
The rope that binds Beast II…

Also held at the end, the embodiment of the desire to become the shelter of human beings.

She lamented, saddened, but sealed herself and suffered fifty percent of her own strength every moment.

And once you lose your mind and want to come out of the sea, the seal will increase the instantaneous damage to 90% as a warning…

That is the shackles of “love”, the mother’s attachment to her child.

She is a disaster, but she appears passively.

Without Solomon’s awakening, she would have remained in imaginary space. If it weren’t for the Grail sent by Rahmu, she would probably have stayed in the sea…

She never wanted to turn the world upside down, she never wanted to destroy life, those were her children.

Everyone looked at the huge figure that reappeared with complicated eyes.

The water level in the Persian Gulf rose rapidly, almost visibly, and soon engulfed the earth and even the towers of the observation station, and according to this momentum, as if intentionally, swallowed straight towards Uruk…

In the face of this tragic situation, everyone had mixed feelings, not knowing whether to hate the existence of this destruction of the world.

[Isttar’s attack defeated only the head body of the god Tiamat, just a “hair” growing on the top of the head, dull hair.] ]

[The new figure is even bigger than the original, a pair of bright red huge horns that are no longer as gentle as the blue sea before.] ]

[The boundless giant figure gradually stood up from the sea, making people tremble, and the girl clutched the back of the pterosaur tightly and could not speak.] ]

[At this moment, everyone also understood what “part of the head” meant.] ]

[“Aaa————…………a ]

[“…… Monsters through and through. “]

[At this moment, Tiamat is already completely in the form of a beast, and even if he can still vaguely see some of his beautiful faces before, his physical characteristics have become more hideous.] ]

[“A moving biological factory, a magical power sufficient for interstellar navigation, a huge life origin stored in the body——

The ark of God that will take mankind hundreds of years to realize –

This is – this is … The true face of the god Tiamat! “]

[Roman has a lot of unconscious professional terms that stunned the people in his heart.] ]

[This powerful and majestic figure cannot be boasted of!] ]

[At this moment, people finally understand what terrible creatures the Mother God of Creation, Human Evil, and Beast represent. ]

[Instead of paying attention to the children who attacked her, Tiamat reappeared, stared straight in Uruk’s direction, as if something there was appealing to her.] ]

[Faced with this dilemma, Roman anxiously asked: “Quezar Coyatel.”] A real treasure you have… Couldn’t the full force of power defeat this Tiamat? “]

[“…… Yes. It’s cruel to keep you expecting, so I have to make it clear. The Quetzalcoatl God sorted out his language slightly, “Even if it is the power of Istar, even if it uses any means that Mesopotamia currently has, it will not be able to hurt this Tiamat god in the slightest.” “]

[Even if… Even if…… By any means…]

[These words are heavier than the other, and the overwhelmed person is breathless.] ]

[“…… Is it. Thanks, I understand the situation here too. “]

[Helplessly, Roman could only ask the girl and the others to withdraw to Uruk first and join Gilgamesh in a heavy tone.] ]

There is no point…

The audience knows that all the combat power of this era, except for Gilgamesh, is here, even if it is withdrawn to Uruk to join Gilgamesh, can it deal with the god Tiamat?

No, many people think that it is better to count on them than to expect God Tiamat to seal himself himself.

At least this “mother” subconsciously did this…

But what if you don’t evacuate? Is it sent to death in this? They are helpless, as if they see no hope no matter what they do.

The real Uruk is also depressed, their future is dark, and there is no way forward in sight…

[Just as the girl and the others were about to leave, something even more terrible happened.] ]

[Roman’s astonished voice sounded on the communication channel: “Ah, Tiamat has advanced…?”] She can actually move!? Just by that ratio, such a huge body!? “]

[Roman had always thought that Tiamat would stay where she was, but now she’s moving.] ]

[The person outside the video seemed to remember something, looked towards Tiamat, and sure enough, the chains on the arms and legs had broken a lot.] ]

[Everyone can’t help but have a headache, is this self-inflicted?] ]

[“Aaaaaa——Aaaaaaaaa——!” ]

[The second wave of erosion of the black mud wave is coming…]

[In the midst of the storm, black mud rushes in the direction of Uruk, this time it will reach Uruk! ] ]

[The black sea has submerged the earth, and the cities along the way have become a royal yang.] ]

[At this time in Uruk, the soldiers are reporting urgent news to the King of Uruk.] ]

[“Confirm the echo signal from Observatory 3!”] Black mud has devoured the city of Gilsu and is flowing out in the direction of Uma City and Uruk City! “]

[It’s hard to imagine that this is an ocean wave, it’s like a flame that a bear can burn!] ]

[After all, the walls of Uma City can’t hold up, and it’s close to reaching Uruk!] ]

(:Shhhh Is this the end of the world? )

(: Devouring the world in an instant…) )

(: The humans along the way…) )

(: Then there is still along the way, the only human beings in this world are Uruk.) )

(: And those who withdrew to the north wall.) )

(: Pull down, Uruk is gone, the north wall is useless, keep Uruk, otherwise there is no hope for mankind.) )

(: Can it be saved?) )

(: Absolutely!) )

(: Yes, humanity will not perish!) )

(“Come on, Uruk! )

(: Humanity, victory!) )

The black mud is raging, everything along the way has been devoured, if the black mud once breaks through Uruk, it will be all over, human beings can basically declare extinction, and the world will become the world of those Rahmu in the future!?

For a time, those who were optimistic in the ten thousand worlds and those who were not optimistic prayed to the god Tiamat to show mercy… Everything.

[Uruk, in the face of the urgent warning sent by the soldiers, Gilgamesh just said sharply: “-“]

ps: Thanks for the monthly pass of “Ancient Huaxia”, “204 …”, thank you, please subscribe, ask for a monthly pass, ask for flowers.

Today is the 8th, I upgrade… Zhengzhou No. 4 began the epidemic, I am here “prevention area” (closure and control area – control area – prevention area), today “honored” to upgrade the control area …

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