Five generations looked at the picture in fascination, and the flashing black made him a little uneasy.

“Five generations…”

One looked at Goyo worriedly.

“When the divine fountain withers, the mighty warrior will flash like thunder, and the sun will be buried by darkness…”

“Five generations?”

“These are the words that Sakurako once parsed.”


Many viewers have thought that when Sakurako Sakura Sawado parsed the superancient text, there was this sentence, of course, I don’t know what it means, and now they vaguely know what it means.

The smiling warrior of hope is long gone, and now it is the weeping despair warrior.

Is this really the case?

“Don’t worry!”

Goyo smiled at Ichijo and gave a thumbs up.

“I’m not going to be a terrible warrior.”




“A mulberry…”


“If there is a day, don’t hesitate.”




[In order to find out the massacre of unidentified living beings, Ichijo and Sakurako stayed in Nagano and continued to study the bloody ruins of Mount Kuro.] ]

[When Sakurako studied the blood character of the ruins, she made a surprising discovery that the empty self was similar to the leader of the unconfirmed lifeform.] ]

[Goyo, Ichijo, and Sakurako discuss the relationship between the blood character number zero and one of the paragraphs of the inscription at Seongnam University.] ]

[Looking at the ultra-ancient text written in blood in the photo, Goyo touched his shirt.] ]

[Today he has a similar text on the chest of his shirt, which means warrior, empty self.] ]

[And the text left by this number 0 symbolizes him?] Why is it so similar? ]

[“When the divine fountain withers, the mighty warrior will flash like thunder, and the sun will be buried by darkness…”].

[Sakurako repeats this.] ]

[“This part of the text has always wanted to be alarmist…”].

[Goyo paced left and right with the material, maybe this is not alarmism.] ]

[He remembered that when he killed the porcupine Gurangi in a fit of rage, for a moment, he felt that he was no longer himself, and his heart was filled with despair…]

Off-screen, the picture that reappeared from the memories of the five generations made the immersion mode of countless people drop rapidly.

Countless people gasped, and if it weren’t for the safe mode triggered, many might not have returned.

(: What is that!?) )

(: murderous. )

(: Don’t lie to me, is there such a murderous aura?) Can it really kill people? )

(: I was wrong, I was really wrong, empty I am really strong!) )

(: Ma Ya, the whole person’s strength has changed. )

(: So the question is, can Yusuke Goyo control this force?) )

(Hongo: Yes!) )

(Hayato: He won’t be controlled by darkness!) )

(Kazami Shiro: He’s an immortal man!) )

(Jomo: Heaven is calling, the earth is calling, man is calling, calling him to defeat evil!) )

(Kotaro Minami: Incredible things happen!) )

(…… )

(Heavenly Dao Commander-in-Chief: Grandma once said that a man with determination will not be buried in dust. )

(…… )

(Knights: He’s not going to fall into darkness!) )

(People of the empty world: Yes, it will be!) )

(Note: I have to say that the people who empty my world are knights.) )

In the empty world, everyone is praying, blessing the warrior, praying for the man who carries everything.

[“I mean, empty me and No. 0 are the same people.”) ]

[Five generations came to a conclusion.] ]

[One smoked: “Indeed, B1 (Rose) said that emptiness will become an extremely dark being…”].

[The three were worried.] ]

[Four horns, black all over, even the eyes are black…]

[The window of the soul has been darkened, and it is the warrior who has lost everything.] ]

[The sacred spring dried up…] Is it despair? ]

[The fifth generation touched his heart…]

[Have I ever been desperate?] ]

[Nope! I am not desperate! ]

[Fear? Yes, in fear, in fear, in anger. ]

[Anger at Gulangi’s actions, fear of insufficient strength, fear of not being able to protect others! ] ]

[Probably afraid of death, Goyo smiled.] ]

[Really, I haven’t laughed in a long time…]

[I haven’t been afraid to go to kindergarten lately.] ]


[On this day, the fifth generation went to kindergarten and was much more cheerful after playing with the children. ]

[After leaving kindergarten, Goyo prepares to go to the Tokyo Yokoflute competition, and Natsume Minoru invites him to watch the competition.] ]

[Ichijo-san should have arrived, almost late.] ]

[While riding on the road, I suddenly had an inexplicable feeling.] ]

[The fifth generation instinctively became the Pegasus model.] ]

[On the tall building in the distance, a white figure looms…]

[Seen, heard, confirmed…]

[No. 0! ] ]

[That terrible existence!] ]

[The fifth generation instantly switched to the green dragon form and jumped a few hundred meters to the roof. ] ]

[But nothing was found, the whole person only felt trembling and depressed.] ]

[The whole world seems to have lost its color and turned into pure white…]

[Can’t go wrong!] ]

[The fifth generation looked around, obviously did not see it, but “saw” it.] ]


[It’s him!] ]

[“Listened”.] ]


[“What is it!?” ]

[“Super Transformation!”] The fifth generation hurriedly switched to the green Pegasus form. ]

[See!] ]

[Over there!] ]

[Goyo looked in a certain direction, but…]


[I fell to my knees on my weak legs…]

[The power of green recedes, the white first birth reappears, and finally dissolves the transformation and transforms back into the fifth generation of Yusuke…]


[Goyo trembled his lips and slowly raised his head to look at this pure white world…]

[Everything loses color…]

[Five generations have lost the ability to think.] ]

Not only the fifth generation, but many people in the ten thousand worlds have paused for a moment.

If it were not for the inventory of video protection measures in place, many people today would perform a collapse of thinking, even if they save their lives, they will become patients in psychiatric hospitals, or even vegetative people.

[Goyo sat on his knees on the ground for a long time, as if remembering something.] ]


[Natsume Shika is still waiting for herself, stand up, stand up, Yusuke Goyo! ] ]

[There are still people waiting for you…]

[Find the stairs, walk downstairs, and ride the locomotive again.] ]

[In a hurry, Goyo finally arrived at the scene, but saw a police officer and Natsume Shika who had already come out.] ]

[“Sorry, I’m late…”].

[I, ah, can’t collapse yet~]

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for recommendations, ask for collections

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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