151 – Why is the demon king here?

The forces of the Nation of Darkness are completing their gathering in Macedonia.

In the situation of confrontation with them, Helen directed the operation as the commander-in-chief.

The imperial army had a topographical advantage while holding the castle walls.

However, even for a more certain victory, Helen well knew that mere defense was not enough.

“As everyone knows, the power of the Nation of Darkness is a magic corps led by witches. As long as food and supplies are properly supplied, you can project powerful magic attacks infinitely. In other words, in order to win this war, it is necessary to prioritize dealing with their magic corps.”

“You are right.”

“However, the enemy’s magic troops are always well protected. Wouldn’t it be impossible to break through that defense and launch an attack?”

Since the enemies are not fools, the magic corps, led by witches, is always located at the innermost part of the formation, and when building a camp, the witches’ stationed area is the safest rear.

Basically, in order to target them, sacrifices are required in many ways.


Regarding this, Helen devised a plan to minimize the loss of her allies while maximizing their gains.

“Of course, it won’t be easy. But it’s not that there aren’t many ways. At the same time, if things go well, the damage to allies will be minimized. In that respect, the Demon King, I’m thinking of getting your help this time. Are you okay?”

As long as they are not his subordinates, but allies who have decided to help. First of all, Helene asks questions cautiously.

In response, the demon king answered her in a calm voice.

“I will decide to listen to the contents of the operation. Of course, as an ally, we will cooperate as much as possible.”

It’s not even negative, but at the same time, the demon lord shows a very prudent attitude.

In response, Helen put a smile on her lips and began to explain her plan to him.

“As you know, wizards are basically weak in close combat except for the highest ranking beings. That said, once you can get access to them, you won’t have much trouble after that. The point is how to implement it. And for this, I conceived the following operation.”

With those words, Helen tells of a simple but quite effective plan she had conceived.

Regarding this, the demon king seemed to ponder for a while, but then slowly nodded.

“Okay. If not, let it run as it is.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. and… I have one more request. Are you okay?”


Helene speaks in a slightly cautious voice.

The demon king expressed his doubts about this, and Helene spoke to him in a cautious voice.

“We will support the Imperial Army to make things easier, but in return, if possible, we would like some of our generals to be supported as well. Although my Imperial Army is numerous, with the disappearance of General Achilles, the number of strong men who can be counted on one hand has decreased slightly.”

“Yes… army. Got it. don’t let that happen Since you are the Commander-in-Chief, you should be ubiquitous in that regard.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

The demon lord looked at his subordinates standing behind him with words that seemed to contain a little embarrassment.

At this moment, for some reason, his gaze was on the blond human woman standing behind him, but Helene thought it was just thinking about which of them would be with her.

However, apart from the demon lord’s amortization.

Helene was already in a situation where she had clearly planned who and where to place the Demon King’s army in relation to this matter.

‘I don’t intend to leave it to the Nation of Darkness, and it’s meaningful only when I handle these things with my own hands.’


“Hurry up and build a camp.”

“I have to finish my work before the sun goes down tonight.”

The soldiers of the Nation of Darkness are building camps while moving busily.

Their morale was high as they had won victory after victory all the way to this point.

He was confident of victory in the war to come.

but this moment.

York, their commander-in-chief and one of the 4 magicians of the Nation of Darkness, was in a state of deep bewilderment due to this unexpected letter he received.

“what is this sound?! No, the guys from the elven kingdom announced a breakout?”

“Yes, to be precise, we declared a unilateral end to the war. Without even discussing a word with us.”

“These dirty goblins… How can we be like this?”

York begins to grind his teeth with a feeling of deep anger.

Regarding this, the manager who was listening to the story spoke in a cautious voice.

“According to them, their ancestral kingdom, the Demon Kingdom, gave an order to stop the war. It’s embarrassing, but as a subject country, it’s inevitable.”

“You bastard! do you believe that It must be the justification that was put forward on the surface! But in reality, they saw everything they could benefit from, so they were just trying to get out of there by using the Demon Kingdom as an excuse!”

