
< 20. In the name of father (4) >

Trisha and Emilia slowly move along the long passage. No matter how hard he tried to pretend to be calm, he couldn’t completely hide the tension on his face .

Andrea prepared everything for the two of them to leave separately. It made them memorize the patterns of all the elite monsters that could appear on the 80th floor. It wasn’t enough, so I even rehearsed by making myself act as a monster and deal with the two .

Trisha and Emilia, it was not that the two of them were weak specs. If Trisha fires infinite shots, there won’t be a shortage of damage, and Emilia’s stats have greatly increased after obtaining Arpan’s iron cage .

However, dungeons are always full of unexpected variables. Andrea herself couldn’t be with her, so the old woman had no choice but to take the lead. Just like experiencing a new event, if a new elite monster appears, everything I’ve told you so far will be useless .

‘Should I even tell you that ?’

In the end, Andrea went one step further and began to hand down even the ‘tricks’ she had used before. The problem was that, as a result, the time spent talking was almost over a couple of hours .

In the end, Trisha sighed loudly to tell her not to worry and cut Andrea off. It was a limited content to remember anyway .

However, as soon as he and Andrea parted ways, he felt uneasy about whether he would be able to make it through. Tricia tried to hide her emotions, fearing that if she showed nervousness, Emilia would feel anxious as well .

Emilia was not much different. While barely calming her trembling heart, Emilia inadvertently uttered a word .

“… I wish Marco could have joined us .”

Turning her head and looking at Tricia, Emilia realized she had made a mistake. The shadow on Trisha’s face grew thicker .

“ I’m sorry. I didn’t say anything …”

” No, priest… I was actually thinking the same thing .”

But it was a wild wind. Even if it didn’t become a one-off, ‘Marco Summon’ was Andrea’s card. How nice it would have been if Marco wasn’t a card, but just a companion… Trisha let out a deep sigh .

Emilia carefully examined Tricia’s eyes before asking a question .

“ I… Trisha. I have a question for you .”

“ What is it ?”

“ Tricia-sama and Marco-sama… do you have a special relationship? The last time you talked about Marco-sama, your complexion got really bad …”

Come to think of it, I had never told Emilia about her relationship with Marco. Trisha frowned slightly and bit her lip. Emilia hurriedly shook her hand, probably thinking that she had asked a useless question again .

” Ah, if it’s difficult to say, there’s no need to say it …”

“ No, not really .”

Come to think of it, there was no need to hide it now. Tricia told Andrea everything she had heard and what she knew .

The fact that not everyone in the dungeon is in the same time zone, the fact that he and Marco are in a father-daughter relationship, and the reason he didn’t tell Marco about it …

Contrary to the calm tone, it was the most shocking content to Emilia. Emilia couldn’t keep her mouth shut with her eyes wide open. I didn’t know what to react to, so I stuttered for a while and finally came up with these words .

“ Um, ah… somehow… Sometimes… I thought that Marco-nim and Trisha-nim… have some similarities .”

“… that would be an illusion. If you remember what Marco said, you know, but I am not your own daughter .”

Trisha spat out a voice of shame, but Emilia shook her head .

“ No. You don’t have to be blood to resemble each other. The Earth God left a message that crops will resemble the hands of the farmer who nurtures them .”


“ Mr. Marco always spared himself for the people around him. During the years together, Marco’s heart, which values his people… must have been embedded in Trisha’s as well .”

Emilia ended her words with an extremely serious expression. Tricia smiled very weakly, but cautiously .

“That ‘s cool. That word just now was really a bit priestly, priest .”

“ I-that priest is right …”

“ Huh, I thought you were just a nice younger brother .”

The confused look was like that of an innocent girl. Tricia’s playfulness kicked in and poked Emilia in the side .

“ At that time, I decided to call him younger brother, but I didn’t get an answer. It’s been a while since we’ve met, so can I just sing comfortably now, priest ?”

“ Yes, yes! Please be comfortable with me. I like that too .”

