The top of the building.

Gwen and Roddy were blowing the wind.

"I come here after every battle to sit for a while and see the sights of the city."

"What about you?"

"Where do you like to go?"

"Speaking of which, why are you dressing up as Batman? Can't you design your own suit like I did? "

"Don't you have any inspiration? Do you need me to give you a little advice? "

"Is your ability teleportation? I see you disappeared in an instant, surely it wasn't because it was too fast, right? "

Gwen's mouth was like a machine gun, and he suddenly said a lot.

Don't give Roddy a chance to answer.

When she finished speaking, Roddy looked at her and said, "No, I'm Batman!" "

Gwen was speechless.

The heart said how hard this guy's mouth is!

And it's really shameless.

Turned out to be Batman.

After a while, Roddy got up.

"I'm leaving."

He said.

"Also, my ability is indeed teleportation."

"I know!" Gwen said with a smile, and then said in a serious tone: "By the way, thank you for today's matter, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to solve it alone." "

"In the end, you may have to let them run away."

"By the way, I almost forgot about the travel bag they snatched."

"I don't know what's in there? It can actually cause two super-powered criminals to rob it. "

"Could it be a big bag of money?"

Looking at Gwen, who began to break his mouth again, Roddy was ready to leave.

But before leaving, Roddy reminded Gwen a few words.

"Hide your identity well, try not to expose it, find a safe place when you take off your hood, don't be photographed."

"By the way, those two before were not superpowers, they were Inhumans."

After speaking, Roddy teleported away.

Gwen was not given a chance to continue asking.


"Whatever this man says, just go!"

Gwen grumbled.

Then he got up and left on the swing, too.


"Red Devil!"

When Luo Di returned home, the clothes on his body instantly changed back to normal.

This cross-dressing ability is really good.

Not only can it change the shape of the garment, but it also comes with a cleaning function.

This way, you won't have to do laundry in the future!


At this time, the red devil who heard Roddy's call also ran over.

As soon as he saw Roddy, the stupid dog, he pounced and stuck out his tongue excitedly.

"Did you behave at home today?"

Roddy asked while rubbing the silly dog's head.

Although he didn't expect stupid dogs to understand people.


The Red Devil screamed twice.

It seems to be responding to Roddy's words.

"Okay, it's good to stay at home."

Roddy nodded, not caring if this stupid dog meant it or not.

Anyway, he thought it was.

After a while;

Roddy brought the little dog suit that he had applied to his cross-dressing ability.

Put the Red Devil on his body.

"Not bad, still so handsome!"

Roddy looked at it and was very satisfied.

And at this time, the red devil, who had an extra piece of clothing on his body, also spun in circles in place, as if he wanted to see what the clothes looked like for himself.

But no matter how it turns in circles, it can't see the full picture of the clothes, which makes it anxious.

So the next second-


A white cloud of smoke appeared.

The white smoke quickly cleared, and then the little suit on the Red Devil turned into a small suit with wings!

However, the appearance of the wings lying on its stomach obviously does not really make it fly.

It's just a decoration!


The Red Devil bit one wing in dissatisfaction, crying as he bit and spinning in circles.


Roddy held his forehead wordlessly.

"Forget it, play by yourself."

He shook his head and turned to go to the study.

In a small ecological park.

A bull ant, significantly larger than other bull ants, is carrying food.

The average bull ant worker ant is about 3.5 cm in size, and the larger one can grow up to 3.7 cm.

But the one in front of you is 4.5 centimeters in size!

It's a lap bigger than your peers.

It seems to stand out from the crowd.

And the strength of this bull ant is obviously much greater than that of other bull ants.

This can be seen simply by the fact that it carries several times more food than other bull ants.


At this time, the red devil, who did not know when he had stopped spinning in circles, also ran here, shouting at the glass cover of the ecological park.

At this time, the bull ant in the ecological garden also stopped, turned its head and flicked its tentacles at the red devil outside the glass cover.

The two creatures, one big and one small, looked at each other for a moment before turning away from each other.


S.H.I.E.L.D., Trident headquarters.

In the office.

Nick Fury is reading a newly delivered report.

That's when there was a knock on his office door.

"Come in."

The door opened, and a blackened Natasha walked in through the door.

"Have a mission?"

Natasha asked.

Although she joined the Avengers at the age of 12, became a part of it, and even saved the world once.

But essentially she is still a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Moreover, since the incident of the Chitari, their avengers have not acted together for a long time.

Saul had been in Asgard, and although he had come once in between, he also went back quickly.

Bruce Banner ran to mess with Tony.

The two spent the day not knowing what they were working on.

In recent times, Stark Industries has launched rockets several times and sent many satellites into the sky.

And she, Hawkeye, and Team America.

It was back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Go ahead and complete some of the tasks that Nick Fury has assigned to them.

It looks as if the Avengers have disbanded.

But in fact, as long as something big happens, they will still gather and fight the same enemy together!


PS: The second more offered!! By the way, the addition of the change, of course, is not the addition before the shelf, because the small author before the shelf, plans to write every day until he can't write, so there is no need to add a plan.

Here is a talk about the addition plan after it is put on the shelf!

It's very simple, the little author does not engage in those bells and whistles, directly one flower one word, a thousand flowers plus a thousand words, ten thousand flowers plus ten thousand words, and so on, not capped!

So, Yanzu who still have flowers in hand, don't forget to vote!!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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