The opponent wanted to study me, but found that I was not registered at all

Chapter 145 The national flag swipes the screen, and the rows are full!

"It exploded, the South Korean team exploded directly at the bottom level!"

"To be honest, if I were Emperor Chi, I would stop playing!"

After finishing the first level, Yutong spoke bluntly.

What kind of concept is it that AD just goes online and a soldier dies once without replenishing it?

At the moment when Su Can appeared, Chidi's mind went blank.

Fortunately, the last bit of sanity left in him prevented him from pressing Blink.

There is also a flash on the opposite side, and he will die if he presses this flash, so it's better to save it for the next line.

The head was taken by Kai'Sa of Uzi, and Su Can was very satisfied with the result.

At the last moment just now, he abruptly pressed S and stopped his hand, just because he was afraid of accidentally snatching the head.

He is a Sion, and taking 1 blood is of little use. It is definitely better to give this head to AD.

With Uzi's current state, and the fact that he is playing Kai'Sa, after getting first blood, it can be said that this game has a great advantage.

You must know that in the year of S8, before the start of the World Championship, Uzi's state can be called the world's number one AD, and Kai'Sa played very fiercely.

After Emperor Chi died, Su Can teleported back to the road.

Now that the teleportation is on the line, he will only lose the experience of three soldiers when he goes on the road.

Compared with the gain, this loss is nothing at all.

The opposite Tai Tan glanced at Su Can who was teleporting. He had the ability to interrupt, but he didn't dare to interrupt at all.

Uzi and Tian Ye are also very bad, they never stand in front of Su Can to help block the hook, it depends on whether you dare to hook it or not.

If this hook is hooked and another head can be taken, it doesn't matter if Su Can goes online later and loses money.

When you come to the line, there are not many shots on the road.

Ornn and Sion, the two heroes, really have nothing to look at in line.

Just tickle each other, if the jungler doesn't come, it's hard to get a result.

It is actually a little easier for Thain to fight Ornn, but now Thain has been cut.

And Aoun is at his strongest, so there is nothing wrong with the line.

Both of them made up the knife normally, and by the way, they changed blood, and the level of brutality in the lane was far worse than before.

Su Can didn't think about what kind of solo kills he could get with Sion. If he could match up with Ornn in the early stage, he would be able to do solo kills.

"Come on, get off the road and get ready, I'll drive over directly!"

The game went on for a few more minutes, and it was very dull.

Both sides failed to find a rhythm. If it wasn't for Su Can's first-level bot lane, it is estimated that the two sides are still 0:0.

Su Can stayed online until level six before going back.

From the opposite point of view, this is a normal time point.

Because Su Can handed in the teleportation after he went to the bottom lane at the first level, and he didn't have the teleportation on the opposite side when he returned home in the first wave in the early stage.

In this case, Sion can quickly return to the line with his ultimate move.

The first big move is used to go online, which can ensure that Su Can does not lose any soldiers.

But after Su Can made a big move, what he was thinking about was Emperor Chi.

Kill Emperor Chi, this game will be won.

"I'll go, OhYes is on the way again."

"My God, are you going to engage in Emperor Chi again?"

"Chidi's flash is still a little short, it seems that there is a real chance."

"Come on, come on, Thain will start directly!"


The director is still very keen, when Su Can walks down the road, the camera is directly shown.

At the same time, it also showed the Chidi Summoner's skill shots in great detail, so that everyone can see that the flash is still a bit close.

The two domestic war reporters are very excited now.

After Sion zooms in, there will be a loud noise in the canyon, and people on the opposite side can hear you zooming in.

However, the South Korean team still had a wrong idea at this time, and did not realize that Su Can came to the bottom lane.

At this point in time, a normal person should drive to the road to eat the line, after all, Su Can's teleportation is not yet complete.

When Su Can rushed down the road, Emperor Chi saw the undead god of war bathed in blood, and his whole body went numb.

What kind of obsession is it that can make a top laner come down twice in the early stage?

It's fine if Chidi didn't dodge, he doesn't even have a big move now.

The upgrade of the two-player lane must be slower. Su Can has only reached level 6 in the top lane, and it is normal for the bottom lane to not reach level 6.

