The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 624: Garrosh's decision

It doesn't matter if the Horde finds out the problem, Gallywix also has investments in Lordaeron, so it won't be a big deal to take the Horde's gold and join the Alliance.

Garrosh snorted heavily to show that he knew.

The tribal family has a big business and a lot of expenses.

Sometimes he would hate Thrall, hating the other party for throwing him a mess. Thrall saw all kinds of conflicts in the tribe, and instead of dealing with them, he patted his ass, leaving the position of great chief like a good man, and gained countless friendships , but let himself deal with the intricate relationships in the tribe.

Garrosh admits he wants to fight, but is he the only one who wants to fight? No, the whole tribe has a thirst for war.

During the duel with the tauren chieftain, did he apply the poison on the Gorehowl battle ax? No, it was the radical faction of the tauren, the Grimtotem clan.

However, he still couldn't explain it, so he took a big pot on his shoulders.

Accepting the goblin would make many orc warriors look down upon him, but for the money and resources in the hands of the goblin, he endured it.

Contacting the Zandalari trolls, he knew would cause Vol'jin's displeasure.

The fact is also true, Vol'jin is very dissatisfied, once the Zandalari join the tribe, who should the troll listen to? Is it from him, the chief of the Darkspear tribe, or from the Zandalari?

According to the level concept of trolls, the Darkspear tribe is a small tribe the size of a sesame mung bean, and the Zandalari?

The Zandalari are the royal family among the trolls. Whether it is their level of civilization, the number of loa gods, or their walking posture with their backs straightened, the Zandalari are the rulers among the rulers, standing with the Darkspear tribe. Together, the two parties are like a prince and a country villager, with completely different status.

Vol'jin also absorbed some Gurubashi trolls, blood-scalp trolls, and skull-splitting trolls before. If the Zandalari trolls join the tribe, will these tribes immediately go over to hug their thick legs? I am very sure of that!

Vol'jin thought that Garrosh was suppressing him. The Horde marched into Zandalar, but he didn't come. The excuse was extremely rough, he was sick! A legendary shadow hunter who plays voodoo every day and gets sick? Who would believe it!

In this way, Garrosh brought the radical faction among the tauren, the opposition among the trolls who were dissatisfied with Vol'jin, the undead surrender faction who escaped from Northrend in the north, the goblin speculators who wanted to make a lot of money, and Hao The mighty Orc Warlords came to the island of Zandalar.

It took a lot of effort to bring this group of guys with different minds together.

Holding his ax tightly, he stepped out of the great palace known as Dazar'alor.

The troll's cunning made him feel a little regretful. He came too hastily, and he definitely couldn't go back now, but if there was no benefit at all, he, the great chief, would not agree.

"Hey hey hey..." A gloomy smile sounded behind him.

Garrosh looked back extremely calmly, and found that it was a tall and slender troll with a golden feather crown on his head and gold ornaments on his wrists and ankles.

Garrosh's eyes were extremely piercing, and he stared at the old troll who seemed to be aging.

"Is something wrong?" He could speak troll language, but his voice was very thick.

"Dear Chief, I am here on behalf of the Zanjur Council. I am Zul. I am very interested in the glorious past of the tribe."

The troll priest's words were very humble, but his demeanor and eyes were not so respectful, and he looked at Garrosh with a lot of scrutiny in his eyes.

Garrosh, a primitive tribe of orcs, certainly doesn't understand what a council is, just like he doesn't know the difference between a human king and a tribal chief.

But he knew that this old troll named Zul must have something to do with him.

He repeated his question: "Is something wrong?"

Zul bowed his head naturally, making himself slightly shorter than Garrosh.

"Of course, of course, our Zanjur Council has a lot of work that needs the assistance of the Horde."

Garrosh looked around. Many Zandalar soldiers turned a blind eye to the priest's conversation with him. These soldiers should be loyal to Zandalar King Rastakhan, but what is their attitude now? Garrosh thought he already knew the Council's place in the Zandalar tribe.

"The Horde is willing to assist you, but what can you give?"

"Gold Fleet! Zandalar also has an invincible sea fleet. They are all loyal to the Zanjur Council, and naturally they will be loyal to the Great Horde."

As an orc born and raised in the Nagrand Grassland, Garrosh had no concept of the navy at all before. This does not mean that he has a low IQ, but that he has never been exposed to it.

After serving as the chief of the tribe, after a lot of study, he has deeply realized the importance of warships.

It's a pity that the family property left by Thrall is not rich enough. In terms of navigation, the Horde lags far behind the Alliance.

Now the warships that the Horde relied on came from goblins, and he didn't trust goblins.

"What's the price?"

Zul smiled sinisterly: "The Council of Zanjur once had some dealings with Pandaria in the south, and we arranged some secret hands there, if the tribe is willing..."

Garrosh was unmoved: "What else?"

"And?" Zul thought for a while: "The blood trolls have dug up an ancient and mysterious ruins deep in Nazmir. We suspect that it is a device left by the ancient Titans, and there may be very powerful hidden in it." arms."

"Is there any more?"

"...King Rastakhan only wants to suppress the Snakeman, but we have a more sacred job as priests. We have some evidence that we can speculate that there is some kind of secret buried deep in the Snakeman Temple."

Garrosh looked Zul straight in the eyes. "You're not telling the truth, troll."

Zuul had a hypocritical smile on his face: "Everything I said is the truth, respected chief."

"What is your ultimate goal?" Garrosh asked without course the Zanjur Council will rule the entire Zandalar! "Zul's answer seemed to be justified.

The two sides looked at each other for a moment.

"Go and convince your council, and your stubborn king! The tribe will destroy the blood tribe for you, and you need to provide the tribe with food that can feed the army for a year. In addition, I also need the territory of the blood troll, and that All the information on the ruins!"

The old priest Zul stared directly at Garrosh with cloudy eyes, and after nearly a minute, he nodded slightly: "As you wish, respected chieftain."

Garrosh turned to leave.

That night, Zul provided various records about the ruins deep in Nazmir. According to the Zandalari troll's translation, the ruins were called Odir.

Three days later, King Rastakhan reluctantly agreed to the tribe's terms. They collected food from various places and gave it to the tribe, and the tribe's army marched vigorously towards the Nazmir Swamp in the north.

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