The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 595: Energy reactor

The change of the Odin Orc tribe further affected the merchants of the Byron Alliance. They began to speed up the pace of transporting goods here and carried out the final business carnival. Once the Western Odin Empire and the Broken Blood Fort were involved in a full-scale war, the border exchange No one knows when to restart.

Either three or two years, or ten or eight years. If the relationship is too tense, there will never be a chance to restart.

This time, Broken Blood Castle started the border exchange and took advantage of the West Odin Empire's plot to the East Odin Empire. Even if they knew that they were making small moves behind, they did not have the energy to pay attention to them.

In the future, if you want to open a mutual market, it will not be a unilateral matter of breaking the blood fort. It also needs to see the attitude of the West Odin Empire. If they are determined not to allow it, they only need to station a few large tribes on the border to block Those small and medium tribes that have the willingness to trade are fine, and they can even turn into horse bandits and directly eat the goods they trade.

Another thing that makes people feel the atmosphere of war is that the military supplies from the Yongye Army are constantly being transported to the Broken Blood Fort.

One hundred thousand barrels of black powder, that was an out-and-out big order. From the moment the order was received, there were already black powder barrels on the road.

Only 30,000 barrels of black gunpowder was actually led by the Yongye Army. This was the inventory base produced in the past to cope with the war. With the two major consumers of Broken Blood Fort and the Kingsley Family, the Yongye Army finally dealt with it. Seven seven eight eight.

For the remaining 70,000 barrels, the Yongye Army leader plans to rent a land near Fracture Blood Fort to open a new arsenal, directly transporting raw materials from various places, and now produce it, exclusively for Fracture Blood Fort.

The black powder formula is no longer a secret, and it doesn’t need to be kept secret as before. It’s only a matter of time before Broken Blood Fort gets the black powder to build its own arsenal. They only have a golden trading period of a few years. During this period, they try to reduce costs. Maximizing the benefits is fundamental.

After a few years of holding money from Broken Blood Castle, they would then change hands to package and sell these arsenals to them.

Sean never expected other people to not develop, just make sure that he always runs ahead of others.

Moreover, the arsenal of Yongye Junling basically does not produce primary models. This kind of product that is regarded as a treasure in other territories is already a semi-eliminated process in Yongye Junling and is mainly used to make fireworks.

Not only is its power unsatisfactory, but the smoke produced during the explosion is too large, which seriously affects the soldiers' sight, especially after being made into a shell.

Yongye Junling has found a new and improved formula for black powder, and in a short time, other territories can’t imitate the one, because the charcoal used in the improved black powder is not made by ordinary craftsmanship, but fire. Calcined with attribute spell energy, this kind of charcoal particles contains a lot of fire elements.

The benefits of this are obvious. The combustion-supporting nature of the fire element will make the black powder burn more thoroughly when it explodes. Not only does it emit less smoke, but the power of the explosion is naturally greater. Although there is no way to match the smokeless powder, it is only As a cannonball, it is enough for a short time.

As for the research and development process of smokeless gunpowder, the formula has already been worked out. It is the raw material problem that restricts Yongyejun's mass production.

Smokeless gunpowder can't directly extract materials from nature like black gunpowder, and just mix them together.

In fact, black powder to smokeless powder is a purification process. Regardless of the material used, the chemical principle is basically the same-flammable and explosive materials burn to release energy in a short time.

If the combustion process is not complete and there is too much residue mixed in, no matter how the raw materials used change, it is still in the category of black powder.

Black powder is not only a name, but a description of the same product, at most the smoke that comes out of it is different in color.

If it can burn completely and only a small amount of smoke is released, no matter what the material is, it can be called smokeless gunpowder.

There are very few natural substances with high purity in the substances produced in nature.

If you want to use it in large quantities, it must be artificially purified.

And this purification process is more dependent on the industrial system, especially mass production.

After all, this involves not only the power issue, but also a cost-effective.

If the manufacturing cost of smokeless powder is too high, it is also not suitable for large-scale replacement of black powder.

In a word, Yongyejun's current development model is too deformed, and the emergence of many things is limited by their current industrial system and front-end technology.

Before this is done, many things can only exist in the form of theory.

The most important of these is industrial energy.

The first industrial energy source of Yongyejun was wind and water power.

A large number of windmills and hydraulic mills gave birth to the first step in their industrial system.

Windmills and water mills are not only capable of grinding wheat.

