The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 847: ?The Giant of Transformation Law

If you want to jump out of this unique cage, the law rune is your biggest support. Naturally, the stronger the better.

The rune of    law is like a bottomless pit, all the shadow energy sent to the door is collected as it is, and it is digested quickly.

  Like the hard dish of the shadow giant, the law runes are digested very fast, not to mention the pure shadow energy, which is similar to rice porridge, naturally there is no difficulty.

   The rune of the law swallowed the shadow energy here, and soon spit out a large amount of positive energy from the other end, which was added to the body of the law to supplement the consumption.

   Soon Sean felt it personally, the ancestors often talked about it, and in the shadows, they would lose the concept of time and space.

   In the energy vortex, Sean completely lost his reference to time.

   What he is facing now is a swirling, constantly rotating energy vortex, looking at it from the back, it is a gray piece, and the front is an incandescent piece.

  In the beginning, after Sean figured out his departure in general.

   also counted the number of fists he blasted as a reference.

   But soon I lost this thought, after all, doing research is a very brain-consuming thing.

   Now he can't connect with the body, there is no way to use the terrifying computing power in the consciousness space of the mage tower.

   Sean can only start anew and build a new calculation program in the body of the law.

   But this kind of calculation program is based on hardware.

   Before that, he must first transform the body of the law into what he needs.

   After a try, there is really huge room for manipulation.

   Before this, the body of the law was entirely a rune of the law, organized spontaneously.

   In the face of a strong enemy, Sean has no time to study its composition carefully.

   Now that I have time, I have to think about it carefully.

   After researching, I discovered that although this thing was put together temporarily, it is very particular about it.

   Needless to say, the subject is naturally the heroic soul of Odin.

   Those are the skeletons, if they were not there.

  Law rune, no matter how enchanting, let alone a physical giant, even an energy giant, it is difficult to condense.

   Out of nothing.

   This is the most basic law against Sean and their plane.

   The current situation of these heroic souls of Odin is exactly the same as when they formed the heroic giants of Odin. They are all fallen into a deep sleep, only serving as energy transmission media.

   If Odin’s soul is bone, then the law rune is the heart, and the chain of law protruding from above is the tendons and blood vessels.

   is that it makes the law giant undergo a qualitative change, from a pure energy body to a special existence that now combines the properties of physics, law, and energy.

   Of course, flesh and blood is energy.

   After clarifying this point, the rest is much simpler.

   Because now Sean can completely see the Law Giant as an enlarged version of the human body.

   Cultivation, his experience is quite rich, he even combined his own two-life experience to develop a set of things unique to him.

   Although many things are in a theoretical state, Sean doesn't know where he will go all the way.

   But judging from the various situations shown, this is definitely a bright road.

   Sean simply copied it directly on the body of the law giant.

   Compared with the practice of Law Giant, it is much simpler.

   The heart and blood vessels composed of law runes and law chains do not need to be concerned. They are the top configuration in themselves. The transformation and utilization of energy is far above the cell charm culture that Sean has explored by himself.

   If it is one's own, there is also a law rune as a weapon for transforming shadow energy.

   The process of one's own talismanic culture is more than a thousand times faster, and it is possible ten thousand times, directly to the mage tower with the shadow plane, and practice for decades in retreat.

   Sean has the confidence to make himself land holy.

   But when the laws of the plane are sound, it still has meaning.

   When the entire plane collapses, it will face the horrible existence of the shadow mistress at any time, and the significance is greatly reduced.

   Sean's main thoughts are still on the spirit of Odin and the energy absorbed by them.

  Eighty thousand Odin's heroic souls were simply absorbed together, and they were not carefully organized.

   All aspects of performance are naturally greatly reduced.

   Shaun first adjusted them.

   Shaun's adjustment and transformation of them is nothing else.

   is the energy reactor.

   This energy reactor is not one, but a group of eight.

   Every ten thousand Odin souls constitute a soul energy reactor.

