The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 877: ? Increase revenue and reduce expenditure

The best way to open source is of course war.

Especially when Sean now has enough background.

Regardless of the ancient shadow dragon, Shaun’s biggest gain this time was to accumulate a powerful army of ant soldiers.

Initially, there are now a total of 1,000 Ant-Man sacrifices, 8,000 elite ant guards, and 25,000 flying ants. They are all survivors of blood battles. The number of one star is as high as 30% and 30%. Between half a star and one star, the remaining 40% is nearly half a star.

No need to say more about the elite ant guards and flying ants.

Both of them were born out of the queen using ultra-fast incubation function under special circumstances, and spent a lot of energy. That is, it took the advantage of the power to mobilize the surrounding world tree. Only in such a short period of time, can the queen be born. Many ant soldiers came out.

The number spawned at the beginning was three times this, and two-thirds of the ant soldiers died in the previous **** battle.

This kind of good thing, only this time.

At least it won't reappear on the original nest side.

Because at first, the siltation in the World Tree within the envelope of the Lair Mage Tower, whether it was the light of life or the energy of the shadows, was attracted and digested.

The rest is the energy attracted under normal circumstances.

Unless it is relying on the second world of the mage tower, it keeps expanding and expanding its own influence.

Otherwise, the attracted power will not change much in the same time.

This is the normal state it should be.

It is worth mentioning that the one thousand and one Ant-Man sacrifices.

This was not born deliberately by the first queen. When Sean edited the first queen, he didn't presuppose this unit.

They awakened themselves during the previous **** battle with the twisted nightmare.

After these ant-man sacrifices were awakened, there was not much change in body shape. The ant guard was awakened by the ant guard, the soldier ant was awakened in the shape of a soldier ant, and the flying ants were still flying ants.

The same thing is that after awakening, they have mastered the ability similar to the life sacrifice to manipulate the light of life, and at the same time they have gained a lot of intelligence. Naturally, their learning ability will rise with the tide, and they will step into the ranks of intelligent life.

In this case, it is not appropriate to mix them with ordinary ants.

Regardless of their original background, they have received a new title-Ant-Man Sacrifice. This name is naturally related to their ability to manipulate the light of life.

These Ant-Man sacrifices are the most suitable low-level officers and personnel, more suitable than life sacrifices.

Not to mention that the life sacrifice of Emerald City was seconded by Xiao En, and will be returned sooner or later.

To say that they are very different from Ant-Man, they are very eye-catching in the Ant-Man army, and they are easily targeted for assassination.

As long as the ant-man sacrifice does not display the special ability to manipulate the light of life, it is difficult to distinguish it from ordinary ant soldiers.

According to the current situation, this awakening is clearly directed.

As long as the queen ants continue to produce ant soldiers at the beginning, as long as the war continues, the ant-man sacrifice will continue to awaken and produce.

It took some time to teach them to build the mage tower.

In the future, Sean will not have to spend time and effort on seconding life sacrifices from the Emerald City every time.

"Sir, really don't need us to stay to assist you?" Senior life priest Milu asked again.

On the second day after suppressing and restraining the ancient shadow dragon, Sean arranged for the life priests of the Emerald City to return to the Emerald City.

"The biggest enemy here has been wiped out by us. All that is left is the finishing work. With the assistance of these ant-man sacrifices, it is enough. Compared to mine, the Emerald City needs you more." Xiao En smiled Said, "You have helped me a lot and can no longer occupy your time. Compared with the Emerald City, this place is not suitable for long stay after all."

"The envoy is too polite." Milu shook his head repeatedly, "We also need to thank the envoy for giving us this opportunity. Without the envoy, we would never have the opportunity to see this fantastic and colorful new world, let alone the previous one. It is precisely because of the guardianship of special envoys that the great wars have made us safer."

"We don't want to be polite to each other here, if we are all ready, let us go on the road."

"With the flying ant mount allocated to us by the envoy, we will be able to fly the Emerald City on our own. There is no need to delay your precious time. You should do your own business!"

