The people were reunited.

Kiana was so rusty from seeing Cecilia for the first time that she couldn’t come out of her arms, and Teresa, who wanted to pounce, could only stand aside.

Teresa, who was angry, kept saying that he hurt her in vain.

Zigfei’s arm recovered, and now he is lying dead in the corner with a blue nose and a swollen face.

Cecilia was resurrected, and Zigfried, who was already around St. Freya, burst out of power and rushed over, if not for St. Freya’s rotating Valkyrie knowing him through inventory, he would have been beaten down by St. Freya’s defense system.

It has always been just someone else sneaking in to make trouble, and no one has ever broken into St. Freya Academy so openly.


“The one in front of you, stop me !!!”

“The school cultivation ground is not a place for drag racing!”

“The three above, don’t stand on the roof, it’s too dangerous, you guys put it on the top to fight the Forbidden Peak!?” Today’s rotating Valkyrie should come from Huaxia.

“Teacher Himeko, don’t take the lead in breaking the rules!”

At the highest point of Saint Freya, Himeko holding a red big sword stood facing the wind, a pair of golden pupils looking into the distance, her eyes deep.

Fu Hua, Cheng Lixue’s master and apprentice stood opposite each other, and the rotating Valkyrie was afraid that they would say: “You are here~”

“Cut ~ pretend to be dripping and dripping…” Envy, I also want to be so handsome!

Bud Yi, you ask? Bud Yi is cooking, otherwise what will this group of people and so on?

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Archbishop Otto is accompanying Ms. Karen on her visit to the Mandate of Heaven, where she cordially receives the Valkyries of Destiny and the newly resurrected Valkyries.

The Saint’s amiable aura soothed the confused hearts of the resurrected and harvested a group of fans.

In a few days, the archbishop and the Holy Lady are preparing to visit the Extreme Eastern Branch of the Mandate of Heaven to inspect the Destiny Supreme Academy, St. Freya College.

As we all know, under the leadership of Archbishop Otto, the St. Freya Academy, founded by her granddaughter Teresa, has cultivated a batch of excellent Valkyries.

(Karen would love their values, so they were the highest institutions.) – by a blonde unknown person)

By the way, I went to visit a certain village on an island, so I revisited the place, which was requested by Karen.

Rita, who had been accompanying Youlandale to inspect the Mandate of Heaven, set off overnight and rushed to the old site of the village that had disappeared in the far east.

She received a task: to clean up the garbage!

Do the maid’s job, clean up the garbage, this place has been abandoned for a long time, and there is not even a place to put your feet.

Karen is not pampered, which means that she doesn’t care and doesn’t need to bother so much.

Although Karen didn’t care, Otto said that as a saint of destiny, she couldn’t lose her face, plus all the newly harvested fans thought so, and Karen agreed.

Rita’s task is to sweep away all the debris and garbage to receive the archbishop and the saint, so that the two can have a place to watch when they come.

By the way, drive away the carnivorous critters around, hunt, especially foxes, and not even a single fox hair can appear around!

By the way, Kiana (really) is not resurrected.

Why, you ask? Gong Juren said that I would reunite them in the future.

What the? Why not now? Gong Juren said that when he peeked at the fate of time just now, a big god surnamed Mi blocked his vision and did not see Kiana (really), everything about her was covered, so Gong Juren did not know whether she was dead or not.

Before getting the system, the official said she died? Gong Juren said he didn’t believe much.

For example-

Screenwriter: Kiana is dead!

Otto: Received!

Screenwriter: No, after thinking about it, she still can’t die!

Otto: Mimicry Hado Dust! I didn’t expect it, she’s still alive, that’s all I hypnotized you!

Screenwriter: Still dead, too lazy to make up another person.

Otto: Hado Dust! Hahaha, what I just said is a lie to you, she died early!

Screenwriter: Speaking of not making up a person, you can use ready-made ah, such as Youlandale! That’s it, she’s Kiana!

Otto: Urandell, come on~ Hado Dust!!!

Screenwriter: By the way, making up a new character can deceive Krypton, I’m so smart!

Otto: Hado Dust….

Screenwriter: By the way, I thought of it….

Otto: Shut up you! Yuduchen hypnotized him for me! Go and apologize to the artist for committing suicide, you!

Otto just wants to wear a hat and doesn’t want to carry a black pot, have you considered his feelings? You guys don’t! You just want him to carry the pot!

Gong Juren only wanted him to wear a hat and didn’t want him to carry the pot, so he didn’t confirm that Kiana (died), so Kiana was not resurrected.

(Tony Stark: “Soon, who’s going to be unlucky this time?”) “)

Although the inventory is said to be randomly selected, entering the inventory will definitely not be a dull experience.

It is not that bland love is not great, it is not as vigorous love. And vigorous is lively, is what people like to watch, if the inventory video has a master, it will definitely not be completely dull.

Plain can only feel love in a long story, it is a slow hot type, and this is a short video, it needs to be fast and hot, so only lively love will go up, and Tony said that he came to see the liveliness.

With an umbrella, Tony leaves the cemetery accompanied by Pepper, and he comes to see his parents… Just passing by….

(Borusalino: “You’re not afraid of you?”) “)

(Makarov: “Young man, aren’t you afraid to take stock of you?”) “)

This inventory of who loves to wait for who to board, anyway, he Markov does not want to board. It’s miserable, as long as the children of the guild are healthy and healthy.

“I’d like to get on board…” Mila was a little expectant.

“Just take stock of Lisana…”

Although Mira was very quiet, many people still heard it, and the noisy guild quieted down.

(“You don’t want me to think about it.”)

(“Yes, who doesn’t have some irreparable tragedy.”) “)

(“I have a lot of regrets, take stock of my past!”) “)

People who have had tragic experiences hope that luck will take care of them.

There are so many people in the heavens and realms, and luck is also a kind of strength.

In anticipation, the inventory space that had been silent for a long time began to light up again.

[Act III – Give Me Strength!] Measure! ]

[Fight! Fight! Fight! ]

[From an ordinary student to the strongest in the world, he took only a few months.] ]

[For months, the sword in his hand never stopped swinging, and never once did he swing it for himself…]

[Power! Strength! Strength! ]

[Give me strength!] I can’t stop! ]

[There are still people waiting for me!] ]

[“Are you willing to give up all power?”] ]

[“Yes!”] ]

[“Why!?” ]

[“Because there are still people waiting for me.”) ]

[He never went against the name his mother gave him—]

PS: Guess who

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