The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 347: cavalry attack

The lone hero Keeshan also participated in the defense at the top of the city.

His archery skills are good, although he is not as good as elves, but he is still considered a sharpshooter among humans.

He hates such a big target, he can run like a meat mountain, and it is difficult to miss it.

With one arrow, a hole could be pierced through the ugly head of the abomination, and he shot five abominations to death in a row alone.

The Wagarde Fortress was well defended, but there were still an endless stream of undead rushing out of Naxxramas.


"Aim and shoot again!"

"The first team goes down to rest, and the second team comes up!"

Commanders at all levels are constantly issuing orders and making adjustments from time to time in order to hold their own lines of defense.

The undead army quickly filled the moat with huge casualties. Twenty-five minutes after the siege began, an abomination hit the city wall with all its strength. Although the city wall didn't even shake, it still represented The most brutal siege battle began.

The meat grinders of the undead army came into range, and they would not only hurl plague-filled barrels, but occasionally hurl ghouls into the city in barrels.

"Cannon! Attack the meat grinder first!"

"Mage! Get rid of those plague barrels!"

Vanessa shouted out orders.

Gunner Willie immediately aimed at the meat grinder in the distance. Their artillerymen had studied the surrounding terrain for half a month, and the position of the opponent's meat grinder was also being calculated. They quickly adjusted their shooting elements, and the artillery rounded up. shot, and smashed ten meat grinders.

The high-level elf mages on the other side are also casting spells. More than 90 high-level elf mages are chanting rather quaint incantations. They summon a elastic magic silk web that hovers over the city and is composed of arcane energy.

This silk screen is extremely sticky, not only will it stick to the plague barrel, but it will also be rolled up and resealed.

The high-level elf mage didn't know what to do with these plague barrels, so he came to ask his employer.

"How to deal with it? Do you know the location of the Twisting Nether? Find an abandoned world and throw it there." Vanessa said nonchalantly.

"Won't this attract demons?" Modante Yongying asked anxiously.

"It's fine, don't worry, so I told you to throw it in a corner, you won't throw it on Sargeras' head for me, will you?"

Vanessa looked nervously at the undead in the city, and didn't care about such trivial matters at all. As for whether the demons would pay attention to Azeroth, there was no need to worry at all.

Before and after the Burning Legion, the big boss, middle boss, and small boss came several times. Can people still not know where Azeroth is?

What's more, there is a large group of demons from the Burning Legion wandering around in every corner of the current Azeroth continent, so there is no need to worry about small problems such as coordinate leakage and spatial positioning.

The idea that the night elves will not attract the attention of demons without using magic is completely idiotic. When people come to Azeroth from the Burning Legion, it is like going home. I really like it here! Speaking of space coordinates, most of them are more familiar than the natives of Azeroth.

If you don't use magic, the devil won't come? tease!

Modante Yongying found a world that had long been dilapidated, and threw all the plague barrels, Xilihulu, into it.

The undead army launched three waves of plague, but they were all dealt with in time, and none of the plague entered the fortress.

"What kind of spell is this?" Kel'Thuzad had never seen the spell of the Highborne. It didn't look very strong, but it was very clever. He couldn't think of a way to break it for a while.

The tactic of using the plague to create chaos failed, he simply ordered the abomination to throw ghouls into the fortress, thousands of ghouls, you will not use magic to intercept them, right?

Throwing the trebuchet, throwing the abomination, the remaining gargoyles also grabbed two ghouls at a time and parachuted into the fortress.

The ghouls, a ground-based garbage unit, suddenly showed the momentum of airborne soldiers. For a while, the ghouls fell into the interior of the Wagarde Fortress like rain, and they killed people when they saw them. Tore off a piece of flesh from his body.

If human soldiers played like this, their morale would be gone long ago, and no one would be willing to die, but the undead did not have this problem, and sporadic small chaos may turn into big chaos.

There is really no way to stop this move with magic, it can only be fought with hard power.

Garrod Shadowsong whispered a few words to Vanessa, and she immediately adjusted her deployment.

The captains of each team were on guard. In addition to commanding, they had to give priority to killing the ghouls that fell to the top of the city.

The mages, archers and artillery continued to suppress the undead in the city. The maid Lilith Voss was wearing a thief's outfit at this time. She led five hundred soldiers to patrol the fortress, specially killing the ghouls thrown into the fortress.

According to Jarod Shadowsong, he has also seen this kind of tactic of airdropping ghouls. During the War of the Ancients, the demons of the Burning Legion once threw smaller demons into the city, causing casualties and panic among civilians. At this time, the commander must not panic, as long as he tries his best to mobilize soldiers to guard the top of the city, there will not be many casualties, the key is still outside the city.

"The soldiers are facing twice as many enemies, and they are under a lot of psychological pressure. Please let the cavalry go out and attack the enemy's rear. The defense there is extremely weak. Once huge casualties are caused, the opponent's commander will definitely show his weakness." Gallo De Yingge made another suggestion to Vanessa.

Should the cavalry be sent out at the beginning of the war?

Vanessa felt that it was a bit risky. The formation of the cavalry cost her a lot of hard work and supplies. Is it worth it to attack rashly?

She watched the entire battlefield twice again. The undead under Kel'Thuzad are much stronger than those in the Eastern and Western They are veritable elites. Now they can draw evenly only because humans occupy a favorable location.

Once close combat, casualties will increase linearly.

The weak point Jarod Shadowsong refers to seems to be the position of the psychic. They repair the bodies of ghouls and abominations, and provide various magical support. If they suffer heavy losses, it will definitely affect the entire battle situation.

In the end, it was the celebrity effect that prompted her to make up her mind. Vanessa believed in Garrod Shadowsong's strategic judgment and ordered Tylan Fording to lead the cavalry to attack.

Two thousand elite cavalry rushed out from the west side door, circled half a circle, and then stopped hiding. Accompanied by the deafening sound of horseshoes, they went straight to the rear position of the undead army.

Tylan Fording is a little weaker than his father, but he is still an intermediate paladin. The paladin profession has always been known for its high defense. As long as it does not encounter the siege of the enemy's superior forces, it is difficult for the paladins on the frontal battlefield to fight. die.

But just in case, Vanessa still sent Shandris Yuyue to secretly protect it. Ordinary undead Tylan Fording is definitely not afraid, but she is worried that the Grand Lich will personally attack.


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