[The screen gradually becomes dark…]

(: Death… Dead? )

(: Impossible, absolutely impossible!) I am invincible! )

(:What about spirit stones?) Lingshi save it quickly! )

(: Praise Spirit Stone, you have always been omnipotent!) )

(: Isn’t the spirit stone cracked?) )

(:…… )

(:…… )

(:…… )

(:…… )

(:…… )

(: Whose children?) So insensible!? )

You don’t know about us? We just have a glimmer of hope!

Cracked, not broken, broken must also have a fragment ah, the almighty spirit stone can’t think of a way to repair itself first, and then repair the fifth generation!?

(Yusuke Onodera: Five generations of seniors will be fine!) )

(Natsume Shika: Yes, the fifth generation brother will be back!) )

(Yusuke Goshiro: Haha, above, we have the same name, Shika, I’m okay ~ thumbs up.jpg


(Rick: Mr. Goshiro, my reward is the same as your belt.) )

(Yusuke Goyo: Riksan, come on!) )

(Yusuke Onodera: What about me? What about me? Five generations of seniors, what about me? )

(Yusuke Goyo: Onodera-san, come on too!) )

(Yusuke Onodera: Uh-huh!) Thumbs up .jpg).

Just when the audience thought that the inventory was over, the blackened screen lit up again.

[With this inventory, I pay tribute to the Kamen Rider Empty Self of the past! ] ]

[The belt of the fifth generation is a legacy of the previous generation, so it is not surprising that there are other empty selves.] ]

[Another ruin, another Gurangi.] ]

[The heroic policewoman held a belt and snapped it on her waist.] ]

[“henxin!” ]

[In a burst of light, the policewoman turned into a black empty self.] ]

[At this point, the picture ends, very short.] ]

[Second picture——]

[A slightly immature teenager faces Gulangi.] ]

[“I don’t want to see tears anymore, I want to put a smile on everyone’s faces… So please watch, my transformation! “]

Everyone did not doubt his determination, but he always felt a little wrong, as if he was not mature enough.

[“henxin!” ]

[Looking at the appearance, it is higher than the empty self of the fifth generation, and the data is higher than the empty self of the fifth generation, and there is also a sublimation of the ultimate form.] ]


[But why are you always beaten, deflated, and run?] ]

[The companion did not change when he was beaten, and he was always OMO…]

[Hitting his companions even drove away…]

[The third, the Ultraancient period, the ancient Lindo (human) tribe. ]

[They were originally a happy family, kind parents, gentle brothers, lovely sisters.] ]

[However, there were unforeseen circumstances, and the parents who were engaged in agricultural work died because of the landslide.] ]

[From that day on, an older brother named Rick took care of his younger sister. ]

[The uncle who took in the young brother and sister also treated the two as oil bottles, and the younger sister lost her eyesight because she witnessed her parents buried by a landslide.] ]

[Through the rice techniques taught by foreigners who crossed the sea, Gulindo never went hungry again in winter.] ]

[The land has a relatively warm climate and abundant water sources suitable for rice cultivation.] Rice is a food suitable for long-term preservation. No one is starving to death, life is more stable. ]

[The two brothers and sisters should have spent the rest of their days in peace.] ]

[But nature, which is blessed with favors, sometimes shows its fangs to us…] Heavy rain, floods, storms… The scourge of nature is like the hammer that punishes those who covet peace. ]

[Coexistence with nature…] This was a challenge for people living in that era. ]

[People are afraid of the “gods” that dwell in nature, and in order to appease them, they can only rely on the spells and sacrifices of magicians.] In this era, spell magicians had great power and status, and even medical behavior was related to spells. ]

[The female spell master of this village chanted the wonderful incantation, and her body trembled slightly.] ]

[Under the sky high under the full moon, the surface is painted with a strange pattern that looks reminiscent of a skull, and torches set in all directions reflect the shadow of the central ringed column on the earth.] He was surrounded by strong young men who watched the ceremony with strange expressions. ]

[In front of the ring-shaped stone, the spellmaster with a tattoo on his face shakes his body more and more.] ]

