The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 15: Calculate

"Dead!" The great knight Alger is not without temper. This is the most frustrated battle he has ever fought. He has seen a lot of people with superb archery skills. Throat is a common thing for every great knight-level archer who knows his own power group well. Even if he doesn't use arrows very much, it is not difficult to pierce Yang with a hundred steps.

The young hunter’s archery skills can only be said to be above-average, still staying at the technical level, far from reaching the level of power control, but the opponent’s grasp of the timing is so wonderful, an incredible state, and every step he takes It seemed that I could not escape the opponent's expectations. At first, you attacked me and defended, but unknowingly, I was brought into the rhythm by the opponent-I was like a puppet, dragged away by the opponent's arrow.

The last time such a situation occurred was ten years ago, when confronting his own father. At that time, he had just entered the knight rank, and his father was a veteran knight. It is quite normal that such a situation will occur due to the extremely wide power gap.

The current situation is just the opposite. A hunter who has not even reached the knight level has brought a great knight into the rhythm. Even with the premise of guarding Bartley, this is also an incredible thing. Going out, while the other party became famous, his face was afraid that he would fall into the quagmire, and could no longer be washed away.

  The best way to deal with this situation is to kill the young hunter.

   Alger didn't even notice that there was an original sin called jealousy growing in his heart. Putting aside the opponent's almost weird ability to predict the enemy, the archery just revealed was enough for the opponent to be proud of.

That’s right, the opponent’s archery can only be evaluated in his eyes. It means that among all the archers he has seen, including those great knights, if they are placed in the same level, they can already be included in the top ranks. If you add the age of the other party, the other party can already be considered a genius.

If the other party is a Byron, Ajel would love to hear, and try his best to keep him by his side to teach him personally. Even if the other party is not happy, he will gladly help the other party find a more suitable teacher, but the other party is a teacher. Andis mountain people, the sooner such people die, the better.

For a great knight, there is not much difference between having a horse and no horse, because his speed at a short-distance charge is not much inferior to that of a horse. The only thing missing may be the terrifying impact of the horse charge, but he charges on foot. But he has the dexterity that the horse charge does not have. The dense trees have little effect on his speed, and some even become his borrowing points, keeping his speed at the peak.

   "Idiot, fooled." Shaun, who fled in embarrassment, turned around abruptly, and a red light came out of his hand. The extremely compressed heat, even if it was more than ten meters away, Ajer could clearly feel.

   "Sorcerer! I should have thought of it long ago." The great knight Alger suddenly changed color, and he didn't know if it was Sean's status as a warlock. He also hid the trick and fell into a trap again.

   At the level of the great knight, the reaction speed of the body even surpassed the reaction speed of the brain, and the body changed direction abruptly, ran for more than ten meters, and smashed it with a sword.


   There was a loud noise.

   The great knight was directly shaken back by seven or eight meters. What he slashed was not an arrow, but a group of extremely concentrated energy.

   "Ah!" "Ah!"

   Two screams came from the other side, and the knight's scalp was numb on the spot, and his hair stood up one by one, because one of the two screams belonged to Bartley.

   Turning his head and looking back, Alger not only got his hair up, but also his hair. The thing he worried most had happened, and he found himself in the calculation again.

This kind of arrow that contains the spirit of spirit will not show a normal arrow path. The first arrow is that the opponent deliberately slows down the arrow speed to let himself go, using the explosive shock wave to create a defensive neutral block, and then two more arrows are released, both The flame arrows, the targets were Benson and Bartley, this time the other party did not reserve, but the red light flashed, and the flame arrows had already appeared in front of the two young nobles.

At this critical moment, the life-saving standards of the two young noble lords were judged high. Bartley didn’t have time to respond from start to finish, while Benson held a round shield that he didn’t know where to find. The whole person shrank into a ball and curled up behind.

   But the result was a bit unexpected. The unlearned Bartley was still alive, holding his thigh and wailing in pain.

But Benson didn't know his life or death. The shock wave of the flame arrow exploded, even a great knight attacking with all his strength could fly for several meters, let alone his thin body and not even a formal defensive posture. That buckler was on the spot. The explosion was torn apart, and Benson was knocked into the air and rolled down the steep slope. Now there is no sound.

  The reason for this result is because Sean didn't even want to kill them, especially Bartley.

   Living them are more useful than dead ones, especially the half-dead. They are the reins around the neck of the great knight Alger. As long as they are not dead, the great knight cannot let go of his hands and feet and shoot with all his strength.

  If both of them died, it would be terrible. The great knight with guardian duties would go crazy and chase him desperately, endlessly.