   Sean did this, of course, with his own deep meaning.

   One thing is to increase flexibility.

  Don't forget, the law giant can still be divided into eight, becoming eight Odin heroic giants.

   Eight Odin heroic giants can be divided into eighty thousand.

   Of course, Sean has to consider all aspects.

   This energy reactor can not only be used during the period of the law giant.

   can also be used when it is re-decomposed into a giant of Odin.

   In this way, they will greatly reduce their dependence on the environment and prolong their fighting time in an environment with lower spell energy.

   Even if it is broken down into an army of the heroic spirits of Odin, as long as they guarantee a complete system.

  The energy reactor will also be maintained, but it is a matter of efficiency.

  The fault-tolerant ability of the magic circuit, especially the soul magic circuit, is far beyond imagination.

  Secondly, this method increases the fault tolerance rate of the law giant. Even if one energy reactor is closed, there are seven other reactors in operation, which can ensure that the concentration of power is fast enough and high enough.

  With them as aids, the speed at which the law rune can absorb shadow energy will be greatly accelerated to satisfy his growing appetite.

   The locations of the eight energy reactors are also carefully designed and calculated.

   One on each limb.

   Four sets on the body.

   The back elbows of the arms, the knees of the legs, the shoulder armor of the arms and the roots of the legs all have energy injection devices built on these energy reactors.

   The role is self-evident.

  At the critical moment, energy does not need to be flowed much at all, and it is sprayed directly from these energy reactors that have the function of storing energy.

   In this way, the operability in battle will be much more.

   Increasing strike power and speed are the most basic.

   There are also some two-stage attacks and jumps that break the limit.

   If used well, it is not impossible to become three or four.

   Once the experiment is successful, this method can be directly applied to self-cultivation.

   As the saying goes, one can do everything.

   The transformation of the law giant can refer to the method that Sean is practicing now.

  Similarly, Shaun’s physical training can also learn from the transformation of the law giant.

   It depends on who is in front of the two sides.

   At present, although the body of the law giant is tens of thousands of times that of Sean, it is only a matter of time before it exceeds.

   The speed at which the rune of the law swallows the shadow energy is amazing enough.

  The energy reactors built on the basis of Odin’s heroic souls have become even more amazing as they are successively built.

   was originally just drinking water with big mouthfuls, and then slowly changed to pumping water with a water pump, not one with two pumps.

   is eight high-power pumps, pumping water 24 hours a day and night.

   This is not simply a question of the rapid increase in the absorption speed, but also the rapid increase in the digestion speed of the law runes.

  Because the energy reactor is not as simple as extracting shadow energy, the heroic soul of Odin has the power of law itself, which has a certain ability to decompose shadow energy.

   When the shadow energy flows in, it is natural to go back and spend a circle here, and some of it will be broken down and digested on the spot.

   In other words, when the energy reactor is built, the spirit of Odin will enter a state of continuous growth and strengthening-for them, the power of law is their main source of strength in the future.

   Although this method is slow, it wins in safety.

   Sean also didn't mean to draw the power of their own digestion to obtain the law, all belong to them personally.

   By the time these shadow energy is transported to the law rune, it is already half digested, and the decomposition speed is naturally greatly increased.

   Then these shadow energies are divided into two, pure magic energy and law power.

Part of the power of the law is used to maintain the consumption of the law giant's body-matching the power of the law giant is its terrifying consumption. This thing not only eats energy, but also eats the power of the law, mainly used to maintain those law chains. exist.

   Another part of the power of the law was gathered here, and then checked the gaps, one part was used to fill the short board, and the other part was hoarded for later use to prevent the law rune from being used when there is not enough hidden energy to decompose.

   The eight energy reactors are just the beginning.

   Then, centering on the heroic soul of Odin, it continuously extends outward to construct a stable, non-consumable energy rune.

   Under normal circumstances, this is impossible.

   It is the same reason. The magical energy is plastic and not stable.

