The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 825: ?Run-in

Under this circumstance, Chief Hai Ridong couldn't even think about being cautious, he could only be careful and careful, temptation and temptation.

The whole process can be regarded as a model of fighting wits and courage, both sides racked their brains.

One side has tried its best to delay the time to the greatest extent and withdraw its own soldiers. If it can cause a little more casualties to the other side, that would be great.

The other side is thinking of taking the defense line with the least cost, and it is better to wipe out the other side without being pitted.

It took two weeks for Chief Hai Ridong to take down all the key fortresses on the East Road of the Broken Pulse Line of Defense.

At this time, Sophie Liya had already fought fiercely on the front line for three weeks of the Broken Pulse Defensive Line soldiers, one after another safely withdrew.

Originally, there were more than 80,000 soldiers stationed at the front line of the East Road Broken Line of Defense. When the Sophie Liya organization retreated, there were already less than 50,000 injured and disabled.

They were on the defensive side, possessing a large amount of black gunpowder, the convenience of a sharp weapon for defending the city. The **** cavalry on the right side broke up from time to time, and still suffered more than 40% casualties. This shows how fierce the battle this time is.

Sophie Liya streamlined the retreat of the Broken Vein line of defense soldiers. All the old, weak, sick and disabled were sent to the rear for resettlement. Only about 25,000 are left. This is an out-and-out veteran. It can't be compared to the unparalleled blood rider, in this world, it is also one of the best, among the best.

As long as they are given a few weeks of recuperation, they can become the mainstay of Sophie Liya's command. Based on them, a hundred thousand army will be formed, which is still the kind whose combat effectiveness is above the normal level.

The method is very simple, it is the most traditional model, one veteran brings three to four recruits.

Those veterans will train the recruits hand in hand, so that they can avoid many detours and have a greater chance of saving their lives on the battlefield.

As long as they have survived through a few more battles, they will naturally lose their aura of recruits and become qualified soldiers.

These veterans of the Broken Pulse Line of Defense all came from this way.

Chief Hai Ridong took down the Broken Vein Line of Defense, and when it swarmed forward on a large scale, Sophie Liya had already set up a position thirty kilometers behind the Broken Vein Line, and was waiting.

One hundred kilometers of the East Road of the Broken Vein Defense Line, it was cleared by Sophie Liya's strong wall. All the personnel and materials suitable for the Odin orcs to looted were all evacuated along with the disabled soldiers who had evacuated from the Broken Vein Defense Line.

This is not a difficult task. It is either the grassland irrigated by the Broken Vein Mountains or the Gobi Desert where the Manyu Army has just entered a state of recovery.

The former residents are semi-nomadic and semi-agricultural. Even if they were not forced to retreat, when they heard that the Broken Pulse Line of Defense had been breached, the residents here spontaneously ran in the direction of the Byron Alliance.

Many of them know how cruel the Odin orcs in the state of war are, because many of them are the Odin orcs and half-Odin orcs who fled from the Odin orcs.

The hatred of Odin orcs for them is still above the Byron alliance.

In their hands, it is absolutely impossible to survive or die.

The latter is relatively sparsely staffed. Although the military leaders of Manyu have entered a state of recovery in the past ten years, the fastest is still along the Jacob River, where the population is mainly concentrated, especially the Countess of Anjibena. Other places are still sparsely populated.

Although the West Odin Empire East Road army won the broken pulse defense, the situation seemed to become even more embarrassing.

The chieftains around Chief Hai Ridong gathered together to study for a long time.

They choose nothing more than two.

One is to completely abandon the east side, leaving a small part of the force, relying on the broken pulse line of defense, drag Sophia’s force here, and then move the main force of the east side of the West Odin Empire east.

Together with Ulaanbaaji, they formed a flanking attack on the west side of the formation of the new royal court. I believe that even if their defenses are not completely shredded, it will bring great pressure to them.

Another option is to assemble heavy troops and fight Sophie Liya head-on. As long as they are completely defeated, in a short time, the entire east will no longer be able to organize effective resistance.

