For the first time, a red warning appears for the data panel data stream.

The first layer of deducing the divine elephant hell energy was successful.

At the same time, the deduction failed.

The first layer of the Divine Elephant Hell’s Power allows the warrior to seal the qi and blood of the whole body into flesh and blood particles, and then burst out in an instant.


The ultimate power that the Divine Elephant Prison Power can burst is 840 million times!

840 million times is based on the qi and blood of the warrior’s whole body.

For example, if a third-rate martial artist’s cultivation divine elephant is to the limit, then his explosive power is 840 million times that of a third-rate martial artist!

This is the reason for the success of the Shenxiang Zhenjian Force.

The reason it fails is that all forces are based on theory.

After repeated deduction by big data, the number of normal limit bursts that a warrior can carry particles is ten.

It is a normal outbreak that can be used to condense ten particles without side effects by using the divine elephant to calm the hell, but it is necessary to continue to replenish qi and blood to the particles in the future.

Outbreaks with more than ten particles can cause side effects.

The light ones are physically damaged, and the heavy ones are broken in flesh and blood.

This is extremely far from the goal envisaged by Li Pu.

“The number of particles that a warrior can condense through the Divine Elephant Prison Power is about a hundred, and it is not a one-time or continuous outbreak.”

“Or the warrior can open up the limit number in a row, and then a single detonation can cross the border and die with the enemy.”

Li Pu shook his head slightly, the first layer of the Divine Elephant Prison Strength was remarkable, but it was still far from the target idea.

In this way, it is impossible to teach the gods and elephants to harvest other people’s data.

After all, it is also a cross-era exercise.

Whether it is a tenfold increase in combat power in the norm, or condensing a hundred flesh and blood particles and then detonating them at one time, it is enough to sensationalize the rivers and lakes.

It is more troublesome for this technique to fall into the hands of those who have intentions.

Thousands of flesh and blood bombs can definitely make any imperial dynasty burn.

The development of Shenxiang Hellpower needs critical data!

The current situation is obviously unable to provide key data.

Perhaps opening up a new martial arts system can make the Divine Elephant Prison Strength go further.

Li Pu rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

The deduction of the True Fire Refining Divine Method is still continuing….

Only by successfully deducing the True Fire Refining Divine Method can the internal force of the dantian be further compressed, making it possible for the internal force to liquefy.

However, the divine elephant is the peak level of the current data after all.

Many of these data are worth learning from.

“Based on the Divine Elephant Zhen Guo Jin, fuse all the exercise data in the Guangming Temple, and deduce an exercise that does not attach importance to qualifications!”

[A database of Guangming Temple exercises is being established…].

[Some data of the god elephant is being retrieved…].

[Collecting the ascetic cultivation data…].

[Please name the exercises! ] 】

“Dragon-elephant like a skill!” Li Pu thought for a moment and said.

[The dragon elephant is successfully named and is being deduced…].

Lines of data emerge in front of the retina.

Based on the completeness of the data of many exercises of the Divine Elephant Zhen Guo Jin and the Guangming Temple, the data deduction of the dragon and elephant Ruo Gong came naturally.

A blaze of incense time.

[Dragon elephant like a successful deduction! ] 】

The azure blue translucent data panel appears with text composed of data.

Li Pu immediately accepted the data panel to transmit the exercises.

Right now.

Wei Qing rode a fast horse to the Taihua Hall.

“Your Majesty, after taking the Futu Pill, the strength of the 100,000 war horses has greatly increased, and there has been a terrifying improvement in terms of physique, qi and blood!”

“I specially sent people to ask craftsmen to customize heavy armor for war horses and soldiers, and now they are desperately trying to make armor.”

Wei Qing’s face was ecstatic.

I didn’t expect that the effect of the Futu Pill given by His Majesty was so incredible.

The war horses in the barracks took the Futu Dan, and just one Futu Dan could hear the crackling of the war horse’s bones.

After another night.

The height and physique of the war horses in the barracks were raised.

Ordinary third-rate warriors will appear red and swollen when touched by a war horse.

Where is this war horse, it is clearly a monster!

Li Pu collected relevant data, and the war horses that took the Futu Dan had undergone earth-shaking changes, even comparable to third-rate martial artists.

“The Great Qian Iron Horse formed will be named Heifutu!”

Buddha is taken from the meaning of stupa.

Black is the bright color of the war horse’s coat after taking Futudan, like a black waterfall that can refract light in the sun.

Noibudur, a black stupa, symbolizes doom and death.

When Wei Qing’s custom-made heavy armor is in place, it will probably become an iron float.

Li Pu didn’t think too much, just took a name casually.

Its purpose was to distinguish the Black Buddha from other iron horses.

He wanted the people of the world to hear the Great Qian Iron Horse and couldn’t help but think of the three words Black Buddha.

“The end will obey!”

Wei Qing got up and handed over his hand.

“The formation of the Black Buddha needs to be accelerated.”

“The fall of the Guangming Temple is like a lit fuse.”

“The warriors in the Great Qian River and Lake have gathered towards the imperial capital.”

“Without my order, the 300,000-strong army is not allowed to move.”

“When I finish cleaning them up, they will be the time when the Black Buddha horse steps on the rivers and lakes!”

Li Pu’s eyes burst out with a wisp of murderous intent.

The king of the border domain, the thirty-six giants of the northern realm, the warriors of the Jianghu Sect…

They’ve been around long enough.

The day the Noibud is ready to go is when their heads are sacrificed to the flag.

“Your Majesty, the last general has one more thing to say.”

“The armor required to refine the Black Buddha almost consumed the silver taels in the treasury…”

Wei Qing’s words did not continue, but the meaning was also obvious.

The treasury is out of money!

Although the Great Qian Arsenal has been destroying other forces and obtaining a lot of resources from them, this is not a long-term solution after all.

“The property looted by the Guangming Temple is enough to support for a while, and the rest will naturally have a way.”


With Wei Qing slowly exiting the Taihua Hall.

Li opened the data panel and used big data to search for talents.

“Thirteen thousand…”


“Wan Kui is actually his ancestor!”

Li Pu’s eyebrows couldn’t help but raise slightly.

Wan Kui actually had an heir before entering the palace, but he had never heard him say it.

However, the thirteen thousand mixed up is inevitably too miserable.

His business talent is exceptional, but unfortunately he is no different from a money bag without the support of a deep background.

Now he has inadvertently offended an official and is being wrongfully imprisoned.

“Wan Kui, you go and go for a trip in person!”

Li Pu said flatly.

Wan Kui, who was sitting in the outer hall to cultivate, immediately got up and left when he heard this.


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