The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 457: Tire Guards

Vanessa grumbled for a while, she didn't know how much of her words were true and how much was false, and she basically said things like 'guess', 'probably', and 'unfounded'.

"Of course Maiev will live. Her life is very hard. How many of her adjutants died? She is still alive like a rock." Jarod Shadowsong mentioned his sister with a complicated expression. .

The sibling relationship is good, but Maiev Shadowsong's character is too extreme.

Vanessa patted him on the shoulder as a sign of comfort. There is no need to say more about the rest. The long-lived race of night elves has a different definition of life and death.

In addition, she was not the one who sent Maiev Shadowsong to Argus, nor was she the one who knocked people off the cliff, so let me tell you now, as long as you fulfill your ally's obligations.

After dragging her tired body back to the palace, she started the druid's daily recovery method, sleeping!

The physical damage is shared by Lula, but the mental damage can only be repaired slowly by herself.

Facing Kil'jaeden is no joke. To put it a bit mysteriously, this evil demigod has already caused a huge spiritual pollution to her. Fortunately, she is not weak and can adjust herself.

Turning into a giant bear, she lay down in the bedroom, and with the rhythmic whirring sound, her spirit entered the Emerald Dreamland, and slowly repaired her spiritual damage with the help of this unique world.

fifteen days later...

"You're too sleepy, wake up! Someone broke into the palace!" Jaina broke into her bedroom suddenly, and the female mage grabbed Vanessa's ear, trying to wake her up forcibly.

She tilted her head, shrank her neck in displeasure, and said in a daze, "Tell the guards to... drive people away..."

Jaina pulled the giant bear's tail with considerable experience, but there was no response, and she patted her butt, but nothing happened.

Scratching the soles of her feet, Vanessa put her feet away and curled up into a ball.

While sleeping, she muttered: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble..."

"Who made trouble with you, it's really something, there are two paladins, we can't do it easily!" Jaina shouted into her ear.

She barely opened one eye, seeing that Jaina didn't think she was joking, and then depressedly regained her human form, and stretched her waist a lot.

It's no wonder that many druids don't want to wake up after sleeping for thousands of years. The comfort of breathing and growing with a world is really hard to describe. No matter how big the burden is, a world can help share it. It's really comfortable there.

After a couple of stretches and a couple of side exercises, Jaina finally got down to business before she rolled her eyes.

In order to prevent anyone from disrupting the purification ceremony of Holy Light's Wrath, she also specially strengthened the defense level of the palace. With Anna and Grandma Aegwynn here, who would dare to come and force their way? are you crazy?

Looking in the mirror, he found that his complexion was rosy, his eyes were bright, and the previous mental damage had been repaired, so he changed into his clothes and walked out of his bedroom.

Two groups of people were confronting each other in front of the palace. The first group was naturally the palace guards. The Lordaeron warrior Herod with a big ax was standing at the front. Opposite him stood a warrior and two paladins.

There is no trivial matter when it comes to paladins. Unlike the tribes who say that shaman is the state religion, but when Thrall leaves, no one takes shaman seriously. Lordaeron attaches great importance to the holy Believers of the Light, even Vanessa and Jaina, will act as if they attach great importance to them.

"Who are you! This is the palace!" Vanessa asked first.

The leader on the opposite side was a bald old man with brown skin. He was wearing sky blue armor and had a silver fist logo on his chest.

He looked like a high-ranking warrior, followed by two vigilant paladins. The three of them were dressed in rags, which was quite different from those glittering golden paladins in Lordaeron today.

The bald old man looked at Vanessa carefully, and then said in a jerky voice: "Your Highness Menethil, I know your great achievements, but that is not the point, the history of our organization is older than Lordaeron, We sense a great presence descending from the sky...he will be the hope of all Tirisfal Glades..."

The old man's words were vague, obviously he did not intend to discuss this matter in public.

Is it because of Lula's arrival that these guys are attracted from the mountains?

She sang and danced with Lula when she was free. Vanessa really didn't think there was anything great about Lula. The two of them got along like good friends. She couldn't understand the old man's mood...

"Your Highness, what I want to say is very important." The old man emphasized again.

Vanessa was silent for a few seconds before she nodded: "Let your men wait outside, come with me, Mr. Herold, watch them, if these two Mr. Take them down."

After she finished speaking, she waved to the bald old man, and walked in with her long skirt at a leisurely pace.

The arrival of Lula is a secret to Lordaeron, and only a few people know the existence of this naaru.

Vanessa was afraid that their faith would collapse. The paladins and the Knights of the Silver Hand were the most important military forces in Lordaeron, and they must not be lost.

She led the bald old man to find Lula who was still studying music with Calia in the side hall.

"Holy light!" The bald old man knelt on the ground in an excited tone, startling Jialia who was composing the music.

Who is this?

To appease the believers, expressing that he is only a servant of the Holy Light, not the ability of the Holy Light, Lula is familiar with the road, and uses a pleasant voice to continuously strengthen the bald old man's faintly fragmented worldview.

This group of people is not as good as old Fording! Vanessa secretly compared, Old Fording is the calmest after seeing Naru, it doesn't matter what life form you are, I just believe in the holy light in my heart.

"We need your assistance, the hope of this world is in your hands!" the bald old man said reverently.

Lula 'looked' at Vanessa, who shrugged and said she couldn't help it.

One day later, Old Fording hurried back to Lordaeron Palace. As the current head of the Knights of the Silver Hand, he needed to know the original history of the Knights.

"The legends of the Silver Hand are all true, but after entering modern times, the Silver Hand has become a spiritual symbol. In fact, the Silver Hand still exists. To protect it and the secrets behind it is what we propose Er Jinwei’s mission that has been passed down from generation to generation for more than ten thousand years.”

In the secret room of the royal palace, Vanessa, Calia, and old Fording formed a half circle, and not far away were Jaina and Lula.

Together they listened to the old man named Tarvard tell the story of Tyr's guard.

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