The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 285: Form a coalition

Tyrande sighed: "The night elves won the battle of the quicksand, the priestess and the dragon believed that there was a long history of horrors buried behind the wall, we sealed the whole of Ahn'Qiraj for this, but now we find that the seal is broken, then A wave of evil may break out at any time, and the whole of Azeroth will be destroyed by then. The night elves have just experienced the Battle of Mount Hyjal, and our troops are seriously short, and we need all the assistance of the Alliance and the Horde."

Vanessa fell silent. Although the night elves are said to be members of the alliance, they almost never go to the Eastern Continent, and they don't use magic. Now it makes sense to rely on her, a human druid, to contact the human kingdoms.

What she hesitated was still this ancient god.

"High Priest, I can contact the Alliance. There is no problem with this matter, but does it really make sense? What is your so-called evil? If even we cannot defeat it, can sending some ordinary soldiers defeat it? "Vanessa didn't know whether the night elves knew the names of the ancient gods, so she could only use evil things to refer to them according to their tone.

She asked the doubts in her heart, and at the same time observed the expressions of several people in the room, her eyes narrowed: "Looking at your expressions, it seems that there is something inside, should I avoid it?"

She said to avoid it, but she had no intention of leaving at all.

Tyrande quickly explained: "My sister, you are the regent of Lordaeron. The night elves are very happy that you have gained a higher status in the human kingdom. We are natural allies. Both I and Staghelmet agree on this. , our friendship will last a long time. We will not hide from you what happened behind the walls of Ahn'Qiraj, but I hope you will not tell humans what you heard afterwards..."

Vanessa crossed her arms and was about to listen to the story, but suddenly found that the old dwarf Brian Bronzebeard was also listening with his eyes wide open, so she hurriedly stopped Tyrande.

No matter what secrets you want to talk about, you must never let Brian Bronzebeard hear it. If you tell him a ruin today, he can rush over to dig it out in the afternoon. This guy's curiosity is too strong.

One is this guy, the other is the pandaren Zhou Zhuo. The two of them have caused a lot of trouble for Azeroth, but they both run extremely fast, and their willpower is so tough that even the ancient gods can't take them. Method.

Vanessa pointed to the old dwarf, which meant we had to throw him out.

The old dwarf glared at her disapprovingly.

Tyrande was also taken aback. She didn't understand Brian Bronzebeard's great achievements. In her opinion, there was no difference between telling Vanessa and telling the old dwarf.

Vanessa wanted to push the dwarf out, and Brian Bronzebeard was very dissatisfied.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? What does it matter? Maybe my old man can give you some advice?"

Vanessa smiled: "This is our druid's secret, it's not convenient for you to listen."

The old dwarf pointed at Tyrande: "Is she also a druid?"

"She is a family member of the Druids!"

"What about you?" the old dwarf glared at Vanessa.

"Coincidentally, I am a druid! You'd better get out!"

Pulling and tugging, she pushed out the potato-like old dwarf...

Tyrande was a little speechless: "Can Brian inform the dwarves? We still need him, right?..."

Vanessa looked indifferent: "It's okay, I know the dwarves well, it doesn't matter if there is Brian Bronzebeard, I will go to Magni Bronzebeard then. Now tell me, how do you plan to deal with your mouth?" evil things?..."

The old dwarf was wandering outside the house, wanting to hear what secret information they were talking about, but the house in Moonglade was very interesting, as long as you closed the door, no matter how good your hearing was, you couldn't hear a word outside, which made the old dwarf anxious.

A day later, the archdruid of the tauren, Hamuul Runetotem, also rushed to Moonglade, and he discussed with the elves in the house for a long time. When they adjourned and the old dwarf wanted to ask about the situation, It was found that these guys showed their special abilities and all flew away.

"What the **** did they say?..." Brian Bronzebeard sat on the ground in a fit of anger, thinking hard.


Vanessa is here to contact Bolvar, no matter what, the Stormwind Kingdom has the most troops in the alliance now, and the one with the most soldiers is the boss.

The tauren archdruid, Hamuul Runetotem contacted Thrall of the tribe, and the Cenarion Council acted as an intermediary. In the end, the emergency meeting was held in Theramore, and Jaina rushed to Theramore with Bolvar .

Thrall on the other side also rushed to Theramore by warship on the same day.

The Cenarion Circle acted as the convener and presided over the meeting.

The eyewitness, Brian Bronzebeard, was remembered at the last moment, and he was quickly sent to Theramore.

"Bugs! There are bugs everywhere. There must be holes in that wall of beetles. The entire southern end of the Kalimdor continent has almost been hollowed out. Starting from Silithus, the crater to the east and the crater of Tanaris The underground is full of those **** bugs, and even Feralas in the north of Silithus has been partly hollowed out. I escaped from the cave in Feralas before I met General Shandris Feathermoon! "

"Those bugs have a strict hierarchy and a clear division of labor. There are also many giants made of rocks mixed in. They have been whispering something in my old man's ear, but my old man is determined and is not fooled at all!"

said the old dwarf proudly.

He is indeed something to be proud of, these days there are very few who can ignore the whispers of the Old Gods...

Bolvar has a big picture. He wouldn't say that this is a matter of your Kalimdor continent, and that it should be resolved by the He and Vanessa discussed in a low voice for a long time before opening his mouth.

"The alliance will send troops to help, the Kingdom of Stormwind will send a full legion to join the battle, the dwarf kingdom of Khaz Modan will send a legion, the night elves are also willing to provide assistance with a sentry force of 2,000 people, Lordaeron is willing to provide some technical support .”

Thrall also had an in-depth conversation with the tauren archdruid, and then asked the elementals afterwards. The elemental spirits warned him that if he didn't deal with it in time, the final result would be unimaginable.

He recognized the necessity of forming a coalition, but the Blackrock orcs were not honest after they came to Orgrimmar, and he wanted to stay in the main town to suppress them.

He appointed the legendary orc warrior, King Saurfang, to lead the army to flatten the nests of the Zerg and kill all the evil creatures that threatened the continent of Kalimdor.

The incident happened in Kalimdor, and the orcs were undoubtedly the main force. They sent 30,000 troops, the tauren sent 5,000 troops, the trolls sent 5,000 troops, and counting the 2,000 soldiers of the Forsaken, the tribe gathered 40,000 taels of soldiers. Thousands of people, plus 18,000 soldiers from the alliance side, made a total of 60,000 troops.

The number of troops sent by the two sides was not equal, and the position of the commander was taken by the orc warrior King Saurfang.

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