“You are Yang Qi?”

“Secretly provoking the contradiction between the bloody killing gate and the Great Qian Dynasty.”

“Because of you, you led to the bloody killing ancestor, and fought with me at all costs!”

“You say!”

“What is the crime?”

The plain words cannot be heard in the slightest wave.

Emperor Qian sat in the center of the hall ordinarily, but he gave people the idea of not being able to resist.

With the words falling.

The suffocating atmosphere solidified in the inner hall of the Taihua Hall.

According to Li Pu, Yang Qi is undoubtedly a capital crime.

It was his business that he wanted to destroy the blood and kill the gate, but the Great Qian Palace was also pulled down by him.

The blood-killing ancestor rushed to the imperial capital and was also full of corpses along the way.

Yang Qi must pay for his actions!

“Your Majesty, the grass people don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“The grass people used to be part of the Blood Killing Gate, and they didn’t provoke the contradiction between the Blood Killing Gate and the Great Qian Dynasty at all!”

“There must be a villain planting blame!”

Yang Qi swallowed his spit and quickly defended himself.

He knew that the defense was weak at the moment, but he had to refute it.

Otherwise, according to the decree of Daqian, it is not too much to be delayed.

Li Pu didn’t bother to continue talking nonsense with him.

Right now.

Wan Kui, Yuhuatian, and Cao Zhengchun arrived at the inner hall to report on the loss of the Great Qian Imperial Capital and the plan for subsequent reconstruction.

Li Li used his internal force to push open the door of the inner hall and let them all in.

“Your Majesty, presumably this is the mastermind behind the contradiction between the Bloody Killing Gate and the Great Qian Dynasty, right?”

Cao Zhengchun saw Yang Qi, who was like a great enemy, and said with a smile.

Compared with the gentle rain field, the calm Wan Kui and the radical Dong Tianbao are really much better than the gentle Yuhuatian.

“Your Majesty, wouldn’t it be a pity to kill such a talent?”

Cao Zhengchun’s sudden words greatly moved Yang Qi.

Although I don’t know why he speaks for himself, this is definitely an honest person!


Cao Zhengchun’s next words made Yang Qi’s smile freeze.

“My East Factory needs talents like him!”

“It’s better to let him enter my East Factory, and he can also serve His Majesty.”

Li Pu did not speak, and seemed to be considering the feasibility.

Yang Qi immediately panicked, and he roared angrily: “Your Majesty, it is not shameful to kill a soldier!”

After hearing this, Cao Zhengchun said with a smile: “Your Majesty, you can hand him over to me and promise to make him obey.”

“If he is obedient, it will be a matter of at best.”

“If he dares to resist, our family will divide the root of his troubles into nine even pieces, and slowly chop them down one by one.”

“If he dares to fight desperately, then our family will have to let him experience the taste of an iron pestle sharpened into a needle.”

Hearing such terrifying words, Yang Qi’s entire face turned white.

It has long been heard that the eunuchs in the palace have a psychological distortion.

It’s too distorted.

Even the honest Cao Zhengchun is so terrifying, then falling into the hands of Yuhuatian does not have to play with flowers.

Just at this time.

Yuhuatian pinched a slender embroidery needle and picked a needle flower.

Yang Qi: “…”

The picture is unimaginable.

He would rather die than fall into their hands.

“Emperor Qian, I fought with you.”

Yang Qi did not seek other results, only a quick death.

So he jumped in the air and slapped his palm towards Li Pu in the front.

It was this moment.

Li Pu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

The exercises Yang Qi used were quite peculiar!

Wound the enemy by a thousand and damage yourself by eight hundred!

“Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa!”

Yang Qi drank angrily, and his whole body instantly boiled and burned.

Blink of an eye.

He crossed Yuhuatian and Cao Zhengchun and went straight to Li Pu to attack and kill.

Wan Kui wanted to make a move, but was stopped by Li Li with a look.


Yang Qi’s palm slammed down.

He couldn’t make an inch away from Li Pu.

“How can my internal strength disappear?”

Yang Qi took a step back and looked at his hands in disbelief.

When it was three feet away from Li Pu.

The internal force condensed in the palms disappeared inexplicably.

He did not believe in evil and ran his internal force again, condensing into a sphere and blasting out.

The same three feet!

His internal strength once again disappeared into invisibility.

Li Pu raised his palm and waved it out slightly.

Yang Qi only felt a breeze blowing by.

The next moment.

All the internal strength of the whole body was actually dissolved.

An unprecedented feeling of weakness swept through the entire body.

The internal strength of more than ten years of penance has come to naught today.

What made Yang Qi even more desperate was that he couldn’t even commit suicide.

That breeze seemed to drain away the nine layers of nine spiritual energy in his body.

“Am I going to be cut off of my troubles today?”

“Hope to give me a pain!”

Yang Qi’s consciousness gradually blurred and he fell asleep.

Cao Zhengchun stepped forward and asked, “Your Majesty, how do you think he handles?”

“Wait first!”

Li Pu said flatly.

He once again integrated Yang Qi’s data and found traces of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa.

This seems to be a technique created by Yang Qi.

The idea of the whole exercise is extremely mysterious.

“The Great Law of Heavenly Demon Disintegration advocates that the human body is composed of countless particles.”

“The essence of the exercise is to pour the whole body qi and blood into a single particle to burst out incredible power.”

“In this way, it can burst out a power beyond the ordinary realm.”

“But the body cannot carry such a huge amount of energy, which in severe cases will lead to the collapse of flesh and blood tissue.”

“This is also the reason why the practice is called the Great Method of Heavenly Demon Disintegration.”

Through the integration and deduction of data, Li Pu gained insight into the essence of the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa.

The concept and starting point of this exercise is quite interesting.

Li Pu was silent for a moment, using internal force as a medium to enter Yang Qi’s body in order to collect his cultivation data later.

[Establish the Heavenly Demon Disintegration Dafa Database and deduce the gods and elephants to calm the hell! ] 】

[Relevant databases are being established, and the first layer of deduction is expected to take six months.] 】


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