The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 833: ?Yongye Shiwei

One hundred and twenty meters!

   One hundred meters!

   80 meters!

   fifty meters!

   coming soon, coming soon, they can clearly see the situation in the camp.

   thirty meters!

   They can already hear each other's shouts.

   20 meters!

   They can clearly see each other's appearance.

   Ten meters!

   They can already hear each other's heavy breathing clearly.

   "What monster is this?"

   "Are they still human? How come they grow so tall?"

   "It's the Kentana barbarians, the savages from the Kentana ice sheet. Only they have such a terrifying stature. How can they appear on the land of the Byron Alliance? Have they formed an alliance?"

   "Damn, are they barbarians? Or are we barbarians? How could they have such sophisticated equipment?"

  Odin orc soldiers rushing in the front, after seeing the situation on the opposite side, they all changed their colors.

   When they looked from a distance, the other party kept making the move to close the gate, but when they got closer, they realized that this was just a fake action of the other party.

   A human wall has replaced the Zhaimen, blocking this place.

   is just this human wall, not an ordinary human wall.

   The opponent stood there, not much shorter than they were sitting on the war horse.

   was filled with orc arrows, like a hedgehog, and looked terrifying.

   But from the cold eyes that they showed, these arrows seemed to not exist.

   The one on top is nothing but the Kentana heavy shield.

   This unit has another nickname Tashan in Yongye Army Leader.

The inner layer is inlaid composite armor, the outer layer is hung with large, thick plate armor, and the outer side is covered with tumor-shaped shield thorns. The tower shield is like a door. .

   For this amount, many untrained Kentana barbarians can't afford it for a long time, let alone ordinary people, it is difficult to put on and move.

   After these Kentana heavy shield soldiers went out of battle, they often stood the tower shield up there, and the whole body was shrunk to the back, and it was easy not to shoot. This is another reason for their nickname. They must save as much energy as possible.

   But once it moves, it is often fatal.

  A tower shield weighing hundreds of catties is slapped on a person, and the bones and tendons are light.

   The arrow rain of Odin orcs only further verified their terror defense capabilities.

   Not to mention that they have a complete combat technique system.

   So far, the Kentana barbarian soldiers of the Holy Spirit Legion have relied on the benefits of weapons and armor, and they have not used the method of pressing the bottom of the box.

   Now I found that the situation was not right. The elite who blocked the door were not the broken vein soldiers he expected, and these Odin orcs could not stop halfway.

   can only bite the bullet and rush forward, and can only secretly hope that the Kentana barbarians are not as fierce as the legend, but they are relatively large.

   But judging from the well-equipped and calm and orderly reaction of the opponent, their expectations are destined to fail.


With artillery bombardment, minefield destruction, and arrow rain covering, after all the hardships, the Odin orcs who rushed outside the camp gate had not had time to attack the Kentanata shield soldiers before they ushered in dozens of grenades. Washing the ground, the bombed people turned on their backs, and suffered heavy casualties.

   Soon in front of the gate of the walled city, corpses were piled up, which became a natural barrier for defense, greatly increasing the difficulty of Odin's attack behind.

  Finally, after the Odin orcs rushed closer, they had to abandon the horse and rush forward on foot.


   At this time, the Shield Mountain moved, and the Kentanamo Swordsmen, who were behind them by the Kentana Tower shield soldiers, rushed out.

   is not many, at best it is a small team.

   But the lethality shown is amazing.

   The advance and slash with all the brushes is unstoppable.

   The knife holder is broken, the shield holder is broken.

When    sharp and brute force are combined, it will bloom with the power of terror.

   One man is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is close to the one who is the one who is the one who is the only one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is the one who is in charge of the customs, and the one who is not the one who is not to be

   is talking about this situation.

   Hundreds of Odin orcs were blocked by a dozen Kentanamo sword soldiers before they came up.

   But the chiefs behind, who didn't know the forefront situation, thought they were about to break the door, they went crazy and pressed their troops forward.

   Their concept is very simple. In terms of individual quality, the Byrons are far inferior to their Odin orcs.

   The trump card in Sufei Liya's hand broke the **** Cavalry Right Army, and was dragged to death by them in the wild.

