The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 678: Azeroth's Resistance

Relying on its huge size and terrifying vitality, the thorn beast forcibly charged the only remaining defensive buildings in Suramar. The tall arcane mechanical soldiers followed closely behind, with only one core idea, to destroy the vitality of the night elves.

The Big Three have been watching from a very far away. They no longer need to take action in this level of battle, and they don't even bother to kill this kind of enemy.

"Huh? The most powerful individuals on this planet are here." Kil'jaeden clicked to the right with his chin.

Archimonde narrowed his eyes slightly: "They are not strong enough."

Velen shook his head and chuckled: "Old man, you can't measure all the races by yourself, can you? In my opinion, they are already very strong. If we are not careful, we will really have a tumble, my old bone But I don’t have the ability to escape behind your back.”

"How is it possible? It's just a little trouble!"

"Ha ha ha ha!-"

The Big Three didn't pay attention to Azeroth's highest combat power at all. Archimonde looked into the distance and said casually.

"Smart life in Azeroth, please listen to me. We follow Ms. Hope's teachings to help you correct your own deficiencies. This is a great honor. When are you going to accept our kindness?"

Azshara who came to fight was laughed angrily, and she slapped the mount under her.

A hurricane that covered the sky and the sun swept towards the Big Three, and her mount was the most powerful creature in Azeroth, the proto-dragon Galakrond!

This proto-dragon is very powerful, and it was recovered by Sargeras himself. Unfortunately, his brain is not good enough, otherwise he could completely replace Azshara.

Galakrond's body contained a strong force of death. After being recovered by Sargeras, Galakrond added endless anger. With a roar, he slammed into Archimonde like a meteor.

"Leave it to me!" Kil'jaeden, who was born as a warrior and had a somewhat reckless personality, came out from the side.

Vanessa's titan power is much more peaceful than Sargeras' titan power, and she also has some experience.

At this time, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde were still the size of ordinary eredar, of course, if they wanted to, they could still rely on energy surges to increase their size.

Kil'jaeden stepped out from the side, and at the same time let go of the suppression of the energy in his body. He instantly soared to a height of fifty meters. He raised his hands and pressed against Galakrond's upper and lower jaws, trying to bring down the beast.

But Galakrond's strength is really impressive, big in size, and extremely powerful. In the original time and space, the Red Dragon Queen, Black Dragon King and their five giant dragons teamed up together, and Tyre defeated Galakron with difficulty. clone.

Now Kil'jaeden was singled out alone, somewhat underestimating the enemy, and he was forced back by the opponent for more than ten meters before his own strength was fully exerted.

For Kil'jaeden's body size of 50 meters, this ten meters is half a step, but looking down at the deep ditch under his feet, he still felt a little ashamed.

Who is he? He is the Big Three! Those mountain-sized thorn beasts in Draenor were played by him like toys. In the eyes of intelligent life on many planets, he was as powerful as a god. Now it is a shame to be forced back by such a wild beast!

"Bastard! You are dead today!"

The power of the titan obtained from Vanessa was activated, and Kil'jaeden was covered in golden light, with flames around his fingers. He put one hand on the head of the Proto-Dragon, and clenched his other hand into a fist, slamming Gala Cloned profile.

"You are all going to die today!" Azshara raised her left hand. Although she was not endowed with the power of a titan, the Well of Eternity full of fel magma could also provide her with some energy blessings.

Sargeras and Vanessa are considered to be the owners of the power of the Titans, Kil'jaeden and Archimonde are considered to be users, and when it comes to Azshara, she is considered to be a borrower, time-sensitive, and has no active control The right, but more or less can play a part of the power.

But before her magic took shape, she felt a dead silence of imminent disaster, turned her head hastily, and saw Archimonde stretching out a finger to her, and the scorching energy hit Azshara's brow directly.

will die! This move must be avoided by oneself!

Azshara was sitting on Galakrond's back. At this time, the proto-dragon was still wrestling with Kil'jaeden, and she didn't care about her life or death at all.

The queen of the night elves had to teleport three hundred meters away, floating in the air, avoiding Archimonde's energy rays.

While dodging, she stretched out her hand to hold it in the air, and the sky was filled with fire, and the flame turned into a hurricane, spinning and rushing towards Archimonde.

"It's not bad, but your foundation is not solid, and you have a lot of flaws." Archimonde said in a teaching tone.

He caressed with his left hand, and the arcane energy was like a breeze, instantly dispelling the three key mana nodes in the opponent's spell, causing the spell to lose its successor power, and the spell hit a hundred meters away in front of him and turned into flying ash.

Warlock spells are also magic, only more violent and chaotic.

As a mage who has been pursuing the ultimate order all his life, Archimonde doesn't like this kind of reckless spellcasting method, but Azshara's use of warlock magic still makes him take a high look, just one look.

Flipping her wrist, she tapped Azshara with her index finger, and an invisible arcane energy enveloped the night elf queen. This is a new improvement after gaining the power of the With the finger of death, the spell will absorb the broken light in the environment, come without a shadow, go without a trace, especially suitable for an old man like Archimonde Than character.

Azshara is the daughter-in-law of Sargeras at any rate. She has a high view, and her vision is naturally broad. She has never seen this spell before, and she can only vaguely sense it. It seems to be an instant-death spell.

Using the impenetrable evil energy to wrap himself completely, and using the reaction force of the material world to the evil energy, he quickly pushed himself out of the material world and entered a state of no form, avoiding this finger of death.

But before she opened her mouth to laugh at the other party, she saw several rather mysterious silk threads appearing in front of Archimonde. He flicked to the left and flicked to the right, as if he was playing some strange music.

"What?!" Then Azshara noticed that the sky was dark, and more than a dozen huge black shadows appeared above his head, and then the black shadows slammed down towards the ground with great force.

Under the control of Archimonde, more than a dozen meteors, which were originally incompatible with Azeroth, changed slightly in their orbits. Originally, the speed of the meteors varied from fast to slow, but now, as if they were carefully planned, they reached the atmosphere at almost the same time, and then, affected by the planet's gravity, they fell straight to the ground. Three of the meteors even hit the capital of the night elves. Xin Essari.

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