Because of the serious and tense words of the fifth generation, the audience in the ten thousand worlds has begun to wonder why the fifth generation is so nervous.

I have also caused explosions in past battles, but with that level of explosion, it is more difficult to blow up a house in terms of scope.

The videos of the horror and destructive power that appeared in the previous inventory have already nourished their tastes.

Even ordinary people do not feel that the empty self is very strong.

(: I’m so inflated, I actually look down on the fist that can break me apart…) )

(: Indeed, so am I. )

(: The above, I told you earlier, empty I am strong.) )

(: The big guy above, you said it, but we can’t understand it.) )

They admired Yusuke Goyo’s will, and his actions made many people ashamed.

However, the power of the empty self seems strong to them, but it is not particularly strong, and some are not up and down.

Although the big guys say that it is good power control, and it has not yet grown to the peak, they believe it.

But there are still some doubts, is it really so strong? The audience watched the next video with anticipation.

[When the video screen turned, I came to the Kanto Medical University Hospital.] ]

[A man sits dejectedly on a hospital bed.] ]

[Not long after, Dr. Tsubaki walked in with a checklist.] ]

[“It’s a pity…”, Tsubaki said, “That picture.”] “]

[This man, Butterfly, once broke into the battlefield of Sora and Gulangi with a painting that he submitted to the “Sanyo Advertising Company” green tea food advertisement.] ]

[However, his road to the advertising agency was blocked by the police at the time, because No. 4 was fighting Gurangi.] ]

[He was late, and when he woke up from the hospital, the company rejected him.] ]

[“But the physical aspect seems to have improved, and if you work hard in that state, you will do.”) ]

[“Let me care, I know your values in the emergency center, and you’ve been to the emergency room since then…”



[Looking at Butterfly, who still did not speak, Tsubaki continued to die and said: “I am relieved that I can live and face it positively.] “]

[He felt a lot in this time.] ]

[“Life is not meant to be abandoned, good things will happen right away.”) ]

[“Don’t say it’s that simple!”] ]

[At this moment, Tetsune felt like he had lost everything.] ]

[“What do you know!?”] How hard I tried, how I cried, that is, that guy… If that guy No. 4 could clean up the unknown lifeform earlier, he would be now… Anyway, that’s how nonsense goes. “]

[By the way, Tetsune once admired unidentified lifeforms for various reasons, and his body was tattooed with tattoos that imitated them.] ]

[However, after seeing the remains of the victims of the piranha Gulangi and being attacked by the piranha weirdos, he began to change his mind.] ]

[Since he was once rescued by No. 4 when he was attacked by a piranha freak, he knows the identity of the fifth generation.] ]

[Five generations… Will only say nice things …]

[Tsubaki raised his head slightly: “Do you really think so?”] “]

[Step by step in front of Tetsune: “Think he’s just a nonsense guy?”] “]

[Tsukino suddenly roared: “It was supposed to be!”] “]

[“On the 4th, he is constantly getting stronger, cleaning up unknown lifeforms, and doing everything smoothly, if anyone will become as cheerful as him!?”] ]

[“No matter what I did, it didn’t go well, it always happened, I tried hard, I did it desperately, but it turned out to be like this, if only I had been killed by No. 23 (piranha Gulangi).”] ]

[“Enough is enough!”] ]

[At this moment, Tsubaki Shuichi, the doctor who saved the life and helped the wounded, had a hideous face and clenched his fists. ]

[No one knows better than him, not even the five generations themselves, and he does not know the body of the fifth generation.] ]

[Every muscle, every bone, every drop of blood, every cell…] All of them are crying, all wailing. ]

[It was a medical image that he did not dare to see, watching the “featureless” body turn into a combat weapon little by little every day…]

[Holding back tears and observing medical images day by day, just to find a way to heal five generations.] ]

[The words that persuade him to give up are no longer spoken, because they have been said many times.] ]

[No problem.] ]

[His answer is always this sentence, all Tsubaki can do is fight at his post, and do his best to help Yusuke Goyo.] ]

