
< 21. The strongest card (3) >

Andrea had no intention of going to three event rooms from the beginning. Among them, praying for the temple of the earth to come out was too absurd and conscienceless .

What he was aiming for was rather the storefront. After going through the 2nd event room, all the remaining roads were definitely able to head to the store room .

‘ By the way… I met a black dealer in the middle, so I don’t even have to go to the store .’

All necessary materials are provided. Parchment, Faith Seed, Golem Core, Red Sand Ink .

Andrea squeezed the ingredients into a fist, mixed them into ink, and spread them over the parchment .

The ink that fell on the parchment wriggled and moved as if it were alive. After a while, it changed into a shape filled with letters in a large circle .

Andrea pasted the completed order in front of the door on the next floor. Then a bizarre thing happened .

“ Kyaaak !”

“ What is it, b*tch!”

A space that shakes violently as if it will collapse any moment. The light pouring from the parchment turned into vines and wrapped around the door. The bricks were also agitated, changing color and reordering .

Eventually, the vines surrounding the door disappeared, and the door to the next floor turned into a heavy stone gate .

It was the entrance to the temple of the earth .

Andrea smiles with satisfaction. I added a simple explanation towards the party looking at it .

“I turned the next floor into an earth temple. Let’s go quickly .”

“… is this possible ?”

Tricia said with a look that was a mixture of wonder and bewilderment. I asked a question to Andrea, who nodded calmly .

“ By the way, why haven’t you used this scroll before? Being able to change the next floor at will is amazing, isn’t it ?”

“ It’s not something I can change at will. First of all, the materials are quite expensive, and you can only exchange it for one of the five god temples. Haven’t we ever had to go to the temple desperately ?”

“ Oh, was it like that? . . . that ‘s right .”

Tricia shook her head as if she understood .

Emilia, on the other hand, was admiring it much more clearly than Trisha .

“ Andrea, you are amazing, really! Let’s go in quickly !”

Andrea burst out laughing and pushed the stone door. The stone gate, which I thought might be closer to a rock than the same school gate, opened softly like a lie when Andrea pushed it. And the exposed scenery of the temple .

It was a building that showed how tenacious and terrible humans can be .

The magnificent size was not even included at a glance. The first floor has an open space like a normal temple, with colonnades on all sides supporting the roof. On either side of the large front door were stone statues that looked like golems .

The roof was made of several stone tiers that were precisely put together and stacked in layers. The figures of monsters and angels are detailed in relief on each stone platform. There was even a giant golem statue at the top than the one next to the main entrance .

‘ If I put an Aztec altar on top of a Greek temple and build a statue of Buddha on top of it, what would it look like? ‘

In real life, if a building were to be built like that, the pillars would fail to withstand the load and collapse, but this was not the case. It seemed that the authority of the Earth God was working .

The party could not come to their senses for a long time at the spectacular scenery. Only admiration continued .

“ It’s amazing …”

“ Earth God . . .”

“ Dog, that’s sh*t …”

However, Andrea continued to stare at the temple, admiring it. Someone was coming out of the main gate of the temple and approaching them .

It was a sad young man with neatly cropped brown hair, wearing a loose ocher-colored robe and holding a wooden staff. He pretended to say, “I am a priest living here . ”

“ Nice to meet you. May the Earth God, who is the stepping stone for all things, bless the challengers on their journey. My name is Roberto, a priest who lives in this temple and serves the Earth God .”

“ Nice to meet you, priest. I hope it will be a day to be thankful for being able to go back to the soil someday and be embraced by him .”

Roberto raised his eyes slightly in surprise when he heard Andrea’s greeting. That was a formal greeting that only ordained priests would know .

“ Are you from Cleitos by any chance? Or that you’ve been ordained a priest …”

Andrea shook her head. That was just copying the greeting Emilia had given in the game before .

” No, I’m just… an ordinary challenger, but this man is a real bishop serving the Great God .”

When Emilia saw that the tips of her fingers were pointing towards her, they were embarrassed and stained red. Although she received such a position during her second career advancement, she had no awareness that she was a bishop at all .

But before Emilia could make an excuse, Roberto knelt down and showed respect .

“ The humblest servant of the Earth God is meeting the Bishop. If it’s not rude, can you tell me the name of the bishop ?”

“ Uh, uh, I’m Emilia …”

“ Thank you for your reply, Bishop Emilia. We will do our best to make sure that there is no inconvenience during your stay here. So please give this lacking practitioner many lessons .”

“ Oh, no, I …”

Emilia stuttered and tried to say that she was not a bishop. But Andrea intercepted the words halfway through .

“ Thank you for caring, priest. If there is something I want to ask you, may I go inside the temple and tell you ?”

“ Of course. This is a question from a fellow bishop’s colleague. I will answer anything with sincerity within the scope of my knowledge .”

Andrea smiled inwardly. I was worried about how to bring up the topic of cards naturally, but thanks to Emilia, I was able to move on to the business more easily .

Because of that, Emilia was stamping her feet, not knowing what to do .

‘ Andrea! What if I lie about being a bishop! Me, I’m also a rank priest just like that person… if I get caught later …’

‘… I’ve never lied to you? Emilia, you are a bishop .’

‘ Ah no, but I wasn’t formally ordained… Originally, the only person who reached the rank of bishop at my age is a saint !’

‘ Then I’ll just pretend to be a saint, well .’

‘ Oh no, really !’

‘ Emilia, don’t forget that we’re here to save Betty. Since the class is the bishop anyway, there is no need to worry about being caught, and acting like that shouldn’t be difficult, right ?’

Emilia immediately shut her mouth. Andrea was absolutely right. If I could save Betty, I had to play a devil, not a saint .