   This subject has also troubled Sean for many years-this is an extension of the soul beast.

  Unless this problem is solved, they will not be able to copy or imitate the soul beast.

   After having a lot of laws, this problem was solved.

  The power of the law has the stability that the magical energy does not possess. As long as it is used as the core and woven into the desired rune, it will automatically absorb the magical energy and become a complete whole.

   When the power of these laws are connected together, the energy transmission pipeline is formed, and the absorption capacity of the magical energy naturally rises and rises greatly.

   Once the magic circuit is formed, various spells naturally follow.

   There is no time in practicing.

   Once there is something to do, the time will not be difficult.

   As for the sudden disappearance of the 80,000 Odin heroic soul he carried, what kind of changes will it bring to the Yongye Army leader and the entire Ashan Continent, Xiao En has already calculated that it is seven or eight.

   For Ashan Continent, the biggest variable is the intervention of the Shadow Master.

   At this point, in a short time, I don’t have to worry about it.

   Whether it is the Shadow Giant or the Shadow Master’s personal shots, they are all forced by Sean to lead the eight Odin heroic giants.

  Because they don't do this, let Sean and the others toss and push the tower down, it is very likely that they will abruptly eat away the undead empire and cut off the tentacles of the shadow mistress extending into their plane.

   But temporary contingency means that the cost of the same thing will increase dramatically.

   Why didn't the Shadow Matriarch send enough shadow giants to crush Shaun to ambush them?

  Why didn't the Shadow Mistress act against them personally from the beginning?

   It's not that I don't want to.

   but not.

   sent fourteen shadow giants into their plane, I am afraid that in a short time, the shadow master can do the limit.

   And the shadow mistress wants to enter the main plane, it must cooperate with the shadow giant itself.

   In other words, once entering the material plane, the shadow master's control over the shadow giant plummeted.

   And these shadow giants have self-awareness, and they also know the price they will pay if they recruit the shadow mistress into the material plane. As long as they don't rush, they will never take the initiative.

   After this battle, the methods and energy prepared by the Shadow Mother for their planes have been exhausted, and a new round of energy storage is needed.

  , on the contrary, was the ghost giant that had not been able to root out before. Under the suppression of the heroic giant of Odin led by Sean, it would become a hidden danger.

  The attacking undead empire will also bring huge pressure on the northern defense line led by Yongye Army.

   But it's just hidden dangers and stress.

   The entire defensive system and military-industrial system led by Yongye Army have already taken shape.

   Even the Heroic Banner, a special equipment that requires the power of law, is no longer unable to leave Sean.

  Because they already have the second world, this factory that continuously produces the power of the law, the rest is stuffing the heroic soul inside.

The tighter their frontline warfare, the stronger the life that this new world radiates, and it won’t take long for the heroic giants of the Eternal Night Army to emerge, turning their heads back and reaching the first place in the war with the Undead Empire. line.

   This is the fiercest place in the second world.

It’s a pity that there are too few people constrained in the second world. Xiao En originally envisioned to link the first and second worlds more closely together, open an unmanned factory, and further accelerate the pace of Yongye’s leadership. The assumption can only be temporarily stranded.

   Without 80,000 Odin's heroic souls in his hand, it is impossible to make the blood fortress break and seal the three shadow gates in a short time.

   Fortunately, the bloodriding heroic spirit led by Grand Duke Cedric was still there, and with his own help, formed a virtuous circle, suppressing those twisted nightmares and shadow gates more than enough.

   The situation in the blood castle of Fracture Knock, when planning the Sea and Winter Department, had already told Sophie Liya.

   I believe that for Grand Duke Cedric, Sophia Liya should be more concerned than herself. Once she finds that she has a problem, she will definitely get in touch with him as soon as possible, and open a continuous battlefield there.

   In fact, in Sean’s plan, he was not fully prepared to close the three shadow doors.

   Those monsters are the enemies they will face sooner or later.

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