The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 282: Fandral Buckhelm

Vanessa is looking forward to this visit. Not only is she looking for assistants to purify Lordaeron, but she also wants to introduce werewolves and Drustvar into the Cenarion Council and expand her voice in the Council.

The Drustrians are fairly easy to handle, after all, they can use the inheritance of Cenarius as a cover, even if today's Drustvars are completely different from the original Drusts, the content of the study is also Vanessa's That set, but the night elves don't know it! If you mess around casually, it will be round.

The hard part is the werewolves.

The werewolf was a coincidence. While being infected with the werewolf curse, he gained part of the power of nature and easily bypassed the first hurdle like a natural moat. This druid's way is not formal.

The first thing the Cenarion Council established back then was to deal with the werewolf issue, expel the werewolves, and banish them to the depths of the Emerald Dreamland. This was the decision made by the Archdruid Malfurion himself.

And the current leader of the Cenarion Council, Archdruid Fandral Staghelmet, is a student of this, but the two have always been at odds. If you support it, I will oppose it, and if you oppose it, I will support it!

Vanessa felt that using this contradiction might not be able to open a hole.

In her impression, the Fandral Staghelm at this time had been corrupted by the Old Gods thousands of years ago, but the Archdruid's natural force was still resisting, not to the point of being completely blackened.

From this, we can see the power of druids. It takes thousands of years to corrupt a druid, but it takes a few days to corrupt a priest or paladin.

Vanessa thinks that finding a way should allow werewolves to join the Cenarion Council. As for the fall of Staghelm, whether Malfurion will expel the werewolves after he regains control of the council is a matter for the future.

She couldn't wear the Judgment Armor when going to Moonglade, and the Undulation Robe was not suitable either. She put on the Druid Stormrage Armor and looked in the mirror. There were two antlers on the helmet of the armor, which looked weird. Similar to Chopper, but this is the custom of druids, there is no need to laugh at it, she immediately left Westfall.

If Valsharah in the Broken Isles is the entrance of the Emerald Dream in the real world, then Moonglade is the substantial exit of this illusory world.

She crossed the endless sea in ten seconds, from her own living room in the western wilderness to the northernmost Moonlight Glade in the Kalimdor continent, the ancient town of night elves completely surrounded by forests, Night Harbor.

There are about 3,000 people in the entire Moonglade, and 80% of them are night elves, and the rest are some tauren and dryads.

When Vanessa came to Moonglade, as usual, she went to meet the manager here, the son of Cenarius, Remulos.

This guardian with a humanoid upper body and a stag lower body is more than five meters tall, with vines growing on his arms. According to the night elves, this is an external manifestation of being in harmony with the forces of nature to a certain extent. A gift of nature.

She didn't agree with this. Since she wanted to become a plant so much, she could just commit suicide, so why not just find a pit and bury it? The corpse decomposes automatically, how harmonious and natural! What are you doing alive?

Even though she concealed it very well, the Son of the Demigod could see through her Druid ways at a glance. The two sides have no common language at all, and it is useless to be cute. Following the ancient covenant, the Son of Cenarius will not expel any druids. Yi, but it is impossible to give her any good looks.




"See you!"

The words were not speculative, and Vanessa quickly said goodbye to him.

Night elves are slow-tempered. Even though Fandral Staghelm is known for his swift and decisive actions among the druids, Vanessa still waited stupidly for half an hour before the current leader of the druids appeared in Moonglade.

The first impression of Fandral Staghelmet is that he is old. It is hard to imagine that the night elf, who was once immortal, would be so old. His face is clear and thin, his figure is thin and tall, and the corners of his mouth are pursed. It feels good to talk.

Malfurion has always maintained that antlers are a sign of druids following Cenarius. Blore Bearskin and many archdruids have antlers, but Fandral Staghelmet disdains this view. His The forehead is extremely flat, not to mention the antlers, there is not a single bump.

This act of going against the previous leader also gained some support from the group. The other archdruid who came with him, Renza Greathoof also had a smooth forehead, and looked no different from ordinary night elves.

Vanessa also had a similar idea. It wasn't that she wanted to contradict Malfurion, but that it was too ugly to have two antlers on her forehead.

After seeing Keeper Remulos, she removed the Stormrage armor helmet.

If Malfurion returns to rule in the future, she will put the helmet on again! What a big deal, isn't it just a headgear!

Seeing that she was holding the helmet in her hand, she didn't seem to be proud of the antlers, which made the two archdruids who were dissatisfied with the old school feel a little better.

Menethil's surname is easy to use in the human kingdom, but in the eyes of the druids, it is not much different from a cat or a dog. The seemingly respectful attitude is superficial. The Millennium Dynasty is meaningless to their long lives. After reporting their first and last names in the night elf language, the formal conversation began.

"I am going to promote Druid teachings among human beings, and spread the way of nature to more human beings to She started with a great and righteous reason.

Fandral Staghelmet didn't speak, and Renza Gianthoof next to him was full of melancholy. The progress of this human female druid was too fast. Renza Gianthoof can be regarded as a genius among druids, but How many years did it take to embark on this path and become a high-level druid? His memory is a bit fuzzy, but he roughly estimated that he used it for a thousand years! After that, it took more than five thousand years to reach the level of the archdruid. What about this human being now? Fully counted, is there a year?

"My sister, I agree with your wishes. Spreading the Druid teachings is a great goal, and I personally have no objection." Seeing that the staghelmet didn't speak, he could only explain his point of view first.

"Humans and night elves form an alliance. We are allies. I think the way humans get druids is more in line with the founding purpose of Cenarion Council than tauren get druids."

Fandral Staghelmet still didn't speak, but he let out a "hum" in his nose. Judging by his expression, he also supported this view. Dissatisfaction with Malfurion to the tauren.

Dissatisfaction is dissatisfaction, considering the neutrality of the Cenarion Council and Malfurion's great reputation, he still pinched his nose and admitted.

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