The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 856: ?understand deeper

"Are you really the mother tree messenger?" The high priest DeWitt skipped all the greetings a little impatiently and asked, "Your messenger, don't get me wrong. I didn't question the identity of the messenger. I just want to know, is the mother tree okay now? Our life sacrifices completely lost the connection with the mother tree consciousness two weeks ago. We can clearly feel the life passing of the mother tree. What happened to the mother tree? Is there anything we can do? As long as we If we can do it, we will spare no effort to save the mother tree."

The mother tree in the mouth of the High Priest Dewit is the Abigail World Tree at their feet, and it is also the Abigail Goddess.

The image of the goddess Abigail that Sean had seen before was nothing but an energy body she released.

Abigail World Tree is her deity.

No one said that ancient gods must be human-shaped intelligent creatures.

Shaun replied solemnly: "The Lord Goddess’s situation is very bad. Two weeks ago, she was besieged by eight shadow mistresses in Outland. In order to protect this plane, in order to protect you, the Lord Goddess had to Introduced them into traps, severely wounded and locked them, and bought the last time for all Abigail people to escape. I was ordered to come and assist you to leave this plane and find a new home."

Sean is not a blank description. The body of the law behind him has his head raised, his eyes shining, and a huge holographic image is shown above the Emerald City.

In this holographic image, nothing else is placed.

It was the whole story of the Abigail goddess that Sean had witnessed before and the eight shadow mistresses.

Of course, this is not the kind that is put from beginning to end.

But after Sean’s soul, carefully edited and edited, about the beginning and end of the battle, clearly described clearly, and presented the most exciting pictures, and then the most classic and exciting BGM in the memory of Sean’s past life The tune is matched.

An unprecedented, ingeniously artistically processed documentary, is freshly released.

"It's the mother tree. It's really the mother tree. Could it be that the mother tree came here in person?"

"No, that's not real. It's just a shadow of the mother tree. This should be similar to the mother tree's dream. What we see is only the memory shadow, which is what happened in the past."

"I knew it, I knew that the mother tree must be in danger, so that we could not respond to our prayers. The mother tree has never abandoned us. She has always been in a field that we don't know. She is alone against all dangers and under all pressure, for Guarding us and fighting, we are still questioning the mother tree in private. It is really inhumane. We are ashamed of what the mother tree has done for us."

"Kill them, you must kill them..."

"So it's like this..."

"How could this be……"

Have the Abigail people ever seen this, not only those priests of life who have a devout belief in the goddess Abigail.

Even the ordinary citizens of the emerald city were stunned, and their emotions were completely aroused.

Seeing the fierce battle, everyone danced with excitement and cheered up the goddess Abigail.

Seeing the goddess Abigail, in order to defend the entire plane, she would not hesitate to disintegrate herself and urge her body to launch an attack, and she burst into tears.

Seeing the last time, everyone couldn't help kneeling on the ground, praying for the goddess Abigail.

Although this kind of prayer is a little late, it is the only thing they can do.

Half an hour, fleeting.

The entire Emerald City was immersed in grief and anger, and the belief in the goddess Abigail rose sharply.

And this is exactly what Sean wanted, not in vain of his careful preparation along the way.

Since being sent to the plane of Abigail by the goddess Abigail, Sean has been thinking about a problem-how to win the trust of the natives of Abigail in the shortest possible time and let them cooperate with themselves. It is necessary At that time, he even took the initiative to give up his life, let his soul enter the seed of the world tree, and let himself take it away.

Of course, there is no need to obtain their consent, to kill them indiscriminately, and to use coercive means to collect their souls is also a way.

This kind of practice is inhumane. It doesn't matter whether Sean can kill mercilessly, or whether he can do it in a short time.

Even if it is to use this method to achieve the final desired result and bring the souls of Abigail people to their own plane in large quantities, their own interests will be greatly reduced.

Sean can't expect that these Abigail people who have been killed by him once are still loyal to him and use them for himself, right?

As a last resort, Sean will never use this method.

But in a short period of time, it is not a simple matter to want the Abigail people to volunteer.

After much deliberation, it is better to make full use of the influence of the goddess Abigail in the Abigail people, which is king.

Those illusory beliefs can make people crazy and blindly follow them.

Not to mention that the goddess Abigail is real, and fights to protect the entire plane of Abigail.

Although she herself was born from this, this purpose.

But those Abigail people don't know this, there are naturally plenty of articles in it.

At present, the situation is far better than he expected.

The goddess Abigail was not only in the plane, but also established a sufficient foundation of faith.

At the same time, he has paved the way for himself among his devout followers, so that he can use this power for himself.

Hearsay is worse than seeing it with your own eyes.

With the heroic combat power of the Abigail Goddess and the eight shadow mistresses as starting hands, Sean is the prophecy of the Abigail Goddess. She is sent to help the Abigail people get out of this desperate situation. The identity did not run away.

Coupled with the great combat power that Shaun had previously shown.

I was immediately enshrined by the Emerald City as a guest of honor. As for the various questions raised by Sean, he knew everything and answered endlessly, so that Sean could use the fastest time to understand the situation of Abigail's plane in the past 100 years, and The general situation now.

The total collapse of Abigail’s plane fell to the present is obviously not a matter of overnight, but the cataclysm that took Abigail’s world tree up to the ground for a whole hundred years, but only a short one. Twenty years, shorter than the establishment of Yongye Army Leader.

At this point in time, it was able to mutate into a large-scale explosion with the beasts of Ashan Continent.

The magical energy of Shaun's plane can't increase suddenly out of thin air.