[And this person in front of you… This guy in front of you…]

[“You’re really a bad guy who runs away from everything as if it’s someone else’s fault!”] ]

[Tsubaki Shuichi picked up Tsuno’s work and threw it on the hospital bed.] ]

[“Throw this away!”] Stop being coquettish! “]

[“Ugh!” ]

[Snap! ] ]

[Tetsuno watched his painting being thrown away and punched Tsubaki in the face.] ]


(: The doctor called back!) )

(: Beat him, beat him!) )

(: Doctor, the fists have been clenched for so long, and they haven’t shot yet!) )

(: Fight back!) )

(Aaaa )

(: Don’t say that, yysy, just kill it.) )

(: It is, it is. )

(…… )

Countless people are insulting Butterfly, all kinds of greetings, the original Natsume Shika only provoked everyone’s slight dissatisfaction, after all, the child did not insult anyone, just wanted everyone to investigate his father’s death.

The main thing is … The problem of appearance….

[Anyway, Dr. Tsubaki still didn’t fight back, even if he clenched his fists just now and wanted to hit him, he was only angry at the other party’s evaluation of the fifth generation, not that he was beaten. ] ]

[Tsukino touched his fist, the fist that had hit Dr. Tsubaki Shuichi, and began to regret it, just now his body was dominated by anger and did something he shouldn’t do, and Tsukino began to blame himself.] ]

[Looking at the regretful expression of Butterfly who touched his fist, Tsubaki slowly calmed down and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.] ]

[“That’s what the guy has been doing, in the fear that the body may become not his own…”].

[Tsubakino looked up at Dr. Tsubaki Shuichi.] ]

[“…… However, he is not discouraged, in order to protect everyone’s smiles. “]

[“…” The corners of Butterfly’s mouth kept twitching, tears blurred his eyes, he now particularly regretted it, regretted the fist just now, the words just now…]

[The red warrior was galloping, the Amdam spirit stone responded to the owner’s expectation, and the golden energy spread throughout the body, and finally converged on the right foot.] ]

[Step by step, the warrior ran, jumped high without the slightest hesitation, and threw this killer blow at the turtle Gulangi.] ]

[The dead life pressed on the heart of the fifth generation, this blow is all his strength, this blow is for all the dead life.] ]

[This blow kicked Gurunji out violently.] ]

[With the screams of the turtle Gurangi, the strange text of the sealing energy suddenly appeared in the position where the empty self was hit.] ]

[Centered on Kamigurangi, who was infused with a large amount of sealing energy, everything around him was swept up in an instant by that shattered red lotus.] ]

[As the energy spread, the people watching this picture suddenly saw a scene that stunned them.] ]

With the battlefield where the two fought as the center, the sealing energy suddenly swept over within a radius of three kilometers. ]

[In that horrible image, only Kamen Rider Empty Self stands on the earth.] ]

[But everything around him was destroyed by this.] ]

[In the hospital, Tsubaki put the painting away on the cabinet next to the hospital bed.] ]

[“The fifth generation has also seen this painting, and he said that it can make people feel at peace.”) ]

[For the sake of everyone’s smile, let yourself (me) turn into nothingness (emptiness.] ]

Off the screen, Tetsune picked up a knife and put it in an envelope.

Dr. Tsubaki Shuichi received.

Five generations, doctor, I am going to cut off from the cowardly self of the past, and you will meet a new me!

PS: I want to write about never what fights, strength, as in the opening, inventory of those who fight for love, the emphasis is on fighting for love, not fighting.

It’s not that after the fact, I pointed to the ruins and said, “Look, this is the result of my great strength, I am so strong.” ”

Instead, people ask you, “What are you guarding?” “Time.

You can proudly point to people and say, “This is what I guarded.” ”

These are all things that the five generations have fought for, everything that they have guarded.

With their own changes, they proved that the five generations did not need to regret guarding them. Let the five generations proudly say, “They are worthy of my protection!” ”

The stimulating ones have been written, and the whole point is slightly flat.

Double 11 reading every day, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: November 11th to November 11th)

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