“ Yes. I understand, Emilia .”

Tricia was as quick and instantaneous as Andrea. Suddenly, Emilia thought that the two of them were alike in how they treated people without any semblance, so Emilia secretly burst into laughter .

“ What’s wrong, Emilia ?”

“ Puff, no. It’s not like that, when I talked to Andrea before …”

The two of them moved forward, having a conversation with a closer attitude. All of a sudden, the pressure of having to deal with elite monsters without Andrea disappeared like snow .


‘… Damn it .’

Tricia broods over her disappointment. Things were not very good. Dozens of sea urchin-shaped monsters floating in the air flew towards her at the same time .

“ Fish Sissy, Fish Sissy !”

“ Fish food, fish food !”

Fortunately, Emilia stepped in at the right time .

“ An unbreakable barrier !”

coo goo goo –

A majestic barrier, on a different scale than before, rose from the ground .

So large was the barrier that it completely separated the rooms without even a chance to cross or return. After obtaining Arpan’s iron cage, each skill Emilia used showed such amplified performance .

“ Whoa …”

First of all, it was only a temporary measure to avoid dying in a beehive. Beyond the barrier, monsters will continue to proliferate, and the wall will break through someday .

Elite monsters, proliferating sea urchins. It was one of the monsters Andrea said to be especially careful with. Because it’s not a monster that can be caught just because the deal is high .

Proliferating sea urchins, as the name suggests, multiply by dividing in half every turn. So, it was important to catch the four that appeared on the first turn as quickly as possible. However, Trisha and Emilia couldn’t do that .

The sea urchin was so fast that it was hard to chase it with the naked eye, and it flew around with an irregular trajectory. In addition, the size was slightly larger than a fist, so it was not difficult to hit it with an arrow .

It took several turns just to adapt to the movement and follow it with the eyes. So far, Emilia has only caught one, and Trisha has only caught five .

They fought hard in their own way, but the number was disproportionately lacking. In the meantime, 5 turns have passed, and the number of sea urchins has increased to 24 .

If you put up the barrier like this, the next turn was 48, the next turn was 96, and the next turn was 192. Mind-boggling growth rate .

There was something like a body, so if you hold it, it’s not like it’s a ding. The fact that they had to catch every last one added more pressure .

The way to shoot and catch arrows one shot, one shot was lost a long time ago. Trisha quickly drew a card from the deck .

‘ A wide range is required. In addition to the infinite cycle, I have to use the explosive arrow to create a powerful explosion .’

There are a total of 10 cards in Trisha’s deck. Since you can draw 3 cards per turn, you should have already used two cards for an infinite cycle on the 4th turn at the latest .

But Trisha couldn’t. It was because I didn’t see a draw for two turns because I was avoiding the sea urchin’s attack .

At least, it was comforting to use ‘Shooting Master’ on the first turn. Now I had to pull out ‘Continuous Load’ .

Trisha carefully examines the drawn cards. Lethal shots, strong shots, and… ‘continuous loading’ came out .

A timely draw is always thrilling. Trisha sighed in delight. It immediately reassured Emilia, who looked at the swaying barrier with an uneasy expression .

“ Emilia, don’t worry anymore. Now you are ready to cycle .”

“ Really ?”

He nodded his head as he picked up ‘ Continuous Reload’. After using that card, Trisha started using shooting cards randomly .

Strong shot, strong shot, diversionary shot, debilitating shot, lethal shot… Countless reinforcements piled up in an instant, and the bow trembled. While drawing the card, I also drew the ‘Explosive Arrow’, so now, when it’s the next turn and the mana is filled up again, everything is ready .

Trisha held the ‘Explosive Arrow’ card and bow rod in her left hand, and pulled the bowstring with her right hand. Plan to play and shoot right after the turn. The moment I held my breath and counted the second hand in my heart .

At the same time as the turn passed, a hole was made in the barrier. A swarm of sea urchins swarmed inside the barrier. Trisha immediately put the arrow on her bowstring. An arrow that fluctuates with explosive force. Aim to aim exactly at the center and a finger to release the arrow .

However, Trisha was overlooking a pattern. A shimmering blue energy wrapped around the sea urchins. Realizing what that was, Emilia shouted in a voice close to screaming .

“ Oh no! Trisha, wait a minute !”

It was already too late. The arrow left Trisha’s finger and was flying towards the urchins, ripping through the air .

aaa !

Whoa- oh !

Kwa-gwa-gwa-gwang !

A gigantic explosion occurred and a blinding gale raged. The barrier was shattered in half, and stone fragments scattered. Trisha squinted and looked straight ahead, expecting all the sea urchins to be rags .

However, the sea urchins, far from being rags, were actually more stretched than before .

Cold sweat running down your back. Only then did Tricia realize her mistake. It seemed that Andrea’s voice, which had been asking for trust, was faintly heard in my ears .

‘ The sea urchin of proliferation is surrounded by blue aura on the 6th turn, but then you must never use a long-range attack. Because it will nullify all damage and double it .’

It was a stupid, fatal mistake. I was distracted while running the cycle and forgot the pattern. Something that had never happened before. The cause was obvious .

‘ If Andrea had been there… this wouldn’t have happened, right ?’

Tricia once again deeply felt Andrea’s absence. At the same time, regret crept in that I should have listened to him more closely, even if it took hours .

However, there was no time to be lost in thought. The disgustingly large number of sea urchins rushed towards Trisha and Emilia all at once .

“ Fish Sissy! Fish meal !”

“ Fish food! Feed, feed !”

Emilia hurriedly played a single card .

“ Skin of steel !”

As defenses piled up, a hard film surrounded the skin. Thanks to this, the two of them were able to avoid being harmed for a while even though their entire bodies were covered with sharp thorns. Emilia swung Arpan’s iron cage like a club, and Trisha put her bow and drew out her sword .

Wedge – Liquid !

Puck !

“ Fish food !”

“ Fishik !”

Although the number was decreasing to some extent, the speed at which the armor was being cut was faster. In addition, it is now difficult to escape the situation with an infinite shooting cycle .

When they were beyond the barrier, the sea urchins were only on one side, but now they surround them on all sides. It was a distribution that could not be sorted out with an arrow attack that stretched out in a straight line .

Trisha continued to swing the knife frantically. Finally, all of the armor was exhausted, and the sea urchin’s spines dug deep into the skin. Trisha is covered in blood with needle holes all over her body .

But rather, seeing the blood, I felt that my coolness as a hunter returned to some extent .

‘ Let’s stay calm. There must have been some advice from Andrea to help me overcome this situation .’

It was an idea that came from thinking that if it was Andrea, she would be prepared for all situations. Her trust in Andrea was that firm and absolute .

cold head

It cools down and begins to spin rapidly. Trisha was quick to reflect on Andrea’s advice. A lot of advice passing by my ears. Then, at the ‘trick’ part, Trisha’s thoughts suddenly stop .

there was. How to get out of the situation .

As he hurriedly tried to approach Emilia, he almost got his eyes pierced by thorns. Tricia covered her face with her arms and managed to get out of the sea urchins. Emilia, like Trisha, was pierced with many thorns and was in a state of disrepair .

Tricia shouted as she cleared away a group of sea urchins with her reddened bare hands .

“ Emilia, hand over Arpan’s cage !”

“ Yes, yes ?”

“ No time to explain! Quickly !”

While Emilia was bewildered, she passed the iron cage for now. Tricia, barely getting it, took a card from the deck. Trisha uses cards as fast as possible, one by one .

It wasn’t long before the results of the ‘tricks’ were revealed. I’ve seen it before, so it’s not unfamiliar. Trisha forgot the throbbing pain and pulled one corner of her mouth up to her cheek .

If it was this, it would surely be able to destroy the sea urchins faster than they multiply .

< 20. In the name of the father (4) > end

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