migratory locusts they produce are not only for Guangming Jinhe and Guangming Mantis, but ants can also use them as mobile rations.

Seeing that the power of the law he had stored had reached 800,000, Sean couldn't stand it anymore and hurriedly bid farewell to the lord of Andy City, who had just finished the defensive counterattack, and went straight to the original lair.

Yes, it is 800,000, not 350,000.

Three hundred and fifty thousand is just the predicted number given by the rune of the law of life.

This is not entirely accurate, especially when it comes to some extreme fine-tuning, the choice of direction is different, the maximum is different, and the law of power consumption will be different.

One of the principles is that the more the power of the law is spent, the greater the scope of adjustment, and the greater the power that can be exerted.

Sean is the kind of character who either doesn't do it or does it best.

If in the process of adapting the Shadow of Death Dragon, it was discovered that the power of the law was not enough to be able to achieve the ultimate, it is estimated that he would be annoyed for a long time.

From the beginning, Shaun prepared by giving double the predicted number according to the rune of the law of life.

It is because of too much preparation.

That's why it seems particularly difficult, just like watching a long-awaited TV series.

If this TV series is not filmed, that's it.

If it has been shot and put it there, it's just waiting for you to click on it and appreciate it. If you want to grasp it, it's all about self-control.

After more than two months of reconstruction, the lair has changed a lot. If the priests of life who had supported the construction of this place came, they would not recognize it at all.

This has become a real tree city maze, surrounded by giant vines spawned by the light of life by ant-man sacrifices in all directions.

If the Twisted Nightmare comes to attack again, just this maze will be able to stun them, not to mention that the Master Tower also has matching domain spells.

The Mage Tower and the cage that imprisoned the ancient shadow dragon are naturally located in the deepest part of this maze.

The body of the ancient shadow dragon showed strong resilience.

Two months ago, it was violently hammered by Sean's vine giant fist for hundreds of times. The bones of the whole body were not known how much it broke, and the body was seriously deformed. Now it has recovered seven or eighty-eight.

This is still the self-healing power shown when the dragon soul is trapped in the dream of the mage tower, and Sean continuously purifies the shadow energy in its body through the mage tower.

If it is normal, the recovery speed will be faster.

Before the adaptation officially started, Xiao En advanced to the Wizard Tower and met with the dragon soul Alvin Bod who was trapped in it.

Seeing Shaun, the ancient shadow dragon Alvin Bod rushed up for the first time, pretending to tear Shaun to pieces.

But its sharp claws, two meters away from Sean, couldn't make any progress.

"Your Excellency Alvin Bod, don't waste your efforts. You are an expert in the field, and you won't feel it. This belongs to my world. Unless you have the ability to tear this world apart, you can't help me." Sean had a gentle smile from beginning to end.

This kind of smile fell in the eyes of the ancient shadow dragon, but it was the greatest mockery.

Because that is the smile of the winner.

"Don't you want to get anything from me!" The ancient shadow dragon roared angrily while making various attempts.

"It's no longer a question of what you want." Sean didn't mean the slightest irritation. For a person whose life and death are in his own hands, this emotion is completely unnecessary. "I am giving you the last chance. , If you cooperate, you may still retain a bit of self-awareness. If you stubbornly resist to the end, your intelligence may be wiped out!"

Even in the absence of the dragon soul, Sean can complete the mandatory transformation of the ancient shadow dragon, but the result of this will reset their souls and return to their original state of nothing.

After dealing with the giant shadow birds and locusts, you can use this trick, not only without any loss, but even an improvement in their combat effectiveness.

After all, in the process of upgrading and adapting them, Sean can perform certain combat programming, so that they have a more systematic combat method, rather than relying solely on biological instincts.

But this method, used on the ancient shadow dragon, is undoubtedly too violent.

Half of the power of the death shadow dragon lies in its tyrannical body, and the other half lies in its mastery and use of power, especially in many domains.

The latter belongs to the domain of knowledge. If its soul is reset, these 80% will be zero.

Even if the forced conversion is successful, it is only a semi-finished product with a great discount.

"If you really have this ability, do you have to wait until now?" The ancient shadow dragon sneered, "If you want me to surrender, yes, as long as you let me out, we will fight a fair battle. As long as you can beat me, I will Respect you as the king, let you control and dispatch."

"It didn't exist before, doesn't mean it doesn't exist now. I don't know if your Excellency Alvin Bod can see what I am holding in my hand?" Sean didn't mean to continue grinding his teeth with the ancient shadow dragon.

It is not the first time that the two sides have fought in the consciousness space. He has fully learned the stubbornness and arrogance of the other side.

Even if he was a prisoner, he still looked down on Sean.

He thought that he had just used his own negligence to overturn himself with little tricks that could not be used on the table.

Now I am afraid that it will be difficult to completely destroy his shadow dragon body.

"This is..." The ancient shadow dragon suddenly changed color, "How do you hold the life godhead in your hands? No, this is not a complete life godhead, this is just a small seed, you and the old woman Abigail What is the relationship?"

"Just know it!" Sean was overjoyed in his heart.

The reaction of the ancient shadow dragon was exactly what he wanted.

If the other person says something, there is nothing in your hand.

Sean had a headache instead.

Because what Shaun held in his hand was nothing else, it was the law of life rune.

This thing also has the common characteristics of all law runes, the magical abilities that are invisible, unspeakable, and unknowable to ordinary people.

If the ancient shadow dragon can't even see it.

Sean couldn't take this thing and threaten him—the threat was based on the power that both sides recognized.

Obviously Shaun was right.

The ancient shadow dragon is not an ordinary person, not only can see the rune of the law of life, but even know its true foundation.

"Your Excellency Alvin Bod, since you can see it, you should know its efficacy and power." Sean said in an understatement, "Recently, I was preparing to activate its energy. Fortunately, it has been I have all collected. My time is limited and I don't have so much time to delay with you. I will ask you one last time, are you willing to cooperate with me?"

"Haha..." the ancient shadow dragon couldn't help but let out a long laugh, "Since you have touched this layer, you should not know the real situation of this plane, the old woman is just delaying, she saves I can’t save myself, nor can I save the people on this plane. Destruction is inevitable, and soon, I will cooperate with you to purify as you wish. What if the whole world collapses? Isn’t it the same to transform back? Even worse, there is no chance to survive in another way!"

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