Obviously, there is a causal relationship with the Abigail plane that has completely collapsed.

At the beginning of the cataclysm, the intelligent life condition of Abigail's plane was similar to that of the continent of Ashan. It was also in a divided state, divided into different races and countries to conquer each other.

Their situation is even more complicated than that of Arshan, because their ethnic differences are greater, regardless of body size or living habits.

The main residents of the Emerald City where Shaun is now, before the cataclysm, they were called the children of nature and the people of the forest. They themselves have an extraordinary affinity with nature, especially forests, and many people even have control over the vegetation. The ability to attack and grow.

Most of the mainland forests and plains are entrenched by them.

But Shaun prefers to call them elves.

Another major land race is the sons of rocks. They are natural blacksmiths, warriors and cave diggers. They mainly dig in the mountains to build their own impenetrable fortresses.

They are the main competitors on the land of Abigail elves. The two sides have a war that lasted for thousands of years, which can be called a blood feud for generations.

The third major race is the marine darling murlocs. They are born to be herders, fishermen, and masters of the sea. Naturally, their main residence is the islands in the sea and the coast of the mainland.

They are also on the coast of the sea, and there is a territorial dispute with the Abigail elves.

Whether Abigail elves, Abigail dwarves, Yang or Abigail murlocs, they are divided into several races according to their skin color, talents, and where they live, such as forest elves, prairie elves, and snow Elves, sky elves, lava dwarves, gray dwarves, copper dwarves, coral murlocs, tide murlocs, etc.

These Sean did not have a deep understanding. After all, this division has become a thing of the past with the cataclysm. All the intelligent lives of the Abigail plane can be called Abigail people, even more so. Inside these races.

In the face of greater disasters, the hatred they once had will be trivial. In order to survive, they have to work together.

Before the cataclysm, few people realized the threat from outside the plane of the Shadow Master.

Let the masters of these nightmares take advantage of the hatred between their races.

The entire plane of Abigail erupted in a melee that lasted for half a century, with countless casualties.

By the time those rulers discovered that something was wrong, the evil consequences had already occurred.

The plague is rampant, the weather is abnormal, the ground is trembling, the volcano erupts, the land is cracked, and the undead rages.

The most important thing is that the spokespersons quietly supported by the shadow mistresses began to open the door and actively invited the shadow mistresses to come in.

The next twenty years were a year of complete massacre.

Those shadow mistresses will either not appear, once they appear, they will massacre the city on a large scale.

The slaughtered population, even if less than one-half of the surviving population of the entire Abigail plane, one-third definitely existed.

At that time, faith was lost, and more creatures, in order to save their lives, had to join the shadow of the mistress of the shadows and tortured their former tribe.

This situation continued until the cataclysm that Abigail World Tree broke ground.

To some extent, the Abigail World Tree was the initiator of the catastrophe.

Because of its appearance, the earth was completely torn apart, volcanoes erupted, and seawater poured in.

But no one can accuse it of its appearance.

Because before that, the Shadow Mothers demolished a huge hole in the sky.

Not to mention which hole the shadow mistress tried to get in from, that hole still has a terrifying suction power, which will not only **** the surrounding people and animals, including the sea, will be swept into the sky by it, and will never return.

That is the sky collapsed in the true sense.

Abigail's World Tree is the final counterattack of the laws of the plane, spawned at any cost, to fill the sky.

The rest is what Shaun saw.

The city where the elves lived was separated in place and lifted into the air.

The mountains where the dwarves live are wrapped in thicker roots and become part of the Abigail World Tree.

Corals and islands where fish people live sink into the depths of the ocean and are absorbed by rhizomes that have plunged into the ground.

The latter two, like the Abigail Elves, did not die, they were also protected by the Abigail World Tree, and depended on its gifts to maintain and survive.

Geographically, they are farther isolated than before the cataclysm.

But in the mind and soul, they are more closely connected than before. Even if the two sides are separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, they may be able to meet in the next second.

Because the Abigail plane also has its own second world-Abigail Dreamland.

Abigail goddess relies on the world tree to build a network of soul ideas.

This is not only a platform for them to communicate and practice, but also a main place for their entertainment.

Because the condition of these Abigail people is very similar to that of Sean who was in the energy vortex at the beginning.

These cities are shrouded by urban protective shields, even if their protective tools are their cages, there is no way to leave them lightly.

As for the most basic materials they need to survive, of course they are obtained from the Abigail World Tree.

The sap flowing out of it is the sweetest drink.

The fruit on its body is the best nourishment.

The new shoots can be picked and eaten as freshly baked bread.

Although the species is a bit singular, the nutrients provided are enough to maintain their survival.

Although this new way of life is a bit worse, at least it is not desperate.

Many people even like this kind of parasite-like life and think it is good to maintain it in this way.

Only some wise men think that this lifestyle is unreliable and even more dangerous than before.

Because they completely pin their lives on the Abigail World Tree. Once there is a problem with the World Tree, this fragile balance will be broken, and they will be pushed into desperation, and the enemies outside the cage will be charged. They will starve to death in the cage before they come in and kill them.

They have never forgotten the horrible existence that Abigail World Tree forced to retreat in the process of repairing the sky.

I believe they will not give up, they must be trying their best to break through the cage and descend into this world.

Unexpectedly, this situation was faster and more violent than they expected.

Two weeks ago, Abigail's dream completely collapsed, and everyone's soul consciousness was ejected from it, and no one could enter it afterwards.

Immediately afterwards, the divine power shield guarding the city began to weaken slowly, and countless twisted nightmares, who did not know where they came from, launched an attack on their city.

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