The Only Magician on Earth

: Finish this testimonial

   The first chapter of this book was uploaded on January 13, 2013, and today, December 31, 2013, is almost a full year.

   When I wrote down the word "finished this book", in addition to being relaxed, I felt more reluctance to part with it.

   This book is the fifth book by the President (the other books are all written under other pseudonyms, such as Zhou Langxian). Thanks to the editor-in-chief Haixing, the editor in charge of Qingshan, and the readers...Thank you! Because of your support, the results of this book are very good, and now it is all set at 2300+. After the book is finished, it is estimated that it will increase a little bit, and it is not far from being a high-quality product.

   This result is still okay. Some people persuaded the president to continue writing, because the grades are good, and if you continue to write, you will have money. However, the president refused. More than 1.8 million words, all the original settings were written down. The protagonist has already stood on top of the world.

   If you continue to write, can you write? can! Discover the magic circle, travel to the magic continent... It's a new beginning!

   But, is that still an urban supernatural novel? Not any more! Write it down and it will change!

  So, let him finish the book!

  The president will not say goodbye to everyone after the book is finished. When this chapter is over, a new chapter has begun. The president's new book was written under the pseudonym "Zhou Langxian". It was on the shelves after midnight tonight. It has more than 200,000 words, which is fat enough.

   "Fairy Doctor's Hand" is fat enough to be slaughtered! Type, the same type as the magician. If you like magicians, I believe you will like fairy doctors too. [

   There is a link to the title of the book at the bottom of this page, click to enter, the president is waiting for you to move! Thanks for the support!

   There is another small request, that is, after completing the voting for satisfaction, please return to the page. You will see the title of the book. The upper left corner of the introduction is the cover picture of the magician, and the upper right corner is the place to vote for satisfaction.

  Please support! Voting is free for you. But, for the president, it's about revenue. The president is a full-time writer. It depends on your fingers whether to eat meat or soup during the Chinese New Year!

  Dear, you are really golden fingers! Support it!

  Finally, thank you again! I wish you all a happy new year! May all go well with you! Go out and hit the big luck, make a lot of money every year!

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