
< 19. Arpan’s burnt offering (7) >

Anna turned her head after hearing that voice. Only then did the color of the reversed world return to its original state, and Andrea was able to move her body .

Andrea asked with her brow slightly furrowed .

“ How did you know that this would happen ?”

Anna fixed the wand in the shape of a dragon’s head. The moment she faced Andrea, a brief excitement passed her eyes, but soon she regained her composure as she looked back at Arpan’s body .

“ Let’s put that aside for a little while. Dealing with Arpan comes first .”

Andrea nodded. She was right. It was much more important to face the mighty enemy in front of me than to have a trivial conversation .

[··· The most wormy challengers have gathered in one place. Even if all four of them try to protect each other and live a miserable life, nothing will change .]

Arfan was not at all shaken by the sudden appearance of Anna. I’ve been frozen in the waiting room before, but that was when I was still an alter ego. Arpan, who revealed his original form, has power that is incomparable to that time .

It wasn’t that Anna didn’t know that either. But even so, I didn’t get scared before fighting .

As she realized after spending hundreds of years in the dungeon, there are no enemies that cannot be defeated .

Anna took a card from the deck. With the ‘Search’ card in the first hand, draw all the cards you want from the first turn .

‘Ancient Nucleus’ that triples magical ability, ‘Manshin’s Grace’ that amplifies the effect of all divine cards… ‘Ring of Reincarnation’ that uses numerous buffs, then overlaps the last buff applied and applies it one more time .

After using all the fraudulent cards that create ridiculous synergies, the magic that overflowed from her body created a blue storm around her .

After playing two more cards in that state, Anna slammed the floor with her staff .

First, a translucent curtain unfolded in front of Andrea. A powerful shield that grants you immunity from all types of damage. Right after that, the magic that Anna cast toward Arpan was activated .

Kwagwagwagwagwagwa !!!

An overwhelming scale of prominence erupted from under Arpan’s feet. The flame was so intense that it completely changed the climate of space in an instant. The wind was so strong that it was difficult to stand upright as the air was drawn into a pillar of fire that looked like a fire .

“ Kyaaagh !”

“… Cubs, my God .”

Even Emilia and Trisha, who were far away from the unbearably fierce aftermath, had to turn their heads and duck. Had it not been for the barriers that Anna had put up in advance, Andrea, who was nearby, might have been ripe .

However, Arpan, who was completely engulfed in the flames, did not appear to have suffered much damage. Arfan looks down at Anna while shaking off the flames from his body .

[ Did you intend to deal with me with just that much power ?]

There was arrogance and composure in that voice that made the opponent less than a bug. The corners of Anna’s eyes trembled as she was struggling to handle the runaway magic power .

[ I thought you were the strongest in this dungeon. Since I subdued the clone without difficulty, I would have thought that if I put my mind to it, I would be able to deal with it without difficulty even if I met my own body .]

[ Foolish, poor challenger. Did you think that you became a god because you monopolized the favor of the gods? Four years old are nothing more than cattle that grew up eating whatever feed the gods fed them .

The venomous Arpan

provocation. Andrea looked at Anna with anxious eyes. Because it was a cold and overflowing word to shake her spirit .

However, Anna stared at Arfan with straight, unshakable eyes. She has accumulated maturity by going through too many trials to live on only feed provided by scoops. Such a cheap provocation can be heard with one ear and passed over .

“ Even though his size has become distracted, his tongue is still dirty and light, Arpan. Hey, that was the only thing you knew how to do in front of a challenger .”

Anna drew another card and used her magic. This time, thick thunderclouds filled the sky and darkened the whole world. Sparks flew from time to time in the corners of Anna’s lightning-cast eyes .

Gripping support –

Kurlureureung !!

Quagaceae family –

Kwagwagwagwagwang !!!

A thunderstorm that rained down like a waterfall through colliding clouds, and a thunderstorm that split into thousands of branches hit Arpan. Every time a thunderbolt struck, a small crack formed in the upper surrounding Arpan .

Arpan took a step back, as if there was a slight blow this time .

[… this insignificant piece of crap .]

Yeh- uh !!!

Arfan stomped his foot in the direction of Anna and Andrea. The protective shield withstood the overwhelming impact once, but it cracked dangerously as if it was about to break .

Andrea was not alone. Andrea summons Marco first. A warrior in silver armor appeared above the summoning circle. Looking at the bizarre landscape, the enormous monster, and the unusual energy of Anna, I lost my mind, but .

“ No, what the hell is this …”

“ Mr. Marco, I don’t have time to explain! Use Gigantic Weapons !”

There were many things he wanted to ask, but Marco nodded. As always, it wasn’t too late to organize the situation and ask questions. As Marco concentrated and energized, the Earthshatter’s hammer soon revealed its massive original majesty .

Yea- oh !

Kwa-ang !!!

The blow to the back created a shockwave that shook the whole world. Although the damage was not great, the weight contained in the weight could not be ignored. Arpan’s body staggered sideways .

[… on the subject of trivial mortals !]

Arpan’s eyes, which were hidden inside the goat’s skull, flashed with a strange color .

Then, a black magic circle was drawn under Marco’s feet, and numerous hands rose up from under it and pulled him down to the floor. Marco couldn’t even leave a last word and was immediately reverse summoned .

‘··· sh*t, I never thought I’d use a summon cancellation pattern right away .’

It wasn’t surprising since it was a pattern that Arpan’s alter ego also used, but it was quite lethal given the situation. Andrea looked at her hand, brooding over her disappointment .

Shadow Bombardment, Shadow Imprint, Leap. The only thing that could be used right now was the shadow imprint .