"I was the one who brought you out. I was responsible for sending you back safely. It won't take long to go back and forth. The time for us to argue is enough for us to arrive."

"Then we thanked the Special Envoy in advance, thank you for your care and kindness."

"Why do the family need to talk about two things? There will be more things to go to where you are needed in the future."

"If you have any needs in the future, please let the envoy speak, we are waiting for dispatch at any time and we will do our best."

"If there is a need, I will contact you as soon as possible."

This time, Sean did not use the air transport warehouse to allocate and transport life sacrifices.

It takes too much time to do so.

Now that the resources are relatively abundant, they have another quicker way-these life sacrificial rides are assigned to them to return to the Emerald City by flying ant mounts.

"My envoy, what is this going to do? Is it going to **** us back to the Emerald City? Or is it going to go to war?"

"This kind of **** is too extravagant, right?"

"The envoy is not going to set out with this army? Isn't this too exciting?"

When the life sacrifices were assembled, and Xiao En was ready to return to the Emerald City, he was really shocked by the scene in front of him.

Behind Xiao En were suspended Abigail ant soldiers with a total strength of no less than 20,000.

Is Shaun planning to **** them back to the Emerald City? Are you still ready to go to war?

"Do you remember that when I first arrived in the Emerald City, you were under the siege of a nightmare?" Xiao En asked instead.

"That's true, the envoy meant..." Senior life priest Milu thoughtfully.

"Those Nightmare individuals are surprisingly similar, and they are likely to be mass-produced. I have reason to suspect that there are Nightmare Lairs around the Emerald City. Although the head of the Nightmare has been wiped out by me, it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no new ones. Come, in order to ensure the safety of Emerald City, I think it is necessary to carry out a detailed screening of the surrounding area to prevent unnecessary dangers from appearing." Sean analyzed clearly.

Anyway, Sean's reason for launching the war against the twisted nightmare was to collect a large amount of law power quickly for later use.

As long as it is a twisted nightmare, there is no specific goal.

Starting from around the Emerald City, you can kill two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

"The envoy is still very considerate. I am here to replace the citizens. Thank you, the envoy."

"The envoy is worthy of being the one chosen by the mother tree, and we are always thinking about it."

"Thank you, Envoy."

After hearing Xiao En's answer, the life sacrifices expressed their sincere gratitude.

Under the guard of 20,000 heavy soldiers, the life sacrifice that supported the construction of the initial nest, embarked on the return journey mighty.

The journey is smooth, as long as it is not very unlucky, they will not suffer much loss under the shelter of Shaun if they encounter violent plane fluctuations.

As for the twisted nightmare.

Once the two encounter, it is not Sean who should be afraid, but them.

Sean is now anxious to encounter those twisted nightmares that have become institutional.

I believe that with his current strength, as long as he doesn't encounter the unique and terrifying existence of the ancient shadow dragon, he basically gives them the power of law, the kind that can't run if they want to run.

And an existence like the ancient shadow dragon is not something you can encounter if you want to meet it.

Along the way, they encountered two waves of nightmares, neither of which numbered a thousand.

Before the ant army could be dispatched, the scout regiment led by Guangming Jinhe was dissipated and destroyed.

This time, Xiao En led an army of ant soldiers to the Emerald City, which inevitably caused another shock.

The attitude towards Sean, whether it is the top rulers or the bottom citizens, has undergone subtle changes.

Prior to this, the Emerald City gave Sean a high respect and cooperation.

It's just that this respect is largely derived from his special identity and what he did for the Emerald City.

If you want to mobilize the citizens of the Emerald City for your own use, you must largely rely on your reputation here.

Now it's different. The military power in Sean's hands is real.

More importantly, it took him less than two weeks from being alone to being heavily armed.

If he is given more time, he still doesn't know what he will grow into.

This makes the respect a little more awe.

What really made Sean's reputation reached its peak in the Emerald City.