   The main ones left are the old opponents, the soldiers who withdrew from the broken line of defense.

   They can be regarded as the other side's knowledge, and the reason why the other side can fight with them on the broken line defense line for so long depends on the benefits of the city walls and weapons.

   If they lose one of the two, they will be able to drive it off the wall. Now it's just another occasion, and they still have the ability to defeat them again.

   Backward intelligence made them make wrong judgments.

   kept sending his soldiers under the knife.

   The group of Kentanamo swordsmen pushed out more than a dozen steps and began to retreat in an orderly manner.

   still uses the previous tactics used to deal with the sheep.

  Kentana Tower Shield Soldiers were already behind them, forming a shield wall tunnel.

   Following the Odin orcs who pressed in, they went into a three-sided encirclement state.

   The long, narrow and sharp large Yongye Saber stretched out from the reserved knife edge of the tower shield and stabs them for a while.

On the other side, the Kentanamo swordsman who retreated has completed the task handover, and another Kentanamo swordsman who had been replenishing his energy took over. Following this passage, he was beheaded and pushed back, leaving a place. The corpses, after they passed, these corpses were quickly towed away, just like those sheep that were slaughtered, piled up at random.

  Retire after exhaustion, and push when Lisheng.

   The three military gates of Sufei Liya Junzhai that seemed to be easy to use as a breakthrough have become three giant mouths, opening and closing and chewing constantly.

   Every time it retreats and pushes out, it ranges from dozens to hundreds of lives of Odin orcs.

By the time the chiefs commanding behind realized that the situation was not right, the lives of tens of thousands of Odin orcs had already been filled in. The three army gates, blood flowed into rivers, and the ground was soaked, muddy and slippery. .

   This is the most elite part of Hai Ri Dongbu. After all, they are all able to fight for their mouths.

   At this time, even though I found that what I was facing was not the Broken Vein soldier I was familiar with, but an equally well-trained and well-armed force, and I couldn't withdraw the manpower.

   Because once you do this, if the other party has a chance to make up for mine, their previous investment will be wasted.

   The only thing they can do now is to continue to press forward, constantly pressing forward.

   Only this time, the focus of their attack is no longer on the three military gates, but to seek other safe roads that have been stepped on by the flock and make more breakthroughs.

  Only in this way can they use their own advantages.

   This offensive and defensive battle has just started less than half a week, and under the initiative of Sophia Liya, it has entered a fiery heat.

   The artillery roared endlessly.

   Bowstring trembles, sharp arrows burst one after another.

   Swords hit, cut meat into the bones everywhere.

   people roar, horses and sheep bleat all night long.

   In the case of willingness to invest, the mine array is not an insurmountable sky stream.

   No matter how large the number of landmines is, the quantity is relatively limited, and Sophia Liya has no time to buy them.

   After another tens of thousands of casualties were paid, the Odin orcs of the Hai Ri Dongbu opened up more than ten siege points.

   Odin’s orcs’ siege methods are varied, and they don’t take the usual path.

Some were simple and rude. They rode their horses and rushed towards the cleared wall section. In the process of charging, they had already thrown off their stirrups. When they were close enough to the wall, they jumped into the air and prepared to rush to the improvised wall. .

   In theory, it can be done.

   But when they did it, most Odin orcs found that they had overestimated their riding skills.

   This kind of high-speed galloping jump is not so easy to master.

   The result is often far from what I want.

   What's more, there are defenders stationed on the city wall. Those flying and jumping will often become live targets, and they will be shot directly down the city.

   After hundreds of such daring and daring fools have died in succession, no Odin orcs have used this seemingly convenient and dangerous method.

   There are also savvy orcs from Odin, who will first throw a sling up, look at the opportunity, and then turn to the wall.

   is just the city wall. Not only are there recruits, but there are also veterans who are good at defensive. Once they find a rope thrown up, they will be asked to cut them off as soon as possible.

   is the standard stupid method again, stacking corpses, whether it is horse corpse, sheep corpse, or human corpse, will become their best stepping stone.

Not to mention that the Odin orcs who admire the sky burial respect the corpse itself. Even the Byrons who associate the corpse with the glory will not pay attention to this one on the battlefield. Those who should be used as a stepping stone have to be used. Stepping up, after all, it is more important to take down the opponent's castle and save your own life.