However, the moment Andrea was about to use the shadow imprint, Arpan’s eyes once again flashed with a strange color. Then black flames rose from the deck .

Pasasa Sasak –

The sound of cards disappearing all at once. Andrea was startled and hurriedly put her hand into the deck .

‘ This pattern can’t be …’

The ominous premonition did not go astray. The deck was empty. Now, the only cards left for Andrea are the cards she had in her hand .

It wasn’t a big deal that his deck was destroyed. Because he wasn’t the one keeping Arpan in check right now. The real problem is that even Anna’s deck may have disappeared .

Looking at Anna’s expression, Andrea realized that she was right. She, too, realized that all the cards in her deck were gone. However, as if not wanting to reveal his anxious mind, he soon pretended to be calm and looked at Andrea .

“ Don’t worry. The cards in your hand haven’t disappeared, so you can hold out a little longer. If this is all exhausted… Let’s get out of here for now .”

Andrea shook her head. The guide can go anywhere in the dungeon. As long as you don’t leave the dungeon, there’s no way you can escape from the guide’s grip .

As long as they faced Arpan in the first place, one of them could only end up in ruin .

Andrea said to Anna using Shadow Imprint .

“ No, hold on a little longer. Because I have a way .”

A sharp pain piercing through the back of the hand. The iron armor of the gauntlet opened, and flames soared. However, Andrea did not rush outside and waited inside the protective shield. There was no point in leaving now .

‘ It’s impossible to stand up to the current Arpan with this much power. You have to wait. This is now… it’s a fight whether you can hold out until then or not .’

Whoa- oh !

Whoa- oh !

damn –

Arpan kicked at the shield and laughed at Andrea .

[ It’s really nice to see him terrified. Did

you dare to stand up to the master when you could do nothing but tremble like that ?

Every time the shield was broken, Anna used a card and injected magic to regenerate it, but that too was reaching its limit. As a result of drawing too much power at once, the overload slowly began to eat away at the body .

Andrea ignored Arpan’s mockery and silently waited for her turn to use the card. Thanks to Arpan’s destruction of the deck, the method he was trying to use became easier to use .

On the back of Andrea’s hand, black hook-shaped inscriptions were engraved one after another .

Andrea recalled the conversation she had with Khalisis right after she obtained her sacred item, ‘Breath of Shadows’ .

’ The divine object you just obtained is the catalyst with which you can come into closest contact with me. Although he lost his powers by the manager… Thanks to Gregory’s full power, he was able to function at least once .’


‘ Do you remember when you faced the Minotaur before, you used ‘Advent Possession’ by repeatedly carving the shadow mark ?’

‘… that’s right .’

‘ If you face a crisis that you cannot handle, try to engrave the shadow imprint 7 times as you did then. Then it is not that an angel descends and possesses it …’

Anna eventually collapsed from exhaustion. The protective film is about to crack and shatter. I couldn’t stand it any longer. Arpan strikes the final blow towards the shield .

damn –

Kwaji Jijik !

The protective shield shattered, and a huge shadow covered Andrea and Anna. The moment just before everything is crushed by the soles of your feet like a mountain ,

Andrea finally carved the 7th shadow imprint .

‘… because I myself will descend …’

A black flash burst out from

‘ Breath of Shadows’, and the color of the world changed again .

The black flash soon turned into black energy, and tens of thousands of snakes crawled and covered the heavens and earth. It was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be heard as a loud noise. All light fades, all things lose their shape, and only darkness from the abyss remains .

The true power of shadow that swallows the brilliant sun, crushes solid rocks, splits fierce thunder, and covers even the deepest abyss .

A huge illusion shook behind Andrea’s back. Long wavy hair black as pitch black, skin as pale as starlight, and eyes that look down upon all things even though they are in the deepest abyss .

The master of shadows has descended into this world .

Arpan couldn’t hide his trembling expression. Arfan steps back with his face distorted .

[ Everything, how do you …?]

Khalisis did not answer Arpan’s question. I just raised my hand with a lofty gesture that took my breath away, and murmured in a low voice .

[ Arrogant guide. Did you really think you could serve as the administrator’s pawn forever ?]

[… Shut up! No matter how much God is, if you recklessly mention your master’s name …]

[ Did you upload it? Have you forgotten that the reason why I didn’t destroy you all this time was because I didn’t have a chance to descend ?

Arpan’s mouth was firmly shut. It was true that no matter how godlike a guide in a dungeon, the essential level of a spirit was lower than that .

That means that Khalisis can destroy Arpan as much as he wants, but Arpan can never harm Khalicis .

Khalisis looked up at Arpan with a cold gaze and said .

[ Everything that has a beginning must have an end. You, too, originated from nothingness in the beginning, so now you must perish and return to nothingness .]

Calicis lightly grabbed the air. Following that hand, a huge grip that burned with the energy of shadow appeared and grabbed Arpan with a single stroke .

[ Let go of this !!!]

Arpan screamed desperately and struggled to escape. As a result, the ground shook violently and cracked as if an earthquake had occurred. But the strong grip showed no sign of loosening .

Khalicis gave a little more strength to the hand that was holding the air. At the same time, strength went into the grip that held Arpan. As the upper was crushed, Arpan began to crumple like a piece of paper .

[ aaa !!]

Khalicis finally grasped his grip completely .

Kwajik .

With a terrible crushing sound, Arpan’s body turned to mush. Khalysis spread out her clenched hands and smiled coldly at the guide who finally met her immortality .

< 19. Arpan’s Burnt Offering (7) > End

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