The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 352: decisive battle

The dwarf death knight's death in battle was unexpected, and within reason, he wasn't as strong as every second. He was distracted during the battle, so what are you waiting for if you don't die?

He wasn't alone on his journey to the Shadowlands, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse soon delivered another head.

Braumux was a high elf demon hunter before her death. This profession can be regarded as a branch of the ranger. After being killed by the undead, the undead army did not care what skills she was good at before she was alive. She swallowed the jujube and was resurrected as a death knight.

A high elf known for his agility has now become a death knight who rides a death steed and wields a great sword.

That is to say, elves have a long lifespan, and they have learned and mastered the use of most weapons during their lifetime. Normal humans will probably be useless if they do this.

Braumux, who became a death knight, met Liadrin, who was also a blood elf. The two were not familiar with each other before, but the blood elves were sparsely populated, and they knew each other before.

The battle between the two clans also came to an end with the order to withdraw troops.

"Die! For Quel'Thalas!" The shield filled with the power of holy light knocked away the opponent's rune sword, and then Liadrin pierced Braumux's chest with a sword, and the blazing holy light completely purified This elf death knight.

"Haha!—Great, great! I am a loyal servant of the Lich King, come and kill me, come and kill me!" Together to resist the undead army, it is a pity that the final love result is embarrassing.

After they were killed, they were transformed into death knights together.

Braumux's body and consciousness have been completely manipulated, but Celiek is different. His body cannot resist the Lich King, but his personal consciousness is still there.

Seeing that Braumux was being purified at this time, he rushed into the formation of the Knights of the Silver Hand like crazy.

"Come and kill me! The guy in front of you is a loyal servant of the Lich King! Come! Come and kill me!"

He wanted to seek relief, and took advantage of such a loophole in control.

Fighting for the Lich King? No problem, you see, I am charging a hundred paladins by myself, is that interesting? Loyal enough?

A bunch of paladins were stunned by his actions, but they didn't refuse the credit in front of them.

Seriek's body was still resisting, and the rune sword in his hand was dancing non-stop, but he hit a hundred of them one by one, so there was really not much suspense about the result.

"Thank you, I can finally rest in peace"

Three of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse died in less than a quarter of an hour, which made the only remaining seedling, Alexandros Mograine, so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Originally, the battle was fought well, there was no chance of victory, but there was no sign of defeat, but now it was led blindly by a layman, and it suddenly led to a big defeat.

He still had to carry out this order, so he could only bring more than 500 death knights, 5,000 ghouls, 500 gargoyles, and the remaining dozen or so nerubians to gallop towards the Vagad Fortress in the east.

Old Fording didn't rest for a moment. He ordered the soldiers of the Western Garrison Fortress to attack without staying behind. Under his leadership, the Knights of the Silver Hand bit the enemy's tail tightly.

He doesn't have the whimsy in Vanessa's head, and as an old soldier, his style just isn't styled.

When it's time to fight hard, he can fight hard, and when it's time to be steady, he can also be as steady as an old dog.

At this time, his tactics were extremely aggressive. The Knights of the Silver Hand were divided into three batches, charging upwards in rotation.

Alexandros Mograine was also a veteran of Lordaeron before his death, and he quickly decided to cut off his wrists. He left a hundred death knights and nearly four thousand ghouls to stop the enemy.

To him, ghouls are rubbish, and it doesn't matter how many they die. Those death knights die one less. .

The 10,000 troops at the time of the expedition had only 6,000 left when they retreated. Now he threw away another 4,000 soldiers at once, and rushed to Wagard with only the remaining 1,000 or less than 2,000 remnants. fortress.

Seeing the defenses of Wagard Fortress, he almost fell off his horse in anger.

If you say that this fortress works harder, it will be broken in no time. It is understandable to call us back in such a hurry. As a veteran, he also understands the truth of "breaking ten fingers is worse than breaking one." Although the fortress of Germany looks very dilapidated, it is still some distance away from officially breaking the city!

Most of the cannons at the top of the city are still there, half of the towers have collapsed, and catapults are still throwing kerosene bombs outward from time to time. The city wall to the north has been completely destroyed, but the enemy has temporarily built a low wall inside the city. The main body of the city wall also looks like nearly 60% of it has been damaged.

The defense of Wagarde Fortress is not as good as before, but it is still no problem to resist for a while. I can throw all the remnants of less than two thousand soldiers into it, and can I break the city?

Old Mograine also regretted it. He shouldn't have cut off his wrists. If the broken ghouls hadn't given up, all four thousand ghouls would have crushed them, and the chances of breaking the city would have been 10% higher.

It's a pity, hurry up and bite the bullet and attack.

Two thousand undead attacked the fortress guarded by six thousand soldiers. It was almost one against three, and the opponent still had a good location. A death knight and an equal number of gargoyles are useless.

These powerful enemies caused a lot of damage to the Wagarde Fortress, but as Vanessa, Jaina, Rhonin, and Shandris Feather Moon all attacked, the death knight was still defeated.

"Launch another attack! They won't be able to hold on anymore!" Marching to Kel'Thuzad is an amateur, but not to the point of mental retardation. He saw that the defense of the fortress was crumbling, and immediately gathered the All the troops, join the old Mograine, leaving only a few acolytes to guard Naxxramas, and the rest of the troops will be on top!

Whether it wins or loses depends on this time.

Not only did old Mograine climb the city wall himself, even Kel'Thuzad, who had been seriously injured before, stepped out.

The Grand Lich was terrified by Shandris Yuyue's previous arrow, and he would not go into battle unless it was absolutely necessary, but it would be impossible not to go into battle at this time.

Accompanied by gusts of bone-piercing wind, he set foot on the top of the city with a levitation technique, raised his arms, and a burst of frost erupted all over his body. More than a dozen human soldiers within the range were all frozen to death. This level of killing could not calm his anger. The blue eyes looked at Vanessa coldly.

Vanessa also looked at him, the eyes of both sides collided, and each saw the killing intent of the other.

Solving the opponent will completely win the battle.


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