In addition, Chidi was killed at the first level, a little behind in experience, and the speed of upgrading to the sixth level was slower than normal.

The Titans are on the other side, and want to come over to help block the collision. In this wave, he is dead and the AD is not dead. It is also profitable.

It's a pity that the movement speed is too slow now, and there is still no time after all.

After being hit by Sion's big move, basically Sion will definitely be able to connect to a charged Q.

After the two controls are given, both of them need to be controlled by the Q skill on the field side, and the damage is completely sufficient.

The damage ability of Sion, a hero, should not be underestimated. You may not think there is anything wrong with Aoun.

But when a big move hit Crispy's body solidly, it really hurt.

In addition, Thain's Q skill is fully charged and smashed down, and the damage is also good.

The damage of the two skills was played out, and before W's shield exploded, half of Chidi's blood had disappeared.

Uzi followed up, [Icacia Heavy Rain] Jiaping A can easily accept this head.

"Damn it, it's so cool."

After Uzi got his second head, he almost couldn't help crying out.

Getting assisted twice in a row at the beginning and getting two kills, it's just a dream!

When Tai Tan saw Chidi was hit, he knew that this wave was doomed, and it would be hard to save the gods when they came.

Decisively hook the wall on the side to make displacement, and at the same time, the E skill slows down the people nearby, and a QE small combo moves to run at the speed of light.

Tian Ye kept pinching Q in his hand, just aiming at the support on the opposite side.

Killing the AD is of course the most important thing. If you can kill the support once more, that's of course the best. Who would think there are too many heads?

It's a pity that the flying speed of Morgana's Q skill is a bit slow, and the direction is not a problem. When it was about to hit, Titan still hooked it out first.

Kinn watched his teammates have accidents on the top road, and there was nothing he could do.

He teleported it to go online, and he didn't have any means to support him down the road.

I can only continue to push the line with tears in my eyes.

But for a hero like Ornn, to be honest, making up a few extra knives is not very useful.

At most, it's just a little fleshy, or it can be said that the upgrade is quicker and the equipment is easier to fight.

The problem is that there is Kai'Sa on the opposite side. Kai'Sa is a hero who has a sheep knife now. This one is still well developed, and the speed in handling the front row can be imagined.

Even if Aoun is a bit fleshy, it will be difficult to stand in front.

Su Can's wave is getting bigger and bigger, and the teleportation is still not good, and there is indeed a loss in the line.

But if he missed a few knives or lagged behind in experience, it really didn't have that much impact on him.

The hero Aoun is not fast enough to push the tower. Su Can noticed that the opponent's top laner does not have the talent of blasting.

Besides, there is no plating on the defense tower now, and it is completely acceptable to be grinded by the opponent.

After two consecutive waves, Su Can did not come down the road again.

Because the bottom lane has a big enough advantage now, Su Can can continue to be suppressed if he doesn't go.

At the same time, this hand Morgana is very well chosen, making it difficult for the opponent to move Kai'Sa.

I'm not afraid of how the titan will go first, as long as Morgana reacts quickly, the shield will be given immediately, and the lock skill of the titan's ultimate move is useless at all.

Of course, Su Can didn't stay online all the time. After the next big move was ready, Su Can waited for a while.

After pushing the wave of pawns, he saw the right time and drove to the middle to engage in a wave of Feike.

Although he didn't catch anyone, it was quite uncomfortable to play a flash.

"Fuck, this Kai'Sa's output is so high, no one on the other side can hold it."

"Uzi has entered the field, Uzi is still outputting, and Uzi is killing!"


The game was the same as the last one, but it ended quickly.

Kai'Sa's development is too good. After being helped by Su Can to establish an advantage in two waves, she can't stop it completely.

After Uzi's three-piece suit, the national team frantically launched a group to fight with the opponent.

With Thain and Zhumei, the lineup of the Chinese team is too aggressive, and there is Morgana who can draw prizes from time to time.

The South Korean team can dodge once, but it is impossible to dodge the opening group continuously. If they fight, they can't fight again, and the game will end soon.

