The Origin of Arcane

Chapter 1023: Dongfeng 5


Draw a bow and shoot blood arrows condensed from blood souls, leaning out towards the three angels.

As a qualified Odin orc, Ulan Bari's archery skills are naturally not bad, and the arrows are not far from the key of the three angels.

Once shot, these angels have to cut out most of the surrounding energy to protect themselves.

"Disperse and run away!" The angel headed by this can only make the best move.

The three angels were divided into three and ran in three completely different directions.

Ulan Bari didn't even think about it, and followed the first angel he locked.

"You mindless beast? I have no grievances with you, why did you bite me and hold on." The angel was annoyed by Ulaanbaa's chasing, and some unbridled angrily.

Ulanba answered him with blood arrows.

He completely followed his beastly instinct, where there are so many and why.

"If you want to start a chaos between us, if you want to be beautiful, you also come out for me!"

Five kilometers away, a blast and an explosion sounded simultaneously.

The blazing white divine power radiated generously, and then a golden figure with a greenish color rose into the sky, followed by three angel figures.

The four figures entangled in the air and became a ball, and they fought hard.

The green figure in the gold is not someone else, it is Sean.

The other three figures are the other three angels of the Angel Council.

The Angel Council originally wanted to come to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and take the opportunity to pick up cheap ones.

At this moment, Xiao En was pitted, and the plan was empty. Of course, Xiao En could not be let go.

The remaining three angels did not rush to rescue their three companions who were yin, but followed the clues left by Shaun, looking for Shaun's deity.

Being able to act like an arm's avatar, Sean's subject cannot hide far away.

No matter how clever the way they hide and whereabouts, as long as they deliberately search, it is difficult to hide it for too long.

Because the powerful energy fluctuations emitted from their bodies are unsolvable problems.

The more energy you use to hide yourself, the easier it is to expose your actions.

Those remaining energy fluctuations are the best indicators.

Even hiding at the law level will still leave unnatural traces.

Because Xiao En knew this, he didn’t use his brains on the technique. Instead, he used the most stupid soil method. Instead, he cracked the rocks and cracked the soil and buried his body tens of meters deep into the ground. The soil layer hides its own energy fluctuations.

In addition to this, the puzzle was also set up, and energy crystals with their own aura were buried underground in several surrounding places, and they were used to consume the energy of the enemy.

And all this was completed before the arrival of the Siodin Empire.

As for predicting in advance where the Golden King’s tent will be located in Ulaanbaatar?

This is the credit of Skamba Day.

For this kind of thing, the opinions of the envoy led by the Ulaanbaa Sunrise and Night Night Army were very referential, especially since Skambari’s status in the Western Odin Empire was noble, and he was not here. If so, these things , There is a great chance that he will handle it directly.

Sean just gave him a little hint.

Skambari believes that it is his own idea to choose Cook Wasteland as the location of the alliance between the two sides.

In fact, everything is in Sean's calculations, including showing his powerful natural ability in front of him, which is also part of the psychological hint.

When choosing the location of the alliance, Skamba Day will subconsciously exclude all green areas.

It's just this way, still can only be calculated unintentionally.

As long as they are aware of the possibility of their own existence and deliberately investigate, they will be able to pull themselves out in a short time, especially when they need to maintain the existence of the Forbidden Magic Domain, the energy fluctuations are more intense.

But I didn't expect that it was not the succubus lord Sunelavo who did this, but the angels headed by Pope Saint George.

Prior to this, Sean had expected that the Holy See of Saint Ether would not sit idly by for their alliance this time, and might even directly intervene in the disturbance, at least not allowing them to reach a peaceful consensus.

The Western Odin Empire and the Yongye Army led a full-scale war on the Odin steppe, which served their interests.

Only the number of angels dispatched by the Holy See Empire far exceeded Sean's expectations.

These angels are not the same concept as the angels of the Angel Legion.

Whether it is the Angel Legion of the Holy See Empire, or the Abigail Beast Legion in the hands of Sean.