They will be allowed to drive straight in, all the way to the Jacob River, then they can, down the river, rush to the new king's base camp Valesta, and then pinch the new king's defense line.

"Compared with the second tactic, theoretically, the first tactic is smarter and more secure.

Clench a fist and gather all the power to have the greatest power.

This is the most uneducated farmer who understands the truth.

Victory is a brilliant victory. All Odin orcs will be swept down, eating half of the territory of the Byron Alliance, and pushing them all the way to the Jacob River, no one can stop their iron hoof.

Losing is also a small defeat within the controllable range. They are the active side of the offense, they can control the rhythm at will, and they have enough mobile advantages.

But this is only the most rational choice, but the human factor often plays a more important role in it, especially when it involves power struggles.

Ulaanbaaji is known as the Lord of the Resurgence of the Western Odin Empire. After taking office, he has been promoting centralization, strengthening the rule and control of the tiger clan royal court over the major tribes, so that they have more rights and voices, which is convenient External expansion.

Facts have also proved that his decision is correct. It is precisely because of his centralization of power that the powerful tribes represented by Skambari, Hari Chagae, and Ozile Hok have been brought to his side. Used by oneself.

In order to be able to unstoppably tear down the Eastern Odin Empire, without the living dead led by Narentuoya, he has now completed the great cause of unifying the Odin orcs.

There are gains and losses.

This practice of Ulaanbaaji also violated the original vested interests in the Siodin Empire. It is not surprising that some people stand up to oppose it. Among them, the commander of the army on the right, Chief Hai Ridong, is one of the leaders.

To be more precise, the entire right-hand army is the product of Ulan Bari and these old forces.

If it is in peacetime, there is no problem with Ulaanbaa’s compromise.

Excluding these opposing voices, he has a more comprehensive and handy control of the central main force and the left army.

But at this critical moment, this drawback is undoubtedly exposed.

If the army on the right chooses the first tactic and goes to support the army on the left, even if it achieves a brilliant victory, it is Ulaanbaari's, not his Haizhidong.

Therefore, I concluded that even if I knew that the second tactic was not a wise choice, within two weeks, Hai Ridong would still lead his army out of the barrier and fight our decisive battle. "

It was no one else who made this analysis and judgment. It was Kelman, the main chief of staff of the Yongye Army leader. He is now at the pre-war meeting held by Sophia Liya, and they are also fighting for the future battle. Carefully plan.

"Your Excellency Chief of Staff is too absolute." Ms. Amelia frowned and said in disapproval. "Their every move now determines the future life and death of the West Odin Empire, maybe Chief Hai Ridong In view of the current tense situation and the overall situation, we would rather fulfill Ulaanbaa’s reputation and support the West Road? If we stand still and let them form a pincer on the West Road, the Wangting’s new army will be defeated and our pressure will also be reduced. It will increase a lot."

"If it were Chief Hai Ridong, who was such a reasonable person, he would not sit where he is now, and the situation would not develop to what it is now. As early as Ulaanbaatar completely broke the Western Front, he would have led The eastern army has gone to support it, why bother to break through the eastern front?"

The chief of staff of Kelman analyzed the psychology of Chief Hai Ridong at all levels, “This is not to grab merit and do not want to be overwhelmed by Ulan Bari. Especially in this kind of situation, the Ulan Bari Central Army is The undead empire resisted, and when the reputation slips further, I believe he will drag Ulaanbazh behind instead of helping the other side."

The military staff headed by the Yongye Army, represented by Kelman, has never been a simple plan, but at the same time, it is still seeking people.

In their eyes, it is easier to deal with an army like the Siodin Empire where the supreme commander has the highest decision-making power.

As long as they can grasp the character of their supreme commander, they have roughly grasped the trend of their future military operations.

"There are too many conjectures in your speculation, which cannot be used as a basis for the next action. We must know that every decision we make now involves the lives and deaths of thousands of people and the destruction of countless families." Miria still distrusted Kelman's analysis.

