The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 337: And you, will be crowned king

Luckily, Vanessa installed three bombs on the Naglfar before, all of which are representative works of Dr. Boom. The explosion was violent and the combustion was full. The most important thing is that the bomb is very smart, with a clockwork warning device inside. Seeing the black water of the Lich King spreading over, I will hide myself twice!

Two of the three bombs were neutralized by the black water, and one survived.

Vanessa first wrapped the Naglfar in a mass of vines, then detonated the bomb just before Jaina's Frost Nova was about to expire.

Dr. Boom's bomb is not as good as the half of Hablon's body left behind. It is not clear whether the energy in this guy's body is not normal. Just looking at the tendency of the internal energy to explode is like a nuclear bomb.

Vanessa mobilized vines to wrap around the front, back, left and right, leaving the upper part alone as an energy vent. She carefully manipulated the power of the fire, and after Dr. Boom's bomb vented part of the energy, it triggered a new wave of explosions.

The energy originally planned to be released was forcibly drawn away by the explosion. Like a blowout, it directly broke through the roof of Utgarde Castle, and even blew up the vrykul castle by 80%!

The raging energy shot straight into the sky, and a pure white strange energy crystal was mixed in the flame explosion.

The entire energy eruption lasted for about seven seconds, and then there was a burst of energy rain made of light spots in Utgarde Castle and the Caudus Lake below the castle.

The roof of Utgarde Castle, the buildings, utensils and tools that were blown up to the sky were all vaporized by pure white energy, turning into powder and falling on the lake.

"Quick! See if there are any Val'kyr left!" Jaina was full of energy, which was rare.

Vanessa turned into a giant bear, knocked down the gate of the ruined castle, ran amok all the way, and returned to the previous courtyard again.

Good luck! Jaina was overjoyed when they found two more Val'kyr in the bottom of the Naglfar's hold.

Like picking up corpses, two more Val'kyr were picked up. The previous Val'kyr twins can be treasured, and these two unlucky ones can be studied by the mages of Dalaran!

Vanessa manipulated the vines, and Jaina opened the portal. Like cleaners, the two tossed and tossed for a long time before they cleaned up all the black water left on the scene.

The composition of the black water is extremely complex, including the purest undead power, the artificially developed undead plague, and some elemental components. Jaina also collected a little bit and prepared to take it back for research.

This trick is very powerful. If there is no preparation and no special countermeasures, there will be as many deaths as there are.

The two were busy for a long time, and finally came to see the biggest harvest of the day, the Naglfar.

The Naglfar is a rather miraculous ship. Vanessa and Jaina did not feel any energy fluctuations as Hablon withdrew from Hell. As a result, the ship shrank by two-thirds abruptly. Only less than thirty meters of length remained.

Even the part of Hablon's body that was left behind has undergone strange changes

A small body made entirely of starlight is constantly deforming, and the crystal clear energy is repeatedly reorganized and disassembled. It can be seen that it is undergoing a kind of self-repair. It seems to want to become Hablon again, but the main body is missing, and the energy A lot of wear and tear, and finally changed and developed in a strange direction.

The previous Hablon was five meters tall, and after a lot of tossing, the remaining part of the body can be regarded as restored to a rough human shape, but it seems to be less than seventy centimeters tall.

It has no eyes and no nose, and its body is still composed of countless star-like spots. The outline can be roughly seen. This thing has a big head, a slightly hunched back, naturally drooping arms, and slender limbs.

Jaina covered her mouth, her expression full of disbelief.

"What is this? If I'm not mistaken, this is the shape of a murloc, right? The star saint you're talking about is a murloc?"

Jaina felt that her worldview was going to be shattered. How fiercely she praised Xing Sheng before, it was so shattered now.

The posture of opening the book by yourself must be wrong! Was it the elemental lords and old gods that murlocs helped the Titan Guardians defeat in the first place?

Vanessa's neck was stiff, she covered her face and said nothing, she could tell at a glance, although she couldn't figure out why, this strange lifeform was obviously imitating King Gulu Gulu.

"Is it because it is separated from the main body, as a brand new life body, it needs to undergo a new round of natural evolution? So start with the murloc first?" Jaina is still trying to figure it out.

Soon she overturned her conclusion.

The Murloc Star Saint seems to be carrying out a new cognitive identification. It walks around the cabin with its hands behind its back and steps that its relatives do not recognize. It doesn't look like the natural evolution Jaina said, that awesome feeling It seems to be patrolling his own territory.

"Why is this? What the **** is this guy doing?" Jaina was confused, and she could only ask Vanessa beside her.

"I don't understand! I don't understand at all!"

Someone would not say that Murloc Saint was imitating her previous actions. She felt that most of her actions at that time were remembered by the ship. As the only living body, after the birth of Murloc Star, the hull of the hull Instill this part of memory into it, just like a child would imitate the actions of an adult, the Murloc Star Saint finally became such a strange status quo.

In the end, Murloc Saint imitated two bomb-loading actions, but it didn't have a bomb in its hand. No matter how smart Jaina was, she couldn't understand what it meant.

Then Murloc Xingsheng walked to the deck and looked at the two of them.

Two of the brightest starlights were dotted around the eyes, it looked at both of them, and finally settled on Vanessa.

Vanessa hastily took two steps to the Murloc Saint also followed her example and walked two steps in step.

She straightened her arms and did stretching exercises, and the Murloc Xingsheng also stupidly learned.

"This thing seems to like you?" Jaina sighed again and again. She walked aside and watched Vanessa take the Murloc Saint to do a set of aerobics

Finally, Vanessa took out the murloc leather case 10 from the space ring and put it on the murloc star saint. The handwork was a little rough, but it was somewhat of a cover. The body covered in starlight before was too dazzling and too hateful.

Jaina was a little strange, and couldn't figure out how there was such a thing in Vanessa's space ring, but she covered it up by using the excuse of helping a strange druid.

"From now on, you will be called King Gulu Gulu!" Vanessa still has high hopes for the Murloc Star Saint. Maybe this guy can change the fate of the Murlocs? She gave this strange guy her former name!

Today's Utgarde Castle has witnessed two changes of kings. King Ymiron became King Skadi, and King Human Gurugulu became King Star Saint Gurugulu!


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