   Although this method is a bit stupid, it is very easy to use.

  The simple camp is different from a stone wall. The main body is a variety of logs. Even if it is fireproofed before construction, there is no way to dump the black fire oil and burn the corpse like a stone wall.

   It took less than half a day to stack a two-meter-high corpse wall from the minefield fall to the Odin orcs under the city wall.

   "Warriors, what are you waiting for? A full-scale attack and take down the opponent's wall, but it is between recruitment and I will eat meat in their camp tonight."

"I heard that their commander is not only a princess, but also a beautiful princess. The warchief has an order. Once captured, he will be rewarded to the first warrior who rushes into the opponent’s camp. All the spoils are left to him. Pick."

   "Warriors, what are you waiting for? Come with me, never fall behind others."

The chiefs of the Haiti Winter Department once again stood up to boost their morale. Some of the more brave chiefs personally put on the battle and prepared to lead the charge. Boosting morale is only one aspect. The most important thing is to rush to the front so that they can grab the trophy at the first time. .

  Especially the opponent's artillery that is showing great power. Although they haven't seen the specific appearance until now, the experience gained from the black powder barrel knows that it is definitely a good thing for siege.

   If you grab that thing, even if the opponent is a strong castle, they will be fearless.

   As for whether the opposing barracks will pop up again, the elite Kentana barbarians like before, they don't worry much.

   If the opponent is composed entirely of the previous elites, there is no need to form a stronghold, and you can directly play field battles with them. With the opponent's size and equipment, even if it is a foot battle, you will not suffer from them.

   Their speculation is correct.

   Sophie Liya really does not have so many elites in her hands. The main guard of the city wall is the new army formed with the broken vein soldiers as the center.

   But they have in their hands new weapons that the Odin orc chiefs and chiefs did not expect.

   When Hai Ri Dongbei was aggressive, and when he launched a general attack, there was a crisp roar on the wall.

   Accompanied by a crisp roar, the Odin orcs and mounts rushing in the front seemed to be hit by invisible fists.

   If it were the Odin orcs who were hit by the invisible fist, they would leaned back one by one, and blood spewed from their chests, abdomen, heads, and limbs.

   If it's a mount, he screams and leads the knight to fall to the ground.

   "What's the matter? What's the matter? Where did the attack come from?"

   "Is it a bow and arrow? But why can't I see the arrow body?"

   "What kind of attack is this? How could this be?"

   "Sorcery, it must be sorcery, otherwise how can you attack us without seeing anyone?"

   "It's a bow and arrow, you see, this is their arrow, but how did they shoot only the arrow? Is this their new weapon again?"

   Sophielia’s new round of attacks on the military village caused a great blow to the Odin orcs.

   This kind of blow is not only caused by casualties, but also by ignorance of the situation.

   The black powder keg exploded, shaking or blasting their soldiers to death, which was still within their understanding.

   This kind of just hearing the sound but can't see where the attack is coming from, but the tribe soldiers around him, like autumn wheat, fall in pieces, making them a little bit afraid.

   Some Odin orc soldiers who survived by chance soon discovered what really attacked them.

   is still a crossbow arrow, but this kind of crossbow arrow has no feathers, and the speed is amazing. After falling on people, it directly submerge into their bodies, leaving only scary wounds and splashes of blood.

   So, it made them look like they were hit by an invisible fist.

   is just how the opponent did it, shooting an arrow without feathers?

   The speed is still so fast, the lethality is so amazing.

   The leather armor on their bodies basically cannot be used for protection.

  The protective effect of the simple wooden shield is relatively limited, and it is easily torn apart and hits them directly.

   There were some soldiers who even suffered penetrating injuries, and blood was sprayed from the front and back.

   This new type of arrow, the attack method is also very different from the bow and arrow.

  Most bows and arrows are projectiles with angles, especially the Andis longbow. If you want to defend them, you must tilt your shield upwards.

   And this kind of arrow without feathers was shot from the front.

   caught off guard, it is easier to suffer a big loss.

   Launching this kind of tool without arrow feathers is undoubtedly the musket from Yongye Army.

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