The first batch of thousands of forged steels led by Yongye Army was made by hammers driven by hydraulic power, using traditional blacksmithing techniques.

Later, some large-scale sewing machines were driven by hydraulic power.

This kind of industrial energy is only the primary application of the forces of nature, not to mention the very low utilization rate, and it is also very unstable, very limited by the geographical environment.

The industrial plants led by Yong Yejun in the first few years are all located along the Jacob River.

With the re-flow of the Jacob River, Yongyejun led Anjibena's relationship. With a stable coal source, their industrial energy began to slowly shift to coal-fired steam boilers.

Coal-fired steam boilers belong to the first-level steam boilers, and there is no major technical problem. The main problem at the beginning is the raw materials.

This kind of equipment is closed and high pressure. If the raw materials are unqualified, it is easy to fry the furnace with a little carelessness. Its explosive power is no less than tens of kilograms of black powder.

Yongyejun led the first batch of coal-fired steam boilers, which were large and heavy, and they were completely dependent on the quantity of materials to make up for the lack of quality.

This situation only changed after Yongyejun's steelmaking technology was on the right track, with the help of magic black technology.

The size of coal-fired steam boilers has become smaller and the scope of application has become wider.

With the intervention of magic black technology, the upper limit of the development of coal-fired steam boilers is obviously much higher than what Shaun knew in his previous life.

Because both the way of energy application and the energy utilization rate are much higher.

I have already said that magical energy represents a kind of elemental movement trajectory. As long as there is energy conversion, there will be a large amount of magical energy gathering.

All energy transformations, in fact, can be considered as a bunch of magical energy gathered together.

Give a very simple example.

The dry wood burned into flames.

In fact, this can be regarded as the collapse of the elements that build firewood, and the decomposition and transformation into fire elements.

When sorcerers cast spells, in order to make it easier to cast spells, they use the medium of spells and follow this principle.

In the past, Sean was limited by his previous life thinking, only thinking about converting it into power using a gas steam boiler.

Affected by the large-scale development of magical applications this year, Sean began to change his mind.

First convert all energy into magical energy, and then use it.

In this way, it is not just as simple as transforming into kinetic energy. Don’t forget that the Yongye Army leader also has a series of magic black technologies, especially those magical magic circuits, which are limited to the northern fortress. The ground is completely limited by the energy reaction chamber, and there is no way to provide large-scale spell energy in other places.

With the magic modified coal-fired steam boiler, their magic black technology has the opportunity to be used on a large scale.

In Xiao En's eyes, even the magic-modified coal-fired steam boiler is a transitional alternative product, and the ultimate product is the energy reaction chamber of the Northern Fortress.

Compared with the modified coal-fired steam boiler, the energy reaction chamber has many advantages.

It can be called a huge profit. Once it is successfully built, it will not consume anything other than the cost of materials, whether it is wind, or the flow of water, the pulsation of the earth's crust, sunlight, etc., it can be converted into magical energy, all Collected by it, gathered into magical energy.

This is an all-purpose energy harvester. In the whole process, there is no consumption and no pollution. It is simply the most ideal energy source.

The energy reaction chamber is not without defects.

That is, the process of collecting magical energy is relatively slow, and it is also limited by the natural environment.

Let's put it this way, the energy reaction chamber doesn't like the windy and sunny weather.

A series of catastrophic environments, such as thunder and lightning, wind and rain, and swaying mountains, are its love.

In this environment, it collects spell energy the fastest.

The God of Death is not wrong. The magical energy is the uncompromising destroyer of the balance of this world. It is not just a biological disaster to this world. When the concentration of magical energy increases to a certain level, various The elemental activity has been greatly improved, and a series of natural disasters will accompany it.

Areas with a high concentration of water elements have low temperature and are prone to freezing disasters, abnormal snow and rainfall. The most typical representative is the Kentana Ice Sheet. The average temperature here is more than ten degrees lower than other areas at the same latitude, and even when it is high. Dozens of degrees.

Areas with high concentrations of fire elements are prone to spontaneous combustion and fire.

In areas rich in earth elements, earthquakes occur frequently, and volcanoes may even appear.

In areas with strong wind elements, all kinds of strong winds and hurricanes are more common.

The northern fortress is because there is an energy reaction chamber, and the high concentration of magical energy will be sucked back by it before it becomes a disaster.

