The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 628: celebrate

Under normal circumstances, Thor is very powerful.

The power of the Titans in him comes from Aman'Thul, the father of the Titans.

Although Aman'Thul was beaten like a melon by Sargeras, it is impossible to deny the power of the father of the titans.

It is a fact that university professors cannot beat special forces, but it cannot be said that university professors are incapable.

Obtaining the Heart of Raiden and indirectly controlling part of the power of Aman'Thul, Thor also has the authority to control all Titan creations. Vanessa can't command Thor like commanding ordinary mogu, she needs to make a new plan .


Although he is the emperor of Pandaria in honor, he is also the emperor.

A celebration is always inevitable. Vanessa is both the queen of Lordaeron and the emperor of Pandaria. The relationship between the people of Lordaeron and the pandaren is instantly drawn. In addition, the food of the pandaren is really delicious, and the two sides stand side by side. The friendship in combat, many soldiers became good friends with pandaren at the wine table.

The Iron Palm family was appointed as the royal chef by Vanessa!

The previous debts have been settled by Zhu Fatty, and the expenses for the celebration are not much.

After all, Vanessa is the emperor of Pandaria, and all races in Pandaria need to pay tribute. I have never heard of the emperor eating, and they have to pay for it themselves!

The Shado-Pan Monastery took part, and the Golden Lotus Sect was also a big family, so they also took part, and finally the Lordaeron and the Jinyu people took the rest, and everyone was happy with the result.

For the Pandaren, the emperor is actually useless, it just sounds nice, and everyone should do what they usually do.

But it is different for the people of Lordaeron, this is a huge legal basis, our queen and emperor of Pandaria, who of you other countries dare to come? Dare to come is to declare war!

The historians worked hard, writing from the rise of the civilization of the two races to the time when the two races became intimate and jointly resisted the invasion of the mantid.

Vanessa, the emperor of Pandaria, is even more famous.

Her original title, which was already extremely long, has now become longer, adding the titles of Emperor of Pandaria, Master of the Mogu, and Sha-clearer.

Emperor of Pandaria, this title is undoubtedly the highest gold content, and the unique title of Azeroth, this one is placed at the top.

Master Fan, Fan Deng is the respectful title given to her by the Mogu, and it can be regarded as an organizational title in a small circle.

Sha Demon Clearer represents her personal great achievements, which is a personal title.

A new full name was born.

Emperor of Pandaria, Queen of Lordaeron, Queen of Alterac, Descendant of Lordaeron, Queen of the Tirisfal and First Men, Conqueror of Northrend, Terminator of the Scourge, Scavenger of the Sha, Holder of the Seven Kingdoms, Friend of Quel'Thalas, Friend of the Oak, Savior of Lordaeron, Restorer, Master of the Mogu, Hope Vanessa Struy Terry Nas Menethil!

Vanessa ordered Lordaeron's inscription masters and enchanters to work day and night, and finally made five hundred large kites on the day of the celebration.

The kite is in the shape of a golden giant eagle, which can protect the villages and towns and make Pandaria smooth. The bone pole is made of bamboo from the Emerald Forest, the paper is an enchanted sticker researched by Lordaeron, and the kite string is made of a drawing technique of the Mogu. Finally, Vanessa designs the pattern, symbolizing the various races of Pandaria. Unity, and the blessings of the Supreme Devas and Emperors to all.

Sending kites to various villages is definitely a free gift, but the villagers also need to "mean" and use rice, oil, and various crops as gifts in return...

By the way, I can also publicize the fact that Vanessa is the emperor and the supreme god. Some villages are too closed to actively promote it. They may not know this news for a hundred years.

With the celebration and kite delivery, Pandaria was really lively for a while.

The four gods all have their own statues, and Vanessa didn't refuse.

Immediately stand up, she has a general perception of statues, such a big stone pillar, jingling chaotically, within three to five years, she will not be able to see her golden eagle statue.

But she can erect monuments, and Shaohao, the last emperor of the Pandaren, liked to do this. He set up monuments wherever he went, and she wrote all kinds of essays everywhere. She copied them, and no one would think there was anything wrong.

On the front of the stele is her full name, and on the back is the great achievements she has made. The original twelve great achievements have now been added to the aid of the Setting Sun Pass, the burning of the mantid, and the elimination of the seven evil spirits.

It is estimated that if she continues to be so active, a stone tablet will soon be unable to write her great achievements!

For more than ten days in a row, Pandaria was immersed in a sea of ​​joy. The pandaren had no hatred for the mogu. Ten thousand years have passed, is there anything else to worry about?

The mogu were not used to this atmosphere, but under Vanessa's order, they gradually walked out of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to see the wider world outside.

Black Gate March 29.

Ten very ordinary merchant ships left Pandaria. Unlike before, this time there were more than 30 pandaren on board. They were led by the female monk Tao Shi to the other side of the sea. They wanted to go to Los Angeles. Dan Lun has a look.

Look at the human civilization in Vanessa's mouth, look at the magical kingdom of Quel'Thalas, and then look at the dwarf kingdom among the mountains.

Lordaeron is trying to become a multiracial nation.

In fact, part of this national policy had already been carried out secretly during the time of Terenas II. Many high elves and dwarves at that time were considered citizens of Lordaeron.

Now Vanessa has expanded this scope to include the pandaren and the vulpera who were previously received from Lordaeron.

These are very peaceful races. If you don't go to the fiefdoms of those nobles and just stay in the capital, basically nothing **** will happen, and your safety is guaranteed.


In the northwest corner of Pandaria the waves are rough and the clouds are dense. Here is a small island that has been shrouded in thunder and lightning for many years. The Pandaren call this Island of Thunder God.

With the assistance of the Loa gods, the Zandalari trolls set off from Zandalar Island with their tribe's soldiers, and after a arduous trek, they finally landed on Thunder God Island today.

In ancient times, there was a very secretive deal between Thor and the Zandalari trolls.

Although Thunder God doesn't know the current Emperor of Pandaria, he has also comprehended the life motto of "Everyone of my race must have a different heart".

He had a premonition of his own death, so he gave the method of his death and resurrection to the Zandalari trolls, not to his fellow mogu.

Now the Zandalari trolls are fulfilling an ancient pact to resurrect the most powerful tyrant that Pandaria has ever seen.

When they set off, they had a total of ten ships. Now three of them sank in the open sea, and the remaining seven ships made it to the island with difficulty. commander.

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