After listening to Hanzo’s words, everyone clenched their fists, and at this moment, they very much wanted to refuse Hanzo’s order!

“Hanzo-sama, the guards here are tight enough, can we…” Hanzo’s personal guard tried to convince Hanzo one last time!

“You don’t listen to my orders now, do you? You want to rebel, don’t you? Hanzo said murderously!

Although the current Hanzo is just a person who can only covet pleasure, the title of ‘demigod’ was really fought down with strength back then, and the killer alone has already made these guards a little difficult to overcome!

“Yes, we obey,” the guard said through gritted teeth!

“Get down!” Hearing the guard’s words, Hanzo takes back the killer and lets them go down after that!

“No, I have to leave Yuyin Village first!” Hanzo thought to himself!

Whether these guards can block this intruder hundreds of meters high, Hanzo is very doubtful, as for him strengthening the guard, it is just to paralyze the intruder’s blindness, his real intention is to let these guards block the intruder, and then escape by himself!

But he obviously overestimated the ability of the guards and underestimated the strength of the intruder!

While Hanzo was busy collecting his money, Obito had already killed his house, and the guards couldn’t stop him at all!

For these guards, Obito did not kill them, they just followed orders, and with their strength, Obito could kill them all with one blow! But he didn’t do this from beginning to end, and now he is no longer the murderous initiator of the four battles, so he doesn’t need to cause a lot of casualties, and for those who step forward to obstruct, his Susanoo just waved his hand, and countless ninjas were blown away!

“Captain, we can’t resist at all!”

“That’s it, Captain, Hanzo has changed, he is no longer the Hanzo he used to be, we don’t have to work for him at all!”

“Let’s go, Captain!”

Looking at the approaching giant, the guards were already desperate, and they persuaded the captain of the right guard, hoping that he could escape with them!

The captain of the guard turned his head to look at Hanzo’s room, and looked at the civilians fleeing in panic around, the captain of the guard gritted his teeth and shook his head firmly: “Let’s go, you are right, Hanzo-sama has changed, and now he is not worth your life for him.”

But I am different, when I was about to starve to death, he saved me, and I must pay this life back! ”

“What a man with feelings and righteousness!” Although he controls Susano, Uchiha Obito is still very attentive to the situation around him!

In order to avoid the accidental killing of civilians, Obito needs to control Susanoo very carefully!

At this time, a little girl ran out in a panic, appeared at Susano’s feet, and saw that she was about to be stepped on, and the parents of the little girl next to her wanted to come out to save the girl, but they couldn’t catch up, both of them closed their eyes in despair, and even the little girl herself covered her head in fear!

“Which of you came out to take this girl away” Obito naturally would not step on it, but at this time the little girl was afraid that she would not even leave, and her parents could not come to save her, Obito could only open her mouth and say!

Hearing Obito’s words, the people of Yuyin Village were stunned

“Don’t worry, I’m just here to kill Hanzo, and I won’t hurt the others!” The sound of Obito was so loud that half of the people in Yuyin Village heard it!

In fact, Obito is also very helpless, if he can, he wants to go directly to Hanzo’s room with divine power, and then assassinate him!

But Nara Shikahisa disagreed, he thought that this action was to bring Tu Liwei, and secondly, to stabilize the heart of the ninja world!

With the continuous playback of the memory light ball, there will definitely be a video about Otsuki in the future, that kind of strength is heaven and earth, so in order to stabilize the hearts of people in the ninja world, it is necessary to let them see that the ninja world also has the strength to resist them, so this killing Hanzo is the best opportunity!

Unlike the first ninja convention before, those who fought with Obito at that time were Naka-ninja, and those people’s future achievements may be great, but now their reputation is obviously not enough. Although there are some reborn publicity, there are still many people who do not pay attention to it!

But Hanzo is different, he has been famous for many years, although it has changed now, but the fact that he defeated Orochimaru, Tsunade and Jiraiya and called them ‘Three Shinobi’ is still circulating in the ninja world, and as the fame of the three Shinobi spreads, Hanzo’s name has become even louder!

If Obito can kill such a character with one blow, then Obito will be famous, and his strength will also become the focus of people’s attention, even if there is a video of Otogi in the future, people will subconsciously compare him with Obito, before Obito does not lose, the ninja world is still under control!

“I know you are all faithful protectors, but is Hanzo really worth your lives to guard now? You can see what he’s doing! ”

Seeing that the little girl under her feet was taken away by her parents, Obito turned her head and looked at the guards who still wanted to resist and said!

As soon as he finished speaking, Obito raised Susano’s right hand and smashed a fierce punch towards Hanzo’s reassuring!

The huge force of “boom” instantly knocked Hanzo’s house out of a huge hole!

At this time, Hanzo was still packing his luggage in the house, and years of enjoyment made him inseparable from money, and when he just packed up his money and was ready to run, Obito was killed!

At this time, he was still holding the freshly packed package in his hand, and the punch with the soil caused a huge wind pressure while breaking the house, and these powerful winds instantly made him smash into the wall, but he still tightly grasped the package in his hand!

“‘Demigod’, it’s really ironic, a waste who will leave his fellow villagers can actually get such a title!” Obito looked at Hanzo condescendingly and said!

“Listen to me, Danzo-sama, that time…” Seeing the forehead protector on the head, Hanzo wanted to make a final struggle!

But Obito obviously didn’t want to give him a chance, and Kamui aimed directly at Hanzo’s head!

The huge distortion of space startled Hanzo, and he hurriedly wanted to transport Chakra to counterattack, but he found himself unable to move at this time, and before he could react, his head was crushed into mud, and blood erupted from the area of his neck…

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