   After three arrows are shot.

Sean didn’t even see the final result. He sullenly continued to run wild. Now he is not playing any tricks, but running away. If his tactics succeed, it is the best. If he fails, he must win more for himself. Escape time.

   Even if Sean is quite confident in his ability to escape, when facing a great knight, his heart is unavoidable.

As for the Andis mountain people, Sean has been unable to take care of it. He has done everything he could, and in the end he even bet his own life. He has already severely damaged the other's key figure and destroyed the terrible humanoid monster. Involved in the same place, the rest is life and death-this is not an exaggerated adjective. Just now, Sean was indeed betting on his life, betting on the loyalty of the great knight to the young nobleman, and also betting on the great knight. Sense of responsibility, if the great knight's conduct is a little worse, he would give up rescue and attack him with all his strength. Although Bartley would die, he would also be buried with him.

   pin his own life and death between the thoughts of others. Sean has always hated such things.

Facing the cunning hunter's further and further figure, the great knight Alger could only roar in anger, and injured the person he was guarding. He was already negligent. If he was allowed to die, it would be really unforgivable. The Faerun family does not hold themselves accountable, and their reputation will be discredited. Only self-exile can go.

Although Batley lost a leg, he was not life-threatening for a while. The highly concentrated heat of the Flame Arrow directly scorched the wound on his broken leg. There was no need to worry about hemorrhage. To confirm this, Ajer directly Bartley, who was screaming and cursing frantically, squeezed into a faint, and then, holding him in one hand and a sword in the other, began a frantic killing.

   Even so, there is still no enemy of his one among the Andis mountain people.

   There is no way to describe his swordsmanship.

   The whole process is that he walks through, shoots out the sword, and kills.

  Every time I use the most basic swordsmanship, slashing, piercing, and picking, this is something every swordsmanship apprentice will learn after they get started.

   If you insist on finding an adjective, then one word is fast.

   Not only is the speed of the sword fast enough, the distance of the swordsmanship is also short enough, the weapon in the hands of others has just been raised, and he has already begun to collect the sword.

When there is enough strength, speed and reaction to support, the prosperous tricks are useless. This kind of straightforward swordsmanship is the most lethal and the most energy-saving. It does not matter whether it is good or not, it can kill people. It is good swordsmanship, which is also called returning to the basics.

   If this sharp scene is placed in an environment where blood boils and fights to the sky.

  What is art?

   This is called art.

   The art of murder.

   Under this unstoppable swordsmanship, even the Andis mountain people who were not afraid of death were quickly killed.

They are fearless and not fake. The premise is that what they die is worthwhile. If they face a side-to-side slaughter, they will become very desperate. Seeing things cannot be done, the remaining Andis mountain people cried out in grief, One after another withdrawn to the mountains and forests.

The retreat in this situation, even if the Andis mountain people have the upper hand, is not considered orderly, let alone the wounded on the ground, even those who reacted slightly slower, were forced to stay in place. , Caught in a heavy siege, but fortunately the entire slave hunter team was beaten and scared, not to mention that there was no immediate reaction, even if it did, there was no desire to pursue it.

   At this time, the limitations of the great knights were revealed. Their mighty force can be used as a small army at certain times, but most of the time, they can only defeat them, but they can't wipe them out.

The scene after that was a bit bloody. Whether they were willing or forced to stay in place, the Andis mountain people faced a side-to-side massacre. The surviving hunting soldiers used their most cruel and **** methods to deal with them. To vent the big fear of dying just now.

"Get off." The great knight Ajer kicked a slave soldier who was addicted to playing Lingchi and looked around coldly, "You can kill them, but you can't torture them. Using this method to vent your fear is The behavior of an incompetent coward, facing his own fear, is worthy of being called a fighter."

"What are you, I killed you..." The slave hunter who was kicked obviously didn't know Ajel, which is not surprising, let alone the people brought by Benson didn't know him, even Bart Only a few of the people Li brought know his identity. From beginning to end, he just followed Bartley to act as a taciturn guard. If Bartley was not targeted by Sean and forced to take action, it would be The entire slave hunter team was wiped out. As long as Bartley's safety was not threatened, his eyes would not blink.

   The appearance of a great knight in the slave hunting team is an incomparable thing.

Even the poor from the bottom, as long as you have the actual strength, no matter which noble lord you go to, they will treat them with courtesy. If they are willing to serve them, a knight fief, a manor, and a lord's name It is impossible to run properly, and on the battlefield, at least it is a hundredguard.

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