In addition to the flying ant mounts that the life sacrificial ride back to the Emerald City, he also gifted three thousand new flying ants to the Emerald City as a gift for them to help themselves this time.

In order to enhance the Emerald City's ability to detect, defend and counterattack, and then face the attack of the twisted nightmare, it is not blindly passively beaten.

"Thanks to the envoy for his generous gift, we really don't know how to repay the envoy for his kindness, the envoy has brought us too much, and we can give back to the envoy for too few and too few!" City Lord Roxani kept saying Words of thanks.

Because she really didn't know how to repay this envoy except for her verbal gratitude.

"I heard the Milu priest say that the envoy is preparing to clean up the nightmares around the Emerald City. Is there anything we can do? This is beneficial to the entire Emerald City, and we cannot sit back and enjoy it!" High Priest Dewitt asked as he spoke. Tao.

"Don't tell me, I am also ready to make a request." Xiao En said straightforwardly, "I really need your help in this matter."

"My envoy needs us to do anything, just say it." City Lord Roxani looked surprised.

She was not afraid that Sean would beg to the door, but she was afraid that he would always have no desire for the Emerald City.

Because only when needed, the relationship between the two is normal.

Otherwise, Sean can leave them at any time, leave them, and whether he will come later depends entirely on Sean's own feelings.

"Don't respond in a hurry, and listen to my request first, because my request will make Emerald City take a lot of risk." Xiao En took the vaccination in advance.

"My envoy still needs to see things like this? It's our honor to be able to take risks for the envoy. Don't worry, my envoy, don't worry about what we need to do, just say it." City Lord Roxani gave Sean a high degree of trust.

"Lord Messenger, let us listen." High Priest Dewitt said relatively steady.

"To completely eliminate the nightmares around the Emerald City, the biggest problem at the moment is to find them, especially those that are scattered and distorted. It will take a lot of time to pull them out and eliminate them all. What is lacking is time, so I thought of a reverse plan.

Since it is too wasteful of time for us to actively search for twisted nightmares, why not let those nightmares come to us, then we can wait for work and kill them all! To avoid future troubles! "

"This is indeed a good strategy, but how do we make Nightmare act according to our wishes?" City Lord Roxani pointed directly to the core of the problem.

"Mage Tower!" Since this plan was proposed, Sean naturally came up with a perfect strategy. "We can use the Mage Tower to simulate the infrasound waves of the shadow masters and issue a summoning order to all the nightmares around the Emerald City, and let them send them to the Emerald City. Assembling, just doing this will expose the Emerald City to a great risk. If it exposes you directly to a large number of nightmares, especially our density of nightmare around the Emerald City, and whether there is a huge nightmare lair, it will not It is particularly unclear. Once a nightmare that is beyond our ability to deal with appears, it will bring disaster to the Emerald City."

Sean said his biggest worry.

"I think this method can be tried!" High Priest Dewitt groaned for a few seconds, "If there are such powerful existences around the Emerald City, they would have come to the door a long time ago and would not wait until we take the initiative to attract them. What's more, the initiative of the Mage Tower is in our hands. I believe that the strength of the signal can be flexibly controlled, and the risk will be placed under control."

"What the high priest said is very We and those nightmares are destined to survive only one. As long as they exist, they will come sooner or later." City Lord Roxani said with a firm face, " In this matter, we support the Special Envoy. We are not taking the risk for the Special Envoy, but the Special Envoy taking the risk for the Emerald City, because you do not need to do this. Since the Special Envoy is willing to take this risk, what reason do we have to refuse? "

The asymmetry of information causes huge differences in what the two sides see.

In the eyes of City Lord Roxani, Sean did this to help the Emerald City and help the Emerald City end its troubles.

As everyone knows, Sean is using the Emerald City as bait to attract those nightmares to the bait, so that he can collect a large amount of the power of the law.

Now that the Lord of Locksani and the High Priest of Devitt, the two directly in charge of the Emerald City have already expressed their views, Sean is not hypocritical. If he does not want to implement this plan, he does not need to propose it from the beginning.

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