[“—dare to ask what is God’s will?”] What should we do? The village chief, who was sitting cross-legged in front of the spell master, asked with his long hanging white beard. ]

[In response to his question, the unknown spell master slowly stood up, and then pierced the red beast bone that had been burned by fire into the turtle shell placed in front of the altar.] ]

[The dry sound of crackling comes to mind in the night sky, and the spell master begins to interpret the cracks carved into the turtle shell to understand the gods.] ]

[“Fighting … It’s the battle! You can’t wait for the enemy to strike, this battle, the first to strike will win. “]

[This sentence caused a commotion among the elders sitting together.] ]

[“Hmm… So who is it? What is the name of the person chosen to represent the warriors of my village!? The village chief asked with a sinister expression. ]

[The eyes of the spell master who was asked this question had an unusual light in his eyes.] ]

[“—its name is Rick!!!” ]


Rick: “So that’s the case, is that why the owner of the inventory video gave me this power?” It’s really funny. ”

[The spell magician’s answer surprised the young people watching around, because the name was the name of the man who hated fighting the most in the volunteer candidate for the warrior.] ]

[“Well, Rick… Go ahead! “]

[Rick walked apprehensively to the altar, disappointed and mocking voices coming from the group of young men, but no one could dispute the spellmaster’s decision.] ]

[Elder Bearded took out a wonderful spirit stone resembling a crystal ball from the fire-roasted clay vessel placed next to it.] Without any foggy dirty spots on it, this stone with a complete sphere can be described as a so-called “bizarre craft” that could not have existed in this era. ]

[“The mysterious spirit stone ‘Yamdam’, which has been passed down from generation to generation in the village since ancient times… Teach here with Ru… Take it, young warrior… Rick!! “]

[Rick respectfully accepted the spirit stone with a solemn attitude.] The spellmaster next to him is dancing wonderfully as if possessed by something. ]

[Plop! ] ]

[Spirit stones pulsate as if they were alive.] No, it might just be Rick’s delusion. But in the next instant, the spirit stone suddenly disappeared from his hand and was sucked into Rick’s body. ]

[“Wow!”] ]

[The young people watching around cried out in terror, and all the young people had the same timid look on their faces.] ]

[But no one can take their eyes off Rick’s posture in the center of the circle, but Rick himself has no idea what is happening to him, only to realize that he suddenly becomes able to see things in the distance, and Rick’s strength has improved a lot for some reason.] ]

[“—What’s wrong?”] What the hell is going on!? “]

[Immediately noticed that under the shade of the trees behind the agitated young man, he was looking at his sister here with a worried face.] ]

[It’s been a long time since her sister Mio lost her eyesight, but her fear of seeing what happened to her beloved brother must be strong, and she is trying to open her eyes to look in the direction of Rick’s current position.] ]

[Rick was stunned to see the figure reflected in Mio’s pupils, because he had vision far beyond ordinary people and could only confirm his appearance.] ]

[Strange-looking red monsters… This is the influence reflected in my sister’s eyes. ]

[But, it’s all fake!] ]

[Choosing Rick is not because Rick is the strongest warrior who can bring victory to Lindo.] ]

[The spellmaster was disguised by the Gulangi family, and Rick was chosen because-


[“—of course, because he is the weakest and least suitable for being a warrior.”] ]

[Yes, cowardly and timid Rick cannot be a warrior!] This is what Gulangi believes. ]

[The spellmaster came for the spirit stones of the Lindao tribe, Rick is not here with the Amdam spirit stone, and the remaining Coram spirit stone is his! ] ]

[The spellmaster snatches the Spirit Stone from the village chief and Rick’s sister Mio. ]

[The spellmaster who grabbed the spirit stone laughed arrogantly, however, he did not know that although Mio could not see it, he could feel the existence of the spirit stone. ]

[Feeling the fluctuations of the spirit stone, the little girl rushed towards Gulangi…]

PS: Thanks for the monthly pass of “Moon Shadow no Yue” and “Four Seasons no Song Ballads”

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