At that time, what kind of treatment will you receive?

Full of vigilance, even shouting and killing?

Really looking forward to it.

While talking, the two reached their destination—the empty classroom at the end of the corridor.

Since she has been in charge of household chores such as cooking at home, Shiori Wukawa thought to herself that she had some strength. Just when she was about to move the table by herself and let Tokisaki Kurumi take the much lighter seat, the other party was already He walked to the desk first, and lifted it up with no effort.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling Shiori Gokawa's gaze, Tokisaki Kurumi showed an innocent expression three times.

"It's just a surprise. From the moment when I introduced myself to the class, Tokisaki-san seemed like an eldest lady. I didn't expect to be very good at doing such a labor-intensive thing."

"Miss... There are many things in this world that can't be avoided because of a certain status."

Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly said something that seemed to have no deep meaning.

"Eh? Oh..."

Of course, Shiori Wukawa didn't understand the deep meaning of it, so he could only respond with basic etiquette.

After the two returned to the classroom with desks and chairs, Gangfeng Zhuhui looked at the empty space in the corner of the classroom.

It was the corner of the last row, and it happened to be on both sides of the classroom from Yuuki Rido.

Okamine Zhuhui originally thought that Tokisaki Kusan would move the table there.

Shiori Wuhe thought so too.

As a result, Tokisaki Kurumi came all the way to the back of Yuuki Rido, and just put down the desk, making the original last row the second-to-last row, sitting at the back of the classroom and seeing the whole situation.

Chapter 1178 their own thoughts

The students in the classroom were stunned, and Gangfeng Zhuhui was also very surprised.

She wanted to say something, after all Tokisaki Kurumi's behavior, even an idiot should be able to see that she wanted to get closer to Yuuki Rito.

Although it is possible that Tokisaki Kurumi likes to be near the window and doesn't want to be close to the inner wall of the classroom, but now she is waving at Yuuki Rito with an almost undisguised smile, right?

Yatoujin Tohka had already puffed out her face, Tobiichi Origami was also looking at her expressionlessly, and Shiori Wukawa did not show any obvious hostility, but she also paid great attention to Tokisaki Kurumi.

Okamine Zhuhui shook her head secretly for Yuuki Rido's complicated interpersonal relationship, remembering that Yatojin Tohka even asked the students next to Yuuki Rido to stand up and give up their seats. Tokisaki Kurumi's behavior now is already very gentle. .

So just let it go.

Gangfeng Zhuhui chose to attend classes normally.

Originally, keenly feeling some kind of "threat", Tohka, who was staring at Kurumi Tokisaki angrily, also withdrew her gaze.

Tobiichi Origami was thinking of going to the AST base after school, intending to explore the true identity of Tokisaki Kurumi.

Elves, haven't they always been the type that will cause space shocks whenever they appear in the world? It should not be able to stay in human society for a long time or even integrate into it.

Tobiichi Origami also knows that Shiori Wukawa has the ability to seal spirits, and there is an organization behind it that has a different concept than AST, but looking at Tokisaki Kurumi's performance, although he and Yuki Rido know each other, they don't seem to be the same. The relationship seems to be very good, at least, she should not be sealed with spiritual power.

Fake Genie? Or is it an elf who has an excellent mind that is enough to integrate into human society?

what is the problem.

Probably because Tokisaki Kurumi didn't prove his daunting "majesty" on the first day he was transferred to the class by asking people to change seats like Yatojin Tohka did, so when the get out of class was over. , There are many people around Tokisaki Kurumi.

All are girls.

The boys in the class seemed to give up like a salted fish because they found out that their competitor was Yuuki Ritu again.

And those girls, who admired Tokisaki Kurumi's eldest temperament, began to ask various questions curiously.

"Is Tokisaki-san a young lady? That kind of daughter of the president of a big company or something?"

Tobiichi Origami paid some attention, trying to get to know Kurumi Tokisaki through the mouths of her classmates.

"Since I have entered Laichan High School to study with everyone, I am not a special type, but thank you for your compliment."

However, Tokisaki Kurumi's answer was watertight, neither offending nor revealing too much information.

In the face of more than one classmate's communication, Tokisaki Kurumi still seems to be at ease.

What is certain is that if Tokisaki Kurumi maintains this attitude for a few days, he will be able to quickly occupy a very high popularity position in Laichan High School as a new transfer student, and then surpass the "Iceberg that cannot be conquered" and "" It's not difficult to be a super scholar" Tobiichi Origami.

If it continues to develop, maybe it will lead to campus factional disputes?

"Student Yuuki, I just entered school, and I don't know much about the school. After school, can you please introduce me to me?"

However, Kurumi Tokisaki used her method to interrupt the communication with her other classmates in disguise.

Originally, if Tokisaki Kurumi said something like this to other people of the opposite sex, the girls who had been convinced by the way Tokisaki Kurumi treated people in a short period of time would definitely have something to say.

Either volunteered and said that he could also introduce the campus to Kuang San, or asked Kuang San if he had any special relationship with the other party.

However, Kurumi is now talking to Yuuki Rito.

There is no doubt that he is the first in terms of academic performance, and he has shown exaggerated physical fitness in physical education class, and he has mastered the principle of destiny. Even if he does not deliberately operate, he can avoid a lot of trouble.

The students in the class did not stop Tokisaki Kurumi's behavior, and the people who were originally surrounding Kurumi even spread out and returned to their seats, just looking here with slightly curious eyes.

If Yuuki Rito has a heart, he can even eliminate this gossip mentality, and Kurumi Tokisaki, who is an elf, still won't feel any abnormality.

Although elves are the most special beings in this world, they are still far from Yuuki Ritu.

"it is good."

Yuuki Ritu nodded, but did not refuse.

Before, when Okafeng Zhuhui was looking for someone to move tables and chairs for Kuangsan, Yuuki Rido didn't raise his hand, but now Tokisaki Kurumi took the initiative to find him, but Yuuki Rido didn't shirk.

Hearing this, Tohka Yatosami and Shiori Wukawa glanced at each other, as if they had made a decision.

Under normal circumstances, the three of them would go home together after school, and sometimes Tobiichi Origami would go with Yuuki Rito under the pretext of buying ingredients, but now, Yuuki Rito wants to stay for the sake of it. Kurumi Tokisaki introduced the school, and there seemed to be only two options before Tohka and Shiori.

Wait for Yuuki Rido to complete the guide work and then go home together, or let Yuuki Rido and Tokisaki Kusan get along and go home first.

In fact, even choosing the former is no different from laissez-faire.

It was impossible for Shiori and Tohka to follow Kurumi without inviting him.

At most, they were waiting for Yuuki Rido at the school gate.

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