The lunch break at Toyosaki Academy, like many other schools, is very short, less than an hour, which means the lunch break is over, and the bell rang not long after that the afternoon classes were about to begin.

Kato Megumi didn't skip class to talk to Yuuki Rito, and the two said goodbye quickly.

Speaking of which, Yuuki Rito suddenly appeared in a Toyosaki Academy uniform, and Kato Megumi didn't show any doubt. Was it because she had almost completely controlled her curiosity, or had she already guessed it smartly? This is just a trick Yuki Rito used to get this school uniform for convenience.

Yuki Rito had secretly used surveillance magic to spy on Eiri before, wanting to see if she would secretly draw illustrations during her lunch break. In the end, she only saw Eiri having a leisurely lunch with her good friends with a reserved smile.

If you have lunch alone, it only takes about ten minutes to finish.

And if a group of people get together to have lunch, there is a high probability that it will take much longer than ten minutes.

This is one of the few situations where the saying"there is strength in numbers" does not apply.

Even during the rare break of the day like lunch break, Yinglili still did not seize the time to paint, so the next class time and the short break were even more impossible.

This only surprised Rito Yuki even more.

Did Eiriri paint more paintings just at night than Izumi Sagiri who stayed in her room all the time and could draw at any time?

Yuki Rito, who had read in the library how much a normal artist could complete within a certain period of time, did not think Eri was that powerful.

It seems that we should go to Yinglili's house to find out.

Yuuki Rito, who was about to open the portal, paused for a moment, then took a slight detour and arrived outside Kasumigaoka Shiu's class.

Looking from the window at the back door of the classroom, the girl was dozing off. She did not lie down on the table as if no one else was watching, but half lowered her head in a very skilled posture, able to maintain that posture for a long time without relying on anything to support her head. Not moving, it looks like she has practiced it many times.

Although Kasumigaoka Shiu has tried to hide the fact that she was dozing off, the teachers and students in the classroom are not fools. Whether the teacher asks everyone to turn the textbook to a certain page, or asks the students to read the text together, Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't react at all. Everyone knew that the top grader was sleeping again.

The teacher has long been used to it. She didn't even have a helpless expression on her face. She ignored Kasumigaoka Shiu who was dozing throughout the whole process and went to class as usual. In fact, if she was given a choice, she would rather all the students in the class be like Kasumigaoka Shiu, who always Able to get close to perfect scores in various subjects and then doze off in class.

In that case, the teacher is even willing to play lullabies in class to improve the students' sleep quality.

From time to time, the students looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu with envy, who was as motionless as an old monk in trance. They really couldn't understand how Kasumigaoka Shiu, who had never listened to the lectures well, managed to occupy the top spot in the grade for a long time. She What a genius.

Although some people say that Kasumigaoka Shiu studies hard every time she goes home, so she is so sleepy during class during the day, but no matter how you think about it, it is more efficient to study with the teacher during the day, right?

Every time they see Kasumigaoka Shiu, everyone will lament the gap between ordinary people and geniuses.

Yuuki Rito, whose figure was covered by mystery, looked at Kasumigaoka Shiu who was dozing off on her own. He took a photo with his cell phone in a very naughty manner, then slightly adjusted the spell, and white light emitted from his fingertips. Then he flicked towards Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

Mortals cannot witness the mystery.

No one noticed this white light, not even the teacher who had been facing everyone.

But this faint light, ignored by everyone, suddenly woke up Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was already groggy and very tired.

Full of energy, just like sleeping in bed for more than ten hours at once. Not only did you sleep until you woke up naturally, but you also woke up many times and still couldn't get up. This is an extremely energetic state that can only be achieved.

Shiyu Kasumigaoka has felt this feeling before, and in her knowledge, only Yuki Rito can do it.

After regaining her energy, Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked around with a look of surprise on her face, and the teacher in charge also showed a look of surprise when she saw that she was awake.

"Kasumigaoka-san, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"

The classroom teacher does not think that it is his unique personality charm or superb teaching skills that can wake up this sleeping top grader. Indeed, many teachers have had such extravagant expectations before. Unfortunately, countless practices have proved that it is not possible. It's possible.

Now the teacher is more willing to believe that Kasumigaoka Shiu was only focused on sleeping during the previous break time and forgot to go to the toilet.

"No, nothing, sorry."

The girl who couldn't find Yuuki Rito blinked strangely. After feeling that she was no longer sleepy, she listened to the teacher's lectures like other students with a serious attitude.

Kasumigaoka Shiu did not doze off in class intentionally. , she really couldn't resist being sleepy. If she was full of energy, she would be a good student whose performance matched her grades.

Did Yuuki Rito secretly help her to regain her energy?

Until At the end of the class, such questions were lingering in Kasumigaoka Shiu's mind. She sat on her seat with her head supported by her hands and thought. The nearby classmates did not come to contact Kasumigaoka Shiu. It was not because of deliberate alienation or because of Kasumigaoka Shiu's own charm. It's not obvious, in fact, she and Eiri are known as the two most beautiful girls in Toyosaki Academy, and because of her excellent grades, Kasumigaoka Shiu is actually more attractive than Eiri.

But she always sleeps in school , and therefore neglected to establish interpersonal relationships, resulting in her not having many friends in school.

Kasumigaoka Shiu didn't care about this kind of thing.

At this time, the silent mobile phone in the girl's pocket vibrated slightly.

Kasumigaoka Shiu lit up the screen , what I saw was an email

"You should pay attention to rest at ordinary times, little Shiyu."

There was also a photo of herself dozing off.

Looking at the sender and the content of the email, Kasumigaoka Shiu showed a little shame and anger, but also with a cheerful smile, she buried her head in her arms and murmured softly. With

"You've obviously been to school, so why didn't you meet me directly? It was really bad to secretly watch me dozing off."

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