154 – Because you got what I want

Countless attacks of endless shadows.

The wounds that increased every moment and the decrease in physical strength caused by this were gradually cutting down Helen’s fighting power.

Black blades pouring in from all directions

No matter how fast Helene swung her sword, she couldn’t defeat them all.

The missed attacks continued to hack through Helena’s body.

Piercing through armor, tearing through skin and slashing through muscles,

A shadow quickly gnawed away at her body, reaching even the bones and tendons.

A storm-like offensive that left no room for evasion or half-turning the situation.

In the midst of that, Helene’s face was colored with more and more astonishment,

At the same time, the word was in her mind from a certain moment.

The word defeat started to come to mind.

‘how… How could this happen… I… i lose… go? like this… Are you going to lose like this?’

It came to her in a way she never really thought of.

Neither in the hands of the Demon King nor in the hands of someone in the Nation of Darkness.

A rival she thought she could easily defeat…

The ending of defeat that was met by a woman named Elisha.

However, while recognizing this situation that I couldn’t believe even though I was standing right in front of my eyes.

Suddenly, on Helene’s lips,

A light smile began to fall on her involuntarily.



In an instant, Elisha’s shadow pierces Helen’s chest.

Immediately after that, in the intense pain, Helene’s body collapsed on the spot as if it were collapsing.

‘lost… ‘

A clean and perfect defeat that cannot even be excused.

There was only one feeling that gave Helene.


It was a foreign feeling that I had never felt while fighting.

At the same time, she, who has never been defeated by anyone, is exactly what she has longed for.

This was more bitter than she thought,

painful at the same time,

On the one hand, it was something that gave me a creepy, strange excitement.

‘this… Defeat… is that? The feeling of kneeling down to an enemy stronger than me… ‘

The feeling of forcibly lowering one’s head, being crushed by a force one cannot overcome.

humiliating, but at the same time

Helen at this moment.

I felt as if a heavy burden that I had been carrying all along had disappeared.

‘ah… I see… ‘

I couldn’t tell others

No, a fact that even she herself was not aware of.


She used to say it like a habit all the time.

It was about the fundamental identity of the words I want to know defeat.

‘I… You didn’t like it. The strongest place… ‘

It has been about 10 years since he entered the military according to his family’s will.

In the meantime, as she won all the opponents in front of her eyes, her place got higher and higher.

Eventually, with the title of the Empire’s strongest warrior, he rose to the top of all warriors.


Such a title of the strongest.

A look of awe and envy from all,

And that which instills the so-called sense of distance.

That which made oneself isolated alone.

It was never what Helen herself wanted.

And at this moment,

The feeling of defeat that he experienced through the woman named Elisha in front of him.

This painful burden that had been on her back was neatly thrown away.

A deep relief felt at the same time.

In the feeling that the pain that had caused pain for so many years was disappearing, Helen collapsed on the floor and began to smile happily.

‘Good… That defeat… More than I thought… ‘

Although it was quite unfortunate that the opponent who gave her defeat was a woman.

However, despite this, Helene was feeling a greater sense of satisfaction about the current situation.

Even if there is an ending called death ahead of it.

Feeling that this wasn’t as bad as it was, she prepared to face her death in peace.

at that time…

“… ”

That woman I can feel at the nape of her neck… Elisa’s sharp shadow.

In response, Helen silently looked at the woman’s face in this situation where strength drained from her body along with bleeding.

The look of the woman who gave her the first defeat.

A demon with the appearance of a beautiful girl with red eyes and snow-white skin.

She questioned her in a cold voice, remaining wary of the fallen Helen.

“why… What on earth did you do this for?”

“… ”

Her question is full of questionable emotions.

Even though she had won, a quiet smile began to form on Helene’s lips as she recognized the fact that there would certainly be many things that this woman did not understand about the current situation.

“Is this Cassandra’s order? Are you sure you’re thinking of going against the Demon Kingdom again? Otherwise… Are you a spy from the Nation of Darkness?”

Elisha begins to line up those who are presumed to be in the dark as he thinks.

However, about this, Helen shook her head slowly and told her.

“That… not. This work is only for my personal purpose. It has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.”

“… Are you telling me to believe that now? Me and I actually saw each other for the first time this time. What kind of grudge do you have against me, who has no memory of meeting you, even by coincidence? Is it simply that you hate demons?”

“I have never had such racist thoughts. There is only one reason why I attacked you. Because you had what I want, and that is all.”

“… What are you talking about? What I have… !…. no way?”

Elisa seemed to think of something while making an expression that seemed incomprehensible.

“no way… you… The man… the man I changed…”

Elisha then showed embarrassment and tried to say something to her, and Helen interrupted her speech with a bitter smile on her lips.

“Yes, all I wanted was the place you had… It was right next to the Demon King.”

“… Eh?”

At Helene’s words, Elisha puts on a dazed expression for a moment.

However, not recognizing Elisha’s reaction, Helene continued to tell Elisha what she wanted to say… She began to tell the story of her life so far.

She lived in solitude as the strongest, and as a result, she wanted to be with a strong person who could defeat her.

For such Helen, the Demon King, who has a reputation as the absolute strongest in the world, has been seen as the only existence that can satisfy her desires, so he plans to defeat Elisa and use the gap created to obtain the position next to the Demon King. to the story of the establishment of

So, after finishing the story of his life.

Helen looked at Elisha with a relieved expression.

“However… I never really thought that I would lose to you in the process. no… To be precise, I must have been too careless. Because I fought recklessly with only the strength I felt against a woman who was capable of dealing with that demon lord. Huhu me too… They say that if you are blinded by love, you can’t come to your senses, so it seems I was a woman who couldn’t help it.”

“… ”

“Come on, kill me. Even though I didn’t get what I wanted, it wouldn’t be bad to meet the end of the person who gave me such a complete defeat.”

Even though she did not get what she wanted, Helene began to wait for the coming death in a satisfied mood.


“… !?”

Shortly thereafter, instead of putting a shadow into Helen’s heart, Elisha

He lightly lifted her body, which was still lying there.

“… What… What… ji? what is this… Won’t you kill me?”


Helene expresses perplexity and asks questions.

Elisha was silent about this.

He lifted the body of Helen, who was about 1.5 times bigger than himself, very lightly in the posture of hugging the princess, and silently started to move toward the Macedonian castle.

And, seeing her actions like this, Helene suddenly remembered one fact and began to smile at the corners of her mouth in a different sense.

“…. Right. You’re thinking of turning this into a diplomatic matter… Well, the fact that the Falcon Empire’s strongest general attacked the Demon King’s companion could be a pretty big justification… ”

“Oh f*ck! It’s been really noisy since earlier, shut up!”


Elisha is the first to get annoyed at Helene’s words.

A look of bewilderment began to creep on Helene’s face at this sudden change of attitude.

Facing her, Elisa spoke to her in a voice full of annoyance.

“You keep talking nonsense about your partner, but first of all, I and the demon king aren’t like that? I’m still in a bad mood because of that, but don’t talk your way without knowing what others are saying!”

The look of Elisa who feels genuinely upset.

Seeing the clear fury of the woman she had defeated, Helen involuntarily became seized with a feeling of shrinking.

‘What… what… this woman… scared… ‘

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