For the sake of the living environment in the future, it is also very necessary to build an energy reaction chamber on a large scale in the territory, which is a later story.

When the elements in the natural environment are sufficiently active, the speed at which the energy reaction chamber can absorb spell energy may be sufficient.

But now, if the whole environment is still in a period of lack of magical energy, it is obviously not enough if it is used on a large scale.

Most of the spell energy used by Shaun in the Northern Fortress is not currently produced by the energy reaction chamber, but is the inventory in the energy reaction chamber.

Therefore, the first energy reaction chamber of the Yongye Army led by Sean is not pure, but is going to be integrated with a coal-fired steam boiler, which will be standard double kinetic energy by then.

The energy reaction chamber absorbs part of the magic energy by itself, and the coal-fired steam boiler itself generates a part of the magic energy through energy conversion. The combination of the two can maximize its power.

In this state, the energy reaction chamber can no longer be called an energy reaction chamber, but should be called an energy reaction furnace.

At present, Yongye Army Leader is trying to build the first energy reactor in the territory in Brother Port.

This matter is naturally handled by Sean himself, and there is a clone of Sean here all year round.

There are many reasons for choosing to build the first energy reactor here, and there are two core reasons.

First, with the development of Donau Plain, it will become more and more important to the Yongye army leader.

This will be the main grain producing area and light industry center for Yongye Army to lead the future, and it may even be a population center.

The unique natural dangers of the Andes Mountains are of course its advantages, but also its disadvantages.

Most of its environment is not suitable for human habitation. Except for the Shuangjiang River and the Andes Basin, the surrounding mountains are not inhabitable, but for transportation, even if it is built with the world-famous construction technology of the Yongye Army, if you want to develop here, The difficulty is also quite high.

As the saying goes, if you want to get rich, build roads first.

If there is no convenient transportation, even in modern society, it is extremely out of touch in poor rural areas.

And the effort is not proportional to the gain.

Given the better development direction of the Donau Plain, how could the leader of Yongye give up the easy but the difficult?

With the passage of time, the new power plan led by the Yongye Army in the Donau Plain will enter the third stage-the return of personnel.

Back at that time, regardless of Andis, Crocodile, and Kentana barbarians, they will have a common name-Eternal Nightman.

No matter if they used to be half-cultivating, half-hunting, half-cultivating, half-fishing, half-swimming and half-hunting, their life here will become the most typical farming life.

For this kind of life creation, Yongye Army Leader is already quite good at it.

According to the favorable local terrain, plan the road in advance.

Then, build the corresponding villages and towns in suitable locations.

Those Yongye who came to open up wasteland can move in with their bags.

As for the farming tools, cattle and sheep, poultry, seeds and other daily necessities, the territory will prepare them in all aspects, more comprehensive than they think.

The advantages and disadvantages of this approach are obvious.

The disadvantage is that the bulk of the expenses are on the side of Yongyejun.

This is not only to pave the roads for free, but also to help villagers build houses and dormitories for free.

Although this kind of housing dormitory is not comparable to ordinary residential houses, most of them will adopt the kind of large fort that is easy to defend and multi-occupants. If you want a comfortable and beautiful house, you need to work hard with your own hands and build it yourself in the future.

Even so, looking at the entire Asaan continent, the territory that dared to do so had no semicolon except the Yongye Army leader.

This is no longer a matter of high financial requirements, but very high.

Yongye Army Leader only dared to do so when he monopolized most of the foreign trade share and the arms business was booming.

As for how long it can last, no one can evaluate it.

The commercial trade driven by the rise of the Yongye Army is not just as simple as stimulating the people of the Yongye Even the commercial trade of the Byron Alliance was also driven, which was originally in its infancy. Capitalism is just like the fertilizer that has spawned and thrived.

This is determined by the general environment. The Byron Alliance has maintained the current pattern for many years. In addition to fighting for life and death internally, those nobles have lost the direction of expansion, but their greed for wealth never ends.

Yongye Junling now opened a brand new door for them, naturally overjoyed, and one by one behind them, he also wanted to obtain more wealth through commerce.

The wealth and power they have accumulated over the years makes them the most natural capitalists, although their capitalists are variants of feudal lords, and they are not pure.

They rashly set foot in the mall, and it is really hard to tell whether they are making money or giving money.

But people will never look at the losers, but at the winners.

Only if there are people like them, from which a lot of wealth has been converged, countless people will flock to them.

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