"Uzi's stats are very luxurious, but if it is given to MVP, I will definitely give it to OhYes."

"He played the bottom lane in two waves in the early stage, and directly destroyed the opponent's bottom lane. I think this is very important."

"That's right, the rhythm that he brings is more than the jungler of the factory manager. Basically, the rhythm is initiated by him."

"The value of OhYes can't be reflected just by looking at the data."


The game has not officially ended, but the two commentators are already discussing the ownership of the MVP.

Discussing who the MVP belongs to is a habit developed by watching the game before.

In fact, in this Asian Games competition, there was no post-competition selection link at all.

After winning the game, the Chinese team got three match points.

For the South Korean team, they can only choose the way of letting the second chase the third.

But now if you pull out the most optimistic person in the South Korean team, he dare not say that this game will allow two to chase three.

From the timing of the first two rounds, it can be seen that the two sides did not fight fiercely at all, neither of which lasted for 30 minutes.

The match was not intense, so that means that there is a certain gap in the strength or state of the two sides today.

When a normal coach leads the opponent 2:0 in the final, the players will definitely calm everyone down after they come down. The game is not over yet, and the time to be excited has not yet come.

Too much excitement in games is not a good thing.

But now Abu didn't even bother to go through the process, and said directly: "Everyone have a rest, go up and take the opposite side directly 3:0!"

Once upon a time, I was a little scared when I saw the Korean team, from the players to the fans.

In many international competitions, being able to win a game against the opponent in the group stage makes me feel very excited.

In just one year, now he is always thinking about sweeping the other side.

It's amazing how times have really changed!


In the third game, there was still no suspense.

It can be seen that the South Korean team is still adjusting and has not given up.

But after they played the first two games, they have lost their confidence.

This is also a common problem of the South Korean team now. They are at a critical point, and they still want to run the opposite side.

Meeting Su Can with a team of reckless men was almost on the knife's edge.

Moreover, Su Can also intended to end the game quickly in the third game, and didn't want to waste too much time, so he didn't mess around in the top lane, but chose the hero of Weapon Master.

The laning was very smooth, and the factory manager was hanging up on the road to act as a bodyguard. After 20 minutes of Su Can's fight, no one could control him on the side.

"It's over, brothers, the Chinese team won the championship."

"Awesome, we are champions again!"

"No, it should be said that we won the gold medal!"

"Fuck, there seems to be a flag-raising ceremony."

"Which brother knows how to watch the game, I want to watch the flag raising!"


After the game, there were no post-match interviews or anything, just an awards ceremony.

And the time is very fast, I will go to the podium to get ready to go on stage in a few minutes.

Although it is an exhibition match, except that the medals are not included in the total, the rest are the same as other events.

After you get the gold medal, you will have everything you should have, even the gold medal is real.

Gold medals don't count toward the total, and to be honest it doesn't really matter.

Our country’s Olympic gold medals and medals are all stable in the top three. Let alone the Asian Games, the fault leads other countries, just like wholesalers.

It doesn't matter whether the gold medal of the League of Legends counts or not.

The same is true for Su Can and the others. To win this gold medal, there is no bonus from the state.

But few of them are not short of money, Su Can is an exception, let's not talk about it, the others are also star players.

Even Xiangguo, who has signed a long-term child labor contract with RNG, can now earn more than one or two million yuan a year, which is much richer than most teleportation athletes.

A little bonus is nothing, what matters is the moment when you stand on the podium.

When the national anthem is played and the national flag is slowly raised in the middle, it is hard not to be moved.

Perhaps, this is the meaning of hard work.

E-sports competition is also a kind of game!

In the same mood as the five of them, there are also many e-sports fans watching the game.

When seeing that e-sports can also win glory for the country, many fans can hardly restrain their excitement.

Many domestic fans also watched the game on foreign platforms through some channels.

At this time, there were hundreds of thousands of viewers gathered in the mouse channel live broadcast room.

The mouse station shows the real number of people in the live broadcast room, which is very exaggerated in foreign live broadcasts.

After winning the championship, the national flag was painted on all the bullet screens.

The same is true for those platforms including YouTube, the scene looks quite spectacular!


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