In essence, it is no different from those twisted nightmares, and to the plane of Ashan, they are all invaders.

Once you leave some special areas (shadow and fog area), you will be targeted by the power of the law, and the consumption is quite alarming.

This determines that their combat effectiveness can't even be used in actual situations, and their role is relatively limited.

In the past period of time, it only existed as a deterrent force.

Neither the leader of the eternal night nor the Holy See of the Holy Ether, since reaching an agreement to limit the use of extraordinary power, they have never used it again.

Both parties are secretly looking for ways to break this restriction.

The leader of Yongye has been looking for a breakthrough in his best mage tower and magical equipment, and the perfect combination of the two sides, so as to obtain more powerful combat effectiveness.

The Holy See of Saint Ether is trying to replicate the situation of Saint George’s Pope, using other people as the carrier of angels.

When the two merge into one, the law of the plane of Ashan will be hidden.

It seems that they have made substantial progress.

After avoiding the power constraints of the law of the Asaan plane, not only did their combat effectiveness soar, but they also couldn't speak of the same intellect.

"Your Excellency, you are a wise man, why did you get confused today? What do you keep chewing on me? There is also a succubus lord hiding in the dark. I don't know what sham tricks are you preparing? But in other people’s home court, you are not afraid that she will serve us in one pot?"

After Sean was forced out of the hiding place by the three angels headed by the Pope Saint George, they couldn't help but spit out, and directly turned into a law fighter and flew towards the place where the Golden King's tent was.

Except for the succubus lord Sunelavo, throwing out a **** fireball at the beginning, he retreated into the Golden King's account and was completely silent. He played freely on Skamba Day, as if taking the opportunity to escape.

But Sean didn't think so much.

All signs indicate that the Siodin Empire is not prepared to negotiate with itself. Everything is a trap set by Sunela Wobu, and it is a trap to kill itself.

It is absolutely impossible to give up halfway because of the intervention of the Holy See Empire.

Everyone is covered with hairs that are better than monkeys, how could they not think of it in advance?

It is even possible that the other party is also in her calculations.

When the law fighter approached, Sean took the initiative to revoke the Forbidden Domain.

The strategic intent in this area was basically completed when the three angels were dragged down from the sky.

The succubus lord Sunelawo didn't make a move, and it was difficult to kill any one of the three angels by Ulan Bari alone.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

In Shaun's body of the law, the four element bombs he carried with him all poured out to the Golden King's account.

These four element bombs are the latest model of the Yongye Army leader, Dongfeng No. 5, each weighing 300 kilograms, and the proportion of high-concentration elemental crystals reaches one tenth of the terrible.

After Xiao En dropped it, instead of flying away at high speed, he directly tore open the plane barrier and escaped into the energy channel.

Even across the energy channel, Sean could feel the violent explosion shock waves and elemental fluctuations.

After just staying for two seconds, Sean tore open the plane barrier again and got out.

The scene before him has undergone earth-shaking changes, a world where fire and ice coexist.

The four Dongfeng 5s that Sean had dropped earlier were all ice attributes.

The reason for choosing element bombs with this attribute is obvious.

The main target of Sean's trip is the succubus lord Sunelavo, these **** creatures are experts who play with fire, and the master who swims and bathes in the magma of hell.

Fire elemental bombs must not be used. Using that thing will not only cause no harm to the opponent, but may even become the opponent's borrowing object.

Dark elemental bombs are relatively limited in their threat.

The light attribute is quite lethal to it, but the angels of the Holy See may come to disrupt the situation. The elemental area formed after the explosion may become the help of the opponent, and it is also not what Sean wants to see.

The only choices left are wind, water, and soil. The three are relatively poorly targeted, and none of them are particularly resistant to the enemy.

After repeated comparisons, Sean finally chose water attributes.

As a result, the water attribute has a certain restraint effect on those who are good at manipulating fire.

Secondly, the special effect of water attribute extension is the longest and most powerful.

These four water elemental bombs did not disappoint Sean's expectations and turned a wasteland into a world of ice.

