Yuki Rito didn't know that a message he sent randomly made a beautiful girl sleepless at night, so he contacted the staff of the department responsible for producing sales reports in the library.

Even late at night like this, after Yuki Rito sent a message, the library staff responded shortly after, which can be considered very diligent.

Hearing the familiar footsteps outside his room, Yuki Rito couldn't help but smile, but he put away his phone, looked at Lala who quietly opened the door and poked her head around, patted his bed, and spoke without fear. road

"Come on horseback!"


The next day, Yuuki Rito printed out the electronic version of the sales report about the explosive Dark Fairy that was sent by the library staff, and after carefully looking at the data, he set out according to the address that Yamada Fairy sent to him yesterday.

The fact that Yamada Fairy's light novel was able to compile a sales report did not surprise Rito Yuki. What surprised him was the sales volume.

This not only far exceeds the average level of new light novelists, but also exceeds Yuuki Rito's optimistic expectations. Of course, it does not exceed the originator of Sword Art Online.

I bought a copy of the explosive Dark Fairy at a rare bookstore with a beautiful girl as a clerk. As I walked and read it, Yuki Rito gradually understood the reason for this excellent sales volume.

In addition to the text that can arouse readers' fantasies, the illustrations of the light novel are also very good. The painting style is perfectly integrated with the writing style of Yamada Fairy. The characters drawn give people a feeling of"this is the character described in the light novel"..

The illustrator of the fiery dark elf is not Eiri or Eromanga, but he is a guy whose drawing skills are not inferior to them, and even better in some aspects. His pen name is Elmy.

He is a newcomer just like Yamada Fairy.

Nowadays, although there are many people in Sword Art Online game and animation production, the only people who have reached this level are Eiriri and Eromanga, as well as the Rouge Club who is not very easy to talk to. If there is a chance, that love will be Let's recruit Ermi too.

Yuuki Rito, who was thinking this way, stopped when he arrived at his destination. Looking at the building in front of him, which was more Western-style and larger than other nearby residential buildings, he sighed a little and the Yamada Fairy was indeed a The rich young lady then knocked on the door without pausing.

Only a few seconds passed before the door opened.

Yamada Fairy, wearing a pink dress with white ruffles, reaches out to Yuuki Rito with anticipation and nervousness.

"Get the sales report."

After a night of research, Yamada Fairy has determined that his light novel has received a good response and should reach 10,000 sales to be qualified to make a sales report. However, there is also the possibility of not reaching the target. This kind of introduction The tension and expectation between success and failure prevented Yamada Fairy from sleeping well all night. After receiving the news from Rito Yuki that he would arrive in a few minutes today, he has been waiting on the balcony on the second floor. As he stood there, he saw Yuki Rito's figure from a distance and ran downstairs, so he could open the door immediately after he rang the doorbell.

"Congratulations, you do have such a thing."

Yuki Rito handed the sales report to Yamada Fairy. Seeing that she wanted to read it with a happy smile, Yuki Rito smiled and said

"Shouldn't I, the editor, be asked to sit down first?"

"Huh, since you brought pretty good news, please sit down."

Yamada Fairy brought Yuki Rito to the living room that can be described as spacious, and then eagerly looked at the sales report. It was said to be a specially produced report. In fact, the content was not too much, except for the purchase of light novels. The crowd made rough statistics and expected future sales to determine the circulation, and there was only some encouragement for the author.

As a result, Yamada Fairy was still happily reading for a long time.

"So, what about the second volume of the manuscript?"

Yuki Rito feels a bit like a gangster crime scene where one hand pays and the other hand delivers the goods.


Yamada Fairy handed a thick stack of manuscripts to Yuuki Rito, and Yuuki Rito immediately looked through it. As an editor, he has the responsibility to read the works of his light novelists and propose revisions.

While reading, Yuuki Rito read it. Cheng Lidou said as he spoke

"I still remember that you wanted Teacher Eromanga to be your illustrator before, but you were very reluctant when I asked you to choose someone else. Now it seems that this teacher 'Elmi' is actually more suitable for you."


Yamada Fairy is not sure whether Yuki Rito is telling the truth or comforting herself. In fact, she and that Elmy have a complicated relationship of being both enemies and friends. Yamada Fairy, who originally subconsciously wanted to say something bad, because of her kindness He quickly stopped and looked at Yuuki Rito and asked

"What, are you curious about her? Yes, it's her. Hermi is a beautiful girl. Personally speaking, it's much easier to deal with her than with Teacher Eromanga, who is probably an otaku."

Eromanga-sensei, who is a cute otaku, will cry when Fairy Yamada says this?

Rito Yuuki did not refute Yamada Fairy's impression of Eromanga-sensei, but glanced around. , a spacious and seemingly silent space

"where is your family?"

"My mother said she was in the country of Ying. Although my brother was in Neon, he lived somewhere else."

Yamada Fairy answered simply.

She didn't mention her father. Yuki Rito would not go out of his way to touch such privacy, as it might cause the other party to feel disgusted or depressed.

"You are so brave, you live alone and open the door without any precautions, and you are not afraid that I am a bad person?"

"I have a good impression of you. Of course, if you have bad intentions, I will also prepare counterattacks."

The Yamada Fairy reached into his pocket and took out the electric shock device and anti-wolf spray.

To ordinary people, they are extremely lethal weapons, but to Yuuki Rito - they are just small toys.

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