"What is hypothesis? Everything I said has a definite basis. It is derived from the past investigation of the senior level of the Siodin Empire and the summary of the judgments of Chief Hai Ridong’s past behavior, and the conclusion drawn is that there is nothing to do if this is the case. As for the basis of the judgment, I really don’t know what can be used as a basis for judgment. Is it possible that the lady still wants to see the layout of the Chief Hai Ridong’s layout?” The Chief of Staff Kelman expressed a bit of helplessness in his tone, “Even if there is really , Do you dare to believe it? Aren't you afraid of the other party's strategy?"

There are huge differences and disagreements between the two sides in terms of communication and acting styles. It is usually good to say that once it comes to such an important military discussion, there will often be some unnecessary misunderstandings.

Ms. Amelia is considered to be the group of Byrons who have dealt with the Yongye army leader the most. She is still like this, others can imagine.

Many Byrons can't stand the realism and rigidity of Yongye.

The people of Yong Ye also couldn't bear it. The only thing that brought the Byrons under the banner of Sophia Liya to the chaos and inefficiency of the Byrons, the only thing that allowed them to take a high look was probably the same professional soldiers with broken veins.

Kelman knew Amelia’s influence on the lord’s wife Sophie Liya. He satisfactorily explained: “Our military analysis is inherently a gamble. Now it’s just what I said. This possibility is even greater. Maybe the chiefs on the right, headed by Hai Ridong, suddenly realized that for the sake of the overall situation of the Siodin Empire, it’s not always necessary to go to support Ulaanbaaji. Now we just think we think The possibility of being able to win the bet is singled out, and the specific judgment to be made still needs to be determined by the wife."

Sophie Liya smiled and said roundly: "Now it's just a military analysis. Everyone speaks freely. Amelia doesn't need to be true. The Chief of Staff's analysis is not unreasonable. I believe he will be able to collect it when he said this. The information about the Western Odin Empire that has arrived has been obtained, and it is better to use it as a basis than a black eye."

"Perhaps what the chief of staff said is correct. This is not my chief. I shouldn't rush in. Princess, chief of staff, go ahead." Amelia borrowed the donkey and stopped struggling with this issue. .

As the number one confidant of Princess Sophielia, Ms. Amelia has not changed with her resignation from the position of regent of the royal family of Lancelot.

When Sophie Liya gave birth to Annie in the northern fortress, she supervised the military and political power that controlled the princess's fief as the governor.

She has participated in all the major decisions and administrations of Sophia Liya, and is also the direct supervisor of the princess's fiefdom. She acts as her agent to ensure that Sophia Liya's policies are implemented and will not be artificially distorted.

Facts have proved that Amelia did not live up to Sophia’s trust.

Compared with the rapid development of the Yongye Army leader, the development of the princess fief in the past four or five years is somewhat satisfactory.

But compared to other territories of the Byron League, it has always been on the fast lane.

Many Byronians like to compare the Plain of Asia Minor to a jewel in the continent of Ashan, so the princess fief is now its essence.

The Yongye Army leader now temporarily implements one-to-two system for the princess fief. The princess fief has become part of the Yongye Army leader. This is an undeniable fact.

Some good things that belonged exclusively to Yongye's army, it was natural that the princess fief could enjoy it.

In particular, some scientific research achievements in people's livelihoods that are not very confidential will be promoted as the first one outside the Yongye Army leader.

In the minds of most Byronians, the princess fiefdom is still the inherent territory of the Lancelot royal family. The Yongye Army led this newly emerging power, but it took the opportunity to cling to the royal family. , After hundreds of years, when the royal blood flowing in their family blood is strong enough.

The entire Yongye army leader will become a part of the royal family, and many families use this expansion to annex territory.

Therefore, their rejection of the princess's fiefdom is far less powerful than that of the Yongye Army leader, and they are eager for all kinds of new things that flow out from here, even if the real source is Yongye Army leader.

In the end, the princess fief took the heads of the two families and became the link for further trade between the Byron Alliance and the Yongye Army leader. The prosperity naturally soared.

When Sophielia raised the flag to reorganize the east, Governor Amelia was the first to raise the flag to respond, and once again became a general of Sophielia.

But when she returned to Princess Sophilia again, Amelia could clearly feel Sophilia's change.

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