The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 818: Go and come back

Thousands of shadow seeds have quietly penetrated into the bodies of these Odin orcs, waiting to hatch and create a new round of death and killing.

These cunning guys will also judge the situation.

The ones that have been exposed are absorbing power frantically, allowing themselves to incubate as quickly as possible.

Those who are not exposed, quietly hibernate, hide into the deeper part of the body, waiting for the right time, and then break out of the nest.

For them, this half hour is as long as half a century.

Sean has no plans to expel the Seed of Shadow from the body for these Odin orcs free of charge for the time being.

As with the previous sentence, they rushed out to rescue the Siodin Empire's army, not because the hatred has disappeared, but for the sake of the overall situation. Even so, it has caused a lot of incomprehension and dissatisfaction with the bloodriding heroic soul.

Now that the overall situation has stabilized, it will be good for them to let this little bane continue to be buried in the army of the Western Odin Empire.

I believe that after the previous scenes, it is difficult for them to place trust in the people around them.

If in an army, even the most basic trust is no longer there, how can they march to war?

After the negotiation, this might not be the trump card for Sean to take the initiative.

"Do you want to start a charge against them?" General Pedro shook his head severed sword, staring at the Odin orc in the distance, looking eager to try.

Although they have already killed Barnett, the instigator who dragged the broken blood fort into purgatory, his anger has not disappeared, because in his eyes, the Western Odin Empire led by Ulaanbaaji is the chief culprit. Barnett couldn't make such a big move without their cooperation.

Now the reason to persuade him to rescue the Siodin Empire has disappeared, and the hatred for them has naturally poured out again.

Moreover, General Pedro was also very curious. In their current state, they still maintained a few percent combat effectiveness against the living.

"General, don't worry, it's not the best time yet." Xiao En persuaded, "I still need a chance to reach a consensus with them. You have just seen the strength of the Shadow Master. It is just to play We are persecuted and embarrassed if we are less than one out of tens of thousands. In the face of such an enemy, it is not enough to rely on our tens of thousands. We still need a source of troops, a large number of troops, and please give me the army. Regardless of whether it is successful or not, if the general wants to do it next time, I will never stop it. Everything is focused on the overall situation."

"For the sake of this **** overall situation, we will bear them again, and hope that Ulaanbaatar will not be stupefied in this matter and make a wise decision, otherwise I will personally slap him in the future." General Pedro viciously stamped. Stomped his feet.

"Thank you for the general for understanding." Xiao En said apologetically, "If there is nothing else, let's retreat. Although the last sacrifice is not aimed at the blood castle, but such a large-scale negative energy transfer will definitely be there. The shadow gate of the city has an impact, and there may even be an influx of monsters. The pressure on the Lord's side will definitely increase."


Since they were not ready to take action against the West Odin Empire, Sean and the others walked very cleanly, lined up in a uniform formation, and rushed back to the world of treacherous fog again.

Wherever he passed, the mist retreated, forming a huge passage.

People who didn't know the situation looked from a distance, as if the world of treacherous fog was welcoming them.

Not long after they walked, the mist resurrected, covering the place again, as if they had never existed before.


"Finally gone, looking at what they looked like just now, I thought they were going to attack us! If they really did attack, should we go to war with them?"

"Saved, we are saved, the **** monster is finally dead, oh...what happened just now? What monster are we facing?"

"Why? Why did it become like this?"

"I've said before that the words of the living dead cannot be believed, and no one will listen. Now it's fine, finally something happened. The living dead want to calculate with us, sacrifice us like animals, and transform our soldiers into To become such a terrifying monster, someone should be responsible for this matter, and someone must be responsible! Your Majesty should give us an explanation for this matter."

"Yes, His Majesty Ulaanbaaji must be responsible for this matter, and our people cannot just die unclearly."

After Xiao En led the two blood-riding heroes to retreat cleanly, the Siodin Empire breathed a long sigh of relief from top to bottom.

If the opponent had just rescued them from the fire and water, and if they charged them in the next second, many people would not know how to face them.

I don't know how to deal with it.

You know, they had been suppressed by the blood mist before and could not fight back.

Although the Blood Riding Heroic Soul led by Xiao En did not suppress the blood mist to the point where he could not fight back, he absolutely took the initiative from beginning to end.

According to common sense, the Blood Rider Heroic Soul also has an absolute overwhelming strength to them.

Before the war, most of the Odin orcs were terrified.

Really fighting, before the blood ride heroic soul rushed in front of them, it is estimated that countless Odin orcs will flee.

The fact is also true.

For a long time afterwards, these Odin orcs, who had witnessed the bloodriding heroic spirits show their power in the twisted nightmare after this battle, simply couldn't muster the courage to fight this special army.

It's not as simple as running away from the wind, as long as they see their banner, they will automatically retreat.

As soon as the crisis disappeared, their human instincts began to gain the upper hand again, gathering up their remnants, while searching for the cause and culprit for this inexplicable defeat.

After looking for it, Barnett, the instigator, was killed in front of everyone. Ulan Baj, who was still alive and the promoter of the blood sacrifice, naturally became the object of blame.

Of course, this kind of blame can't come blatantly, but to fan the flames and start to test the remaining strength of Ulaanbaa Day.

Only by figuring out the remaining power of this prairie tiger can they challenge his entrenched throne.

While Ulan Bari squeezed out of the Gourd Valley under the guard of his own guards, and re-established his own king's banner in the opened place to gather the remnants of the remnants.

This time the blood sacrificial ground hosted by Barnett was detonated at the center of the Western Odin Empire. It was not only a blow to their bodies, but also a devastation to their spirit and morale.

It also made their food crisis worse.

When a person is running for his life, he can't take care of everything except his own life.

