[“Aaaaa——AAAAAAAAAAAAA——!” ]

[Black snakes, countless black snakes appeared in the tide of chaos, restraining Tiamat. ]

[At this point, the Mother God of Creation, who had just floated, was pulled down from the sky! ] ]

The new figure appeared, everyone was surprised, this person should have died!?

Although I don’t know why she made a move against the god Tiamat, seeing this scene still raised a glimmer of hope.

[“Let go—let go, let go, let go!”] Dirty, impostor…! “]

[Still a familiar figure, but her clothes have turned white gold, different from the original evil aura, now she is full of divine taste.] ]

[Gorgon! The goddess who was supposed to die with Anna has now reappeared. ]

[The god Tiamat was pulled from heaven by Gorgon, surprising those who had always thought that Gorgon was the most crotch-pulling.] ]

[Gorgon is as shocking and incredible as an ant shaking a tree.] ]

[The goddess, who had been confirmed to have dissipated her spiritual base, now stands in front of the maiden to shield them from the wind and rain.] ]

[Fujimaru Ritaka’s eyes moved, and she wanted to say something, but closed her mouth again.] ]

[In the face of those Rahmu who flew over, Gorgon simply swung the large snakes formed by his hair and directly crushed them.] ]

[“…… Hum. The dirty ones are obviously you. Just because you mud without self actually laugh like humans. “That haughty attitude is as good as ever. ]

[In Chalde, Roman noticed the anomaly: “Gorgon! Incredibly, this Lingji reaction is Goddess Gorgon’s! Fujimaru, be careful! Is there a suspected Gorgon reaction near you!? “]

[“Doctor, please shut up!”] I don’t know why the girl’s voice trembled a little, a little joyful, “Thank you, Gorgon, please help us…!” “]

[“………… It’s none of my business, I’m just going to take revenge on Tiamat for my own reasons, at least don’t get in my way, Fujimaru Rika. “]

[Maiden: “…”]

(: Is it my delusion?) How I felt that Gorgon’s tone was a little worried. )

(: Impossible, right?) )

(: Oh, I just know that she “killed” Anna, ah! My Anna! )

(: It’s mine, thank you.) )

(: Don’t pull it, it’s Fujimaru Rika’s.) )

(: Abominable!) Waste of resources! )

(: I could all … )

(: You guys are enough!) Can anyone tell me what this situation is? )

(: Influenced by Tachika Fujimaru?) )

(: Out of madness? )

(: No, I always feel a little familiar…) )

[Seeing that his doppelganger could no longer stop the god Tiamat, Gorgon remembered his body. ]

[Turning his head to look at the girl and the others who were still standing, Gorgun suddenly said sharply: “… Didn’t I say you guys are an eyesore? Rather, you are in the way, you are already annoying me just here, and escape back to Uruk.” “]

[“I will crush Tiamat’s wings, and I must teach her how to crawl on the ground.”] ]

[Matthew: “Both … In that case, let’s help! We can fight together again-“]

[“Don’t be funny!”] Gorgon interrupted Matthew, “You can fight a bitter battle against Rahmu, and Quezar Coyatl is defeated, and you are already devastated.” “]

[There was a flash of light in Gorgon’s eyes: “Look at the fingertips of that royal lord, which is about to die due to lack of mana.”) You’re so embarrassed that you can’t even lift your shield. What use can a force like yours come in? The weak should look like the weak and flee back to their homes as soon as possible. “]

At this time, everyone was surprised by the girl’s appearance, just now they only cared about the heroic deeds of the Quetzalcoatl God, and ignored the state of the girl and Matthew.

The war has gone on so far, it has been too miserable, and they have done everything they can.

And…… Some small movements of this goddess, the gentleness revealed in the domineering tone…

[“…… Can I leave this to you? The girl stared at the person in front of her, as if to imprint her in her mind. ]

[“You don’t need to ask for this kind of thing.”] Goddess Gorgon whispered, and after glancing sideways, the snake god slowly lowered his head, his long purple hair covering the side of his face, “Get out of here quickly.” “]

[The girl’s eyes widened, and her body suddenly trembled.] ]

[Roman’s urging voice sounded in his ears: “The fourth wave is coming!”] If you stay there, you will be engulfed by the tide of chaos! Matthew, Fujimaru, retreat quickly! Gorgon is right, now you can only escape! “]

[And Ishtar kept urging.] ]

The girl forced herself to calm down, “Matthew, let’s go! “]

[“But… But, senior! That Miss Gorgon is Ann—”]

[“Matthew!” The girl’s voice was shaking, as if she was about to cry, “I know…”

[Matthew: “… Whew… Whew…”]

No crying, no complaining, no overwhelmed by the heart-wrenching pain…

I know who you are, but I can only turn a blind eye…

If they had picked everything out, they would have been tempted to stay and fight with Anna.

But this result is nothing more than the total annihilation of the army, adding some meaningless corpses.

It looks cold and ruthless and decisive to turn around, without a trace of shouting, but it is so heartbreaking.

Just like Rick in the past, sacrificing others, friends, and partners has led to the continuation of the future path of mankind.

This is far more crushing than one’s own death.

Fearless warriors, fear is never death, the reason why tears are because of the lovely people and things that want to protect, the pain of not protecting well, leaving them first…

Sometimes, the living are the most painful…

[Unable to look back at the distant figure, Gorgon dragged down the god Tiamat.] ]

[“Although I didn’t say goodbye to them officially, the flowers had already been accepted anyway…”] For me, that’s enough. “]

[“O god Tiamat! The reason why Lika returned to Uruk is not to let them escape from you! “]

[“I don’t want them—to see me like a monster, because it would hurt them needlessly.”) ]

[“But I’ll give you a taste of real harm, in return for the activities I’ve been doing for you so far!”] ]

[Let’s go, no need to say goodbye, I don’t know you guys anyway…]

[“Forcibly Seal the Temple of All Devils!”] ]

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