The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 317: Battle of Andorhal

Back at the palace, the dance was already in the late stage, and after a while of ramblings, this difficult day finally came to an end.

Jia Liya really couldn't do it anymore, she persisted until the end of the dance, her mind went blank, and she returned to the bedroom like flying through the clouds, lying on the pillow with a "plop", and didn't want to wake up.

Vanessa on the other side also wanted to sleep, but she was pulled up by Jaina as soon as she lay down.

"Get up! Your work is not done yet!"

Vanessa was dragged two steps, she simply turned into a giant bear, lay on the carpet and let Jaina drag her, but she couldn't get up

The original plan was to attack Andorhal tonight, eliminate the undead in it, and completely open up the passages between Tirisfal Forest and Eastern Plaguelands, but Vanessa was really tired, and she meant to let Old Fording take The team is over, but Jaina doesn't want to let her go.

"Sister, I don't know how to command, it's useless to go there!" She was still defending, not because she was lazy, but because she didn't have the ability.

"Soldiers need to see the leader. At this moment, you need to stand in front of them! Soldiers need to know who to fight for!" Jaina's reasoning is one set, and she doesn't listen to explanations at all. If you dare to sleep, I dare to use it Magic freezes you! Druids are immune to sheep, so they can't be immune to magic, right?

Vanessa can only raise her hand and surrender. Although the plan has been made long ago and there is nothing to command, what Jaina said is not unreasonable. It is always good to go and have a look.

They opened the portal to the victory barrier, where tonight's night attack will start.

Andorhal used to be an agricultural city in Lordaeron. The land here is fertile and the arable area is large. In other words, it is a qualified agricultural production base.

There is no stability without agriculture, no wealth without work, the undead natural disaster once broke out in the barn of Andorhal, and soon spread to the whole country, now they want to recover Andorhal, and open up this important meeting point of east and west in the kingdom.

Once Andorhal is taken, the whole of Lordaeron can be united as one.

Eleven thousand soldiers were assembled at the Victory Fortress, and Old Fording also secretly dispatched 5,000 soldiers from Tyre's hand. In the south of Andorhal, Tylan Fording led 4,000 cavalry and 2,000 infantry on standby. The Fifth Legion and Sixth Legion of the Stormwind Kingdom gathered at the Ice Wind Watchtower.

In terms of mages, more than 200 mages from Dalaran came. The ninety-six mages of the Highborne and some court mages hired by Lordaeron were all present, and the number of light mages exceeded 400.

Vanessa also mobilized the Gilneas Brigade as a hidden force for this raid, and a full two thousand werewolf warriors were in ambush in the dark.

The appearance of werewolves is a bit unacceptable to humans, but Vanessa has already begun to clean up for them.

In her mouth, this is a group of human beings who are in the dark and have a heart for the light. They were persecuted by the war and finally became what they are now. This has nothing to do with Druids, and it has nothing to do with Menethil. It doesn't matter about the family, it's all the fault of the war!

Believe it or not, this is the answer, a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.

In this battle, Lordaeron assembled more than 25,000 soldiers, and the Kingdom of Stormwind also sent 14,000 troops to assist.

The coalition forces of Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind encircled Andorhal on three sides, with the best possible force to completely destroy this undead city with superior forces.

The enemies of Andorhal are not the Forsaken, they have no consciousness of their own, they are all servants of the Lich King, and now the manager here is the Lich Araki, who was the disciple of the Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad when he was a human mage , and now follow the teacher to abandon the human identity and change to a lich.

Since the 21st year of the Black Gate, when Arthas led the undead army northward to Northrend, Araki has been firmly guarding this important stronghold of Andorhal.

The Forsaken came and he fought, and the humans came and he fought too.

He wants to guard here for his master until the last moment of his life.

No one can tell how many undead there are in Andorhal, but according to the report of the thieves, it should be around 30,000 by visual estimation.

They don't have brains like the Forsaken, and they don't know how to wear armor and use weapons, but sharp teeth and fangs are their weapons, and the huge number is their armor. At this time, a large number of undead are wandering in the city. Never tired, let alone know what fear is.

Andorhal's city defenses are well built, and Araki even built four sentry towers to monitor the four directions of east, west, north and south. There are a large number of ghouls inside the sentries, and there are countless stone statues on the top of the towers. Ghost, if something happens, it will alarm the whole city.

Old Fording's tactics are just like him, very formal.

First use artillery to attack the four sentry towers, then the mages kill the enemies in a large area, the cavalry rushes to create chaos, and finally the infantry presses down!

He deployed ten steam tanks in the north of Andorhal, the first five and the last five, and the not too wide trail was completely blocked.

The east, west, and south directions are human coalition forces. When Old Fording led the Silver Hand Knights to launch a violent charge in the east, Lich Alaki knew that his city had been attacked.

Considering his lack of military talent, he had no idea that humans would launch a surprise attack on the night of restoration of the country, so he was not prepared at all.

The one who can control millions of undead with a single thought is the Lich He doesn't have this ability.

Even the Lich King needs some assistants so that he can pass on his orders layer by layer. It is impossible to say that the Lich King alone commands the army of millions of undead in his mind.

Zhang San went to the front, Li Si went to be an archer, and Wang Wu was going to refuse horses. If millions of undead were arranged like this, Vanessa didn't need to crusade, and he would exhaust himself to death.

This problem also exists on the side of the Lich Araki, and the problem is even more serious.

For a while, he couldn't find the heralds and generals under him. He could only judge by the strength of his strength. Old Fording shot straight into the sky with a golden holy light. He was undoubtedly the strongest person present. The Knights of the Silver Hand next to them were also the elite of the elite, and Araki the Lich took all the undead soldiers he could find to face Old Fording.

He was careless for a while, took away the main force, and the entire 15,000 army went to besiege Old Fording's 2,000 paladins.

As if rehearsed a long time ago, a huge flame tornado fell from the sky at the next moment, and more than 400 mages gathered their magic power together, replicating the scene of Emperor Thoradin attacking the troll, even stronger than the original attack, Greater range.

The fire tornado seemed to have a life of its own, and rushed straight into the undead army of the Lich Araki. Countless undead were swept into the sky by the flames, and the smell of scorched flesh spread for miles. Fan, who has been feeling uncomfortable in his stomach today, Nissa nearly threw up.

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