In the panic, countless materials were trampled on, overthrown, and burned, as well as countless strong cattle and sheep, which became sacrifices of blood mist.

Including Ulaanbaa’s once brilliant glory, the golden king's tent, which was a symbol of its face, was burned for most of the time, and the other side was cut open with a sword, and it was covered with footprints of people, cattle and sheep. Needless to say, there are so many.

In a hurry, there is no time to clean it.

However, it also symbolizes the temporary permanent location of Ulaanbaa Day. It is convenient for people to move closer and gather here, and they have to be erected.

If it is far away, there is not much feeling yet.

When I got close, there was an aura of ruin everywhere.

The atmosphere in the king's account dropped to freezing point, and their condition was extremely bad. So far, less than 40% of the Odin orcs they have gathered.

It can be determined that less than 20% was lost in the previous turmoil, and the remaining 40% did not die, but did not return to the team.

Many people gathered around their tribal chiefs, their purpose was clear at a glance, they no longer trust Ulaanbaaji, and the prestige of the ruler has been severely damaged.

Even if Ulaanbaa sent messengers one after another to bring them together, they still ignored them, and the relationship was very tense.

It wasn't until a rumbling of horseshoes came and an army of Odin orcs, which was well-established, returned to the base camp. This tension was somewhat eased. The leader was one of Ulaanbaa’s **** supporters-Tiger. Hari Chagai, chief of the claw tribe.

He is now the supreme commander of the left-sided army, leading his own elite tribe, guarding the back left of the main force in Ulaanbaaji, and the commanders launching a full-scale attack on the western front.

Hearing that there was an abnormal situation in the main barracks, Hari Chagai immediately led his elite and rushed to support him overnight.

The miserable scene in the West Odin Empire camp really shocked Hari Chagai and rushed into the king's account. He forgot even the most basic etiquette, and asked in a humiliating voice: "What's the matter? The camp led by your majesty. How could it be attacked? Isn't the blood fortress shrouded in fog, covering the north and south, and there is no way to pass? Could it be that the **** Barnett deceived us? The fog he created is not so magical, the fog has now subsided? Cedric led the broken blood cavalry to rush out? But even if they rush out, with their strength, there is no way to disperse the main force led by your majesty."

A series of questions have been asked by the entire king's account, and for a while, I don't know how to answer.

Because up to now, they also feel that yesterday’s experience is like a dream, an absurdly terrifying nightmare.


Even more ridiculous and terrifying than nightmares, the previous scene, even if they were dreaming.

They can't believe it themselves, how can they say it to those who have never seen it with their own eyes.

Sure enough, Skanba briefly explained the situation they faced yesterday to Hari Chage.

Immediately aroused new doubts from the steadfast and experienced chief: "You said that Barnett betrayed us and stabbed us in the back. I believe that I have said it again and again, Narentoya bitch, to us I’m definitely not at ease. It’s only a matter of time to turn my face with us, but you say that the blood mist he controls can make our soldiers go crazy and sacrifice them like animals. It’s a bit weird, and that Tentacles higher than a mountain, how can there be such a presence in this world? This explanation is too absurd!"

Chief Skambari showed bitterness and helplessness on his face, "Although it sounds absurd, everything I say is true. How can we deceive the Chief about this kind of thing? There are even more absurd things behind! We are at the most desperate moment, who is offering us a helping hand?"

"Who is it?" Hari Chagai asked subconsciously.

Skambari didn't mean to fight a muzzle with him, directly revealing the answer: "Broken Blood Cavalry! Our old rivals Pedro and General Arnold led a Holy Spirit army."

"Broken blood ride?" Hari Chagai couldn't help showing a weird look.

The shock he received was still above Ulaanbaaji and the others, after all, he had led people to fight **** battles with those who had broken the line of defense.

Now Skambari actually told him that not only did the Broken Blood Rider not fall into trouble at their most difficult moment, but instead rushed out to rescue them.

"Wait!" Hari Chagai was shocked, but he did not miss the key points of Skambari's words. "You mean, the Fractured Blood Cavalry of Fractured Blood Fort can now freely enter and exit the Fractured Blood Fort? If this is the case, Why did they allow us to attack the broken line of defense without taking action? And what do you mean by the Holy Spirit? Could it be said that they are all dead? Become ghosts, and at a critical time, they supported them Someone who turned into a ghost?"

"It's almost like this. We don't know exactly what form the Fractured Blood Cavalry exists in. One thing is for sure. It is definitely not in the form of a living person. As for why they don't leave Fractured Blood Castle, perhaps they have no choice s reason……"

"I can explain this." A voice came from outside the camp.

"Who? Who dare to eavesdrop on our conversation?" Hari Chagai said, took out his saber, saw the appearance of the person flying in, and couldn't help changing his words temporarily, "What are you?"

"Your question is very difficult for people to answer. If I answer what I, don't I admit that I am a thing? If the answer is not a thing, don't I think I am not a thing?" Sean asked Answer like tongue twister.

The one who came uninvited was Sean who had gone and returned.

"Don't take advantage of your tongue again, otherwise I will let you see how fast my knife is." Hari Chagai said angrily.

"Harichagai, don't be rude." Ulaanbazh loudly stopped his impulsive behavior.

"Your Majesty..." Hari Chagai turned his head to look at Ulaanbaer in confusion.

"Thanks to the warrior for saving his life, I don't know how the warrior is called." Ulaanbaaji salutes Sean sincerely. He is very clear that if it weren't for the previous shots by Sean one after another, he would have lost 80% of the time. Naik's hands.

"You don't need to be close." Xiao En waved his hand. "We are enemies and not friends. If I threaten you with a life-saving grace and let you lead the army to retreat, you will not be able to cross the broken pulse defense line for half your life. Can you do it?"

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