The flustered figure from earlier was gone, and Emilia walked towards the temple with a benevolent smile and a dignified gait. Andrea held her breath when she saw that, and Mimic looked at Emilia as if she was doing something bizarre .

However, just before entering the temple, Roberto, who looked back at the party, trembled in surprise. It was a belated discovery of Mimic .

Andrea made an excuse before Roberto could say anything. It’s not just a monster, it’s a smart monster that doesn’t physically harm people (only verbally harming people). I have a story, so I take it with me like a pet .

However, Roberto shook his head and blocked Mimic from entering. It was for a simple reason .

“ Pets are not allowed inside the temple .”

Roberto is one of the few good NPCs in a dungeon full of swindlers and swindlers. However, on the contrary, due to his good nature, he was often stabbed in the back by challengers, and basically had an attitude of being courteous toward strangers, but not easily trusting them .

So, in order to receive the quest to obtain ‘that card’ from Roberto, it was necessary to stamp the face several times and carry out the preceding quest .

However, Andrea and his party, who put forward ‘Bishop Emilia’, were able to receive a quest to obtain a ‘card’ at once .

Although it was accompanied by Emilia’s slight remorse .

“ Ugh… I’m sorry for pretending to be a bishop, Cleitos-sama .”

The idea that since he deceived the priest in the presence of God, it is no different from deceiving God. Because of this, Emilia was in the middle of talking to the person concerned through prayer and resolving it amicably .

However, it was too cramped for Trisha to see her constantly begging for forgiveness .

“ Oh, great. Emilia, are you okay? You did that to save the child, right? If I were the Earth God, I would have forgiven you a hundred times more .”

“… Trisha, isn’t that blasphemy ?”

“ Besides, you would have forgiven me for saying this ?”

Andrea stuck out her tongue at Trisha’s outspoken words and actions .

The party was now in the basement of the temple, in a space commonly referred to as the ant nest. It was a must-visit place to get ‘that card’ .

Before coming here, Andrea had heard rumors about the card, and naturally led Roberto to bring up the quest .

‘ Franco was like a brother to me. But at some point… I went mad with a longing to become a challenger and get out of this temple .’

The goal of the quest to obtain ‘ that card’ was simple .

Originally, ‘that card’ was sealed in the temple of the earth so that no one could use it because of its too powerful performance and side effects. However, Franco, a priest who lived in the temple with Roberto, broke the seal, stole the card, and ran away to the anthill .

‘ Since he’s not a challenger, of course he can’t get out of here, and he can’t use his cards… But Franco was already in a state where rational judgment was impossible. I really wanted to go into the anthill myself and drag Franco out. However, I couldn’t handle the monsters inside .’

However, if I asked any challenger, there was a risk that the challenger would steal the card after killing Franco and escape. So, I have to find a reliable challenger who will capture Franco and return the card, but I am in a state of panic because I can’t .

Andrea came out confidently in just that part .

‘ How about leaving that job to us ?’

‘… Really ?’

There was a bishop who served the same god, not another god, so his reliability was higher than any other challengers .

Roberto readily accepted Andrea’s proposal and opened the entrance to the ant’s nest that was firmly locked. Unfortunately, Mimic didn’t come along .

And so, Andrea and the others came to the present .

As the name implies, the ant nest is a dark place with no light and complicated paths. Of course, those two things did not stand in the way of Andrea .

‘ I’ve been here hundreds of times …’

You didn’t have to go through a quest to get ‘that card’ to come here. Roberto also gives you a quest to collect small materials from the ant nest. Because of that, Andrea had memories of frequenting the ant nest .

The darkness was also able to penetrate all through the power of the shadow god. Even at the fork in the road, Andrea moves swiftly as if it were her own bedroom without any worries. Trisha, who had been chasing after her with a rainbow lantern, became a bit fed up .

“ Andrea, go slow !”

When Andrea heard that, she slowed down for a moment .

However, it was only for a moment. Andrea’s eyes widened as she discovered something. Andrea runs faster than ever before .

Tricia asked, barely following Andrea .

“ Andrea, let’s go slow! Why ?”

“ Sorry, that’s not the case. There are footprints of whoever went first .”

“ Footprints? Is it the priest who took the card ?”

Andrea shook her head. The odds of that happening were extremely low .

Franco’s combat power is no different from Roberto’s. In other words, if you walk openly in an anthill like this and get caught by a monster, you will surely die .

Because of this, Franco always hides in a hiding place …

bang – !

bang – !

Andrea broke through the floor and walls to reach the hideout as quickly as possible. I tried to refrain from using this method as much as possible because I would draw the monster’s aggro, but the situation was not convenient .

A rock wall that shatters as easily as glass whenever a fist hits it. Tricia and Emilia chased through the hole, looking completely fed up. Anyway, Andrea was able to reach Franco’s hideout much faster than planned .

A narrow rocky cave where three people could lie down. Instead of pretending to be human, there was only a fishy smell and shady dampness. Trisha, who came in late, raised a rainbow lantern and illuminated the inside of the cave .

When I saw the scenery inside, I was swearing .

“ Oh, the f*ck …”

A corpse with twisted limbs and a terribly crushed head. Judging by the attire, it was clear that it was Priest Franco. Just in case, Andrea looked around the corpse. However, there was no ‘that card’ after all .

It wasn’t the monster’s fault. If so, the card would have stayed intact .

This was a premeditated murder for cards .

“ Keee- !”

“ Kirruru- !”

At that time, I heard the sound of monsters gathering. It was a very natural result, as they had all beaten and made a fuss. In the midst of this rush to find the culprit, the cries of monsters are getting closer every moment .

Andrea felt a tingling, head ache .

< 21. The strongest card (3) > End

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