“Um… ”

The manager, who made fun of York’s words for no reason and only cursed at them, kept his mouth shut.

Then, she expressed her deep anger and got up from her seat.

“damn! I can’t do anything more than this. We must conquer that Macedonia as soon as possible before the empire grows stronger! As soon as we build our fortifications, we will launch an attack!”

“under… However, our forces have not fully assembled yet. In this situation, the attack… ”

“Don’t you see that their troops are being replenished faster than our troops are gathering? Give orders now! There is no time!”

“ah… I understand, General.”

Following York’s instructions like frost, the generals hurriedly began to move to issue orders.

By the way…

“ruler… General! General York! nice… It’s a big deal!”

“… .what?”

With a contemplative face.

The appearance of a soldier entering the room as if rolling and screaming with an urgent voice.

As a result, a deep questionable emotion bloomed on the faces of York and the general managers.

“What the hell is going on?”

“nice… . big deal… Heo-eok… Huh.. I did. mind… Devil… The Demon King has appeared!”



The words of a soldier who brings out an unexpected story.

Regarding this, York and the generals looked at each other with puzzled and implausible expressions for a while and said to the soldier.

“… What nonsense are you talking about? It’s the demon king… There was no way he would appear in a place like this.”

“ji… It’s real. Right now, the Demon King and his subordinates are gathered outside our camp. all… They look ready to attack us at any moment.”

“What nonsense… ”

“… I can’t believe it. I will go and see for myself.”

Nonsensical nonsense that the demon king, who should have been confined to the capital of the demon kingdom, is here.

Although York and others could never believe this, they ran outside with the idea that they should check it out.

Like that, York and her generals headed for the eastern region where the demon king appeared.

A place surrounded by forests and located on the side of the Macedonian castle.

Immediately after arriving at the place,

They automatically began to doubt the scene in front of them.


“Ah… no… what is this… ”

The forces radiating the magic of the sound dimension in front of them.

At the forefront stood a lich with no flesh left, a warrior wearing black armor, and a dark elf.

Behind them were placed warriors who felt unusual presence.

And, standing under their escort, an existence clad in black armor and wearing a greatsword.

A person who emits signs of overwhelming power that even York cannot handle.


The moment he saw him, York felt as if he had been hit with a hammer, and his mind suddenly started to get complicated.

‘ah… no really? Is the real demon king here? that… I will… I can’t… under… However, that tremendous power that even makes me sick is definitely the demon lord… ruler… Wait a minute, come to think of it, didn’t you say that the elves fell out of the war because of the devil’s order? It’s not like it’s just an excuse, it’s really according to the devil’s plan… ?’

Feeling like the events that have happened so far are being explained,

York looked at the subordinate next to him and asked cautiously.

“under… I want to ask you one thing. How long has it been since the Demon King appeared there?”

“It was less than 10 minutes. As soon as I found the author, I decided to report it right away, so I moved.”

“Did you say anything in the meantime?”

“None. but. It doesn’t seem like a favorable feeling. Judging from the fact that they seem to be charging at any moment… ”

“Um… ”

It was hidden in the woods right now, but York could see through the swaying bush that the troops standing in the rear were formidable.

What’s more terrifying than that is the demon king and his aides standing at the forefront.

Including Richie, who seemed to be stronger than York, the Dark Elves and other subordinates also seemed to be easygoing.

If they continued to attack like this, York’s troops, who were about to go to war with the Imperial Army, would have no choice but to suffer enormous damage.

In a severe case, there was a risk of being put to an end by the devil, rather than attacking the Macedonian castle.

“this… For now, send messengers to them. It is an attempt to have a conversation.”

“yes… Yes. All right.”

“that… And immediately stop building your fortifications and move your troops. As per the standard, place the magic corps at the very rear.”

“I will follow orders.”

In a situation where the power of the demon king army suddenly appeared, York began to prepare as much as possible…

Looking at the position of the Nation of Darkness moving so busily, he…

A deep smile began to form on the lips of Eren, the warrior wearing the devil’s mask.

‘According to plan… ‘

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