With Wang Zhang as the center, the core explosion impact range is a full two hundred meters, and the element ice cubes and element ice particles splashed out by the explosion cover a full range of three kilometers.

Needless to say how miserable that scene is.

Don't forget.

The Golden King's Tent in Ulaanbaa Day was not alone here. They were accompanied by 10,000 fine riders, guarding the Golden King's Tent in a ring.

Xiao En and the others had made a lot of noise before, they had already alarmed these ten thousand spirits, and they were gathering to use them in the Golden King's account.

It's just a long story, in fact, the process of their fight is very short.

This ten thousand Odin orc cavalry, let alone placed among ordinary people, even if placed in most of the army, it is also an elite among the elite.

But against Sean, the succubus lord, and angels, it was a fight with the gods, and there was no way to intervene.

Then Sean dropped four elemental bombs.

The sand, elemental ice, and elemental ice particles blown out by the blast wave are more terrifying than the bullets fired by a high-energy sniper rifle. Even huge war horses can be shot through, let alone Odin orcs. , Even if it is already wearing heavy armor, it will be screened by the range.

Even if they were lucky enough to escape this wave, they would not be able to escape the water mist and cold that diffused from the ice attribute elemental bombs, quickly cooling down, and directly turning them into an ice sculpture.

Their movements and expressions on their faces were frozen for an instant.

This miserable sight made Xiao En feel unbearable, but he didn't regret what he had done. Even if it was a re-election, he would drop the four elemental bombs without hesitation.

This is war.

In order not to allow these intruders to cause greater damage, this is a price that must be paid.

But in the next second, Sean's expression became extremely solemn.

Where are the souls of tens of thousands of fine riders?

His speed of action is not unpleasant. It takes only a few seconds to move in and out of the dimensional wall.

These few seconds are enough to kill their bodies, but not enough to completely dissipate their souls.

If possible, Sean still wants to harvest their souls and take them to the second world.

But not half of the soul converged on Sean's body of law-his body of law was the most natural heroic battle flag.

There is only one situation where this will happen. Someone will harvest these souls first.

The crux of the question, who is the one who harvests these souls?

Succubus Lord Sunelavo?

Or St. George the Pope?

Sean's gaze turned to the golden king's account.

As I said before, this is a world of ice and fire.

I just talked about ice, now I talk about fire.

The biggest fire is Golden King’s Account has long ceased to exist, replaced by an iceberg that is several tens of meters high and several meters thick.

A blazing fire of **** is in the iceberg.

In this **** fire, there are countless faces of Odin orc soldiers, wailing.

Sean's question just found the answer.

The soul of the ten thousand Odin's fine riders is here, and has become a tool for the Succubus Lord Sunelavo to resist elemental bombs.

Sunelavo deserves to be a veteran demon lord. He is far more powerful than he imagined. The four Dongfeng 5s that Sean carefully prepared, still failed to win them.

I believe that within a few minutes, Sunerava’s **** fire will melt the elemental iceberg.

"Sean Don Augustine..."

Accompanied by an extremely angry roar, a small iceberg two hundred meters from the Golden King's account was the first to explode, the rich blood surged wildly, and strode towards Xiao En.

It's not Ulaanbaaday who else can.

Because the main target that Shaun had previously locked was the succubus lord Sunelavo.

Ulaanbaatar was only affected by the explosion, first rushed out by the powerful blast wave, and then enveloped by the impact of ice element.

It's just that the body of law on his body, like the exoskeleton armor, shut out the cold, and did not cause him fatal damage.

Not only him, but the angels who believed in the Holy See, should not be life-threatening.

At their level, it is really not easy to kill each other.

Ulaanbaaji's hatred towards Sean is now exploding, and only Sean is left in his eyes.

He shook off his footsteps, rumbling like a heavy tank. The ice sculptures along the way did not evade, all of them slammed into the past and flew with severed limbs.

He has only one thought now, and that is to drag Sean over and have a blast.

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