The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 555: proof of love

The night sky is dotted with bright stars, fireflies are flying around the scene, and elves playfully fly past the guests from time to time.

At the wedding, Tyrande wore a moon-white robe and a gorgeous shawl that shone with silver light. The moonlight of the whole Darnassus was gathered on her body, and even the stars in the sky could not compete with her.

Malfurion wore a cloak of woven leaves, a breastplate of bark, knee-length shorts bearing the emblem of the Cenarion Circle, and sandals.

This kind of attire was already very luxurious for Malfurion, he was very strict with himself, even on an important occasion like today, he was not willing to give up his principles.

Shandris Feathermoon and Broll Bearskin accompanied the two of them. One was Tyrande's adopted daughter and the other was Malfurion's disciple. Today they were witnesses to the wedding.

Vanessa and the leaders of the alliance stood at the viewing stand, watching the wedding full of ancient atmosphere from a distance.

In order to show their reverence to the moon god, the night elves got married in the middle of the night. The lighting at the wedding scene was definitely not good. Only the couple's place was accompanied by moonlight, and the guests' place was pitch-black.

"Thinking about what?" Vanessa lightly squeezed Jaina's fingers.

"What do you think?" The female mage's eyes were shining brightly, as if the moonlight in the sky was also reflected in her eyes, and flowed directly into Vanessa's heart like a stream.

Vanessa looked straight ahead.

"Malfurion is happy. I, I, I, I also hope that there is someone who can accompany me on the journey. Not only can we see the scenery along the way, but we can also walk together until the end, until I can never walk again. Until the day you move."

Jaina seemed satisfied with her answer, her chin slightly raised, "Then who do you want that person to be?"

"Well?" Vanessa tried to make a thoughtful expression, as if it was difficult to choose.

Seeing that there was playfulness in Jaina's eyes, she could only put away those teasing expressions, fingers hard, two people, four hands clasped together.

"Of course it's you, fool."

The two are about the same height, shoulder to shoulder, holding hands, they leave the crowd and sit alone in a far corner.

The melodious singing at the wedding spread in all directions. It was the voice of Tyrande, and then a majestic voice responded. This should be Malfurion. The singing is very unique, full of ethereal charm, but there is also a little Sad, far less cheerful than the previous life.

"Do you think our relationship is normal?" Vanessa is a widow, even if Da Fan is alive, she can't control her. She cares more about Jaina's thoughts, especially the opinions of Jaina's mother.

Jaina thought about it seriously, and said as if answering some academic question, "Those night elves and blood elves also have this kind of relationship? I don't think it's strange. We appreciate each other. This has nothing to do with traditional marriage, and it has nothing to do with politics." It's nothing, it's about the two of us."

Vanessa nodded, it is indeed so! Azeroth is more enlightened than her previous life, and the elves took the lead in leading the way, and it doesn't matter if it's men or women.

As long as Gianna doesn't get criticized, she's fine, she has a thick skin.

Gianna put her hands on her knees, Vanessa put her arms around her waist behind her, her chin rested on her shoulders, and the two looked at the stars together.

The stars were twinkling and bright, and Vanessa said affectionately, "I love you, my love, I swear by the mountains and rivers of Lordaeron, I love you forever, until the last moment of the world's destruction."

Jaina's cheek was pressed against her, and the hair of the two was entangled together under the blowing of the night wind, "I love you too, my love, I swear to the sea of ​​Kul Tiras, may the tide watch us love until the end of time."

Clasping hands tightly, red lips touched each other, and the moonlight in the sky seemed to cast a ray of brilliance on the two of them at this moment.

It took a long time for the lips to part slowly, and Jaina's eyes suddenly became firm.

"I've decided! I want to see more, I want to see better scenery!"

"It's not difficult. After we defeat the Burning Legion, we will take an ecological boat to travel in the universe. Last time the Star Consortium sold me a star map. To be honest, I don't understand it either."

Her funny look made Jaina laugh.

"I'm going to learn the secret method taught by Teacher Aegwynn. It should be no problem to maintain my lifespan for a thousand years, you?"

When it comes to longevity, Vanessa is very proud. Druids are much better than mages in this regard.

She let go of Jaina's hand, with a serious face, half kneeling on the ground with a very formal knight etiquette.

"His Royal Highness Princess Proudmoore, I am willing to protect you to the distant star sea, you only need to pay the price of one gold coin!"

Jaina also had a serious expression on her face. She stood up straight, coughed lightly, and said in a solemn tone, "Brave Menethil knight, I am willing to hire you, first for a thousand years."

A gold coin appeared in her palm, she flicked it, and Vanessa reached out and wiped it quickly.

Such a special gold coin with an arcane seal in the middle, knight swords on both sides, and a crown on the back was born.

Although neither of them is a believer of the moon god, the moon **** still made some kind of response. The light moonlight shone on the gold coin, and this gold coin, which can be called the proof of love between Vanessa and Jaina, was officially born up.

This brilliance attracted the attention of many guests and elves, and Tyrande brought Malfurion to the two of them.

"The blessing of the moon god!? Unbelievable!" Tyrande immediately understood the relationship between the two. This matter is a bit scary in the human kingdom, but it is quite common in the elves.

"Today is a holy day." Tyrande's voice was not but very light.

"Santis and Broll are our witnesses, but I suppose we are yours as well."

Vanessa and Jaina discussed in a low voice before saying, "If possible, we want to leave the proof of our love in Darnassus."

Tyrande immediately spoke in support, "Of course, it's Darnassus' honor."

Soon she called the priestess, and solemnly placed the sacred object that had received the blessing of the Moon God in the Moon God Temple.

Their wedding was very busy, and Vanessa and Gianna didn't want to be disturbed. It was like an episode. Those who held the wedding went to the wedding scene, and those who confessed their love went to confess their love.


Accepting the holy object blessed by the moon **** Elune, you can tell it is a good thing just by the name, but it's